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Exclusive 1950’s interior design curtains Blueprint


There are those who live in the past and as many as those who would like to live in the past. We in Decorating Visita Casas belong to the second group. So we use the curtains and the interior design to bring a piece of that magic 1950 to this modern era of science and technology. Do you want to learn how to decorate completely in order to transport yourself to a time as magical as that? Have you ever dream about  having a real time machine? Well this is the article you were looking for to achieve that goal. I do not guarantee you’d like to come back once you have got into our time machine.

Back in 1950 Thanks to the Decoration

The mid-twentieth century represents many good things. Especially the triumph of humanity over war. At this time patriotic colors like blue, red and white were really prominent. However; there were many other equally vivid or elegant colors. Because we had not yet reached that psychedelic point that marked pop art. The same happened with floral designs or the presence of the flowers in the decoration. It was not as exaggerated as in the 1970s. Nevertheless; it is not something you should ignore in your curtains if you want to achieve that travel effect over time. So, we are in an era where things are not very far or so close; but a beautiful time of reconciliation of people with people. Families learning to enjoy peace again and above all, the tranquility of going out to eat outdoors on a date without fear. Thinking about this we have several curtain designs from the 1950s to which we want to mention then; in a certain way, marked the childhood of our parents.

The material

Before discussing the designs properly; it would be unfair not to mention the main material of which most of the curtains were made in the houses of the families.

The bark cloth

That's right; or better said, that's how it went. A heavy; somewhat rough fabric made from high density cotton fibers. The bark cloth or "paper" curtains were the material that was used during years 1940 – 1960. Nevertheless; the designs that were lived in 1950 are the ones that transport us to a happier era than the others, something more special. The reason we consider doing this parenthesis is very simple, I ask you this question.

Retro or Vintage?

Many people tend to confuse the Retro style with the Vintage style but, as an additional gift we will clarify that here and now. The retro style is one that tries to emulate a certain era but; the piece in question is made with modern materials, those that we get today. On the other hand, the vintage style is one that involves pieces that have really survived the passage of time and show it with pride in its imperfections. It is a mistake to say that a whole room is Vintage; at least it is very unlikely find it. Since something as simple as the materials which the soil is made off can mean that it is not from that time. The time between the 20’s and the 90’s. However, an accessory can be Vintage despite being in a modern or current space. So, if you want to live the fashion of the 50’s on Vintage mode, you already know what material to look for. If, on the contrary, you only want to see it but still preserve all the fortunes and comforts that modern materials have; it is there where the following designs come in. Those that will turn your space into a retro midcentury decoration.

Blue and white picnic

Would you be surprised if I told you that the picnic cloth used by young people during their picnic dates was the house curtains? Would you believe me? Reversible picnic cloths were very common in both red and white as well as in blue and white. They were always squared patterned thanks to the combination of the stripes of the primary color in different shades. For example; clear for the vertical ones, dark for the horizontal ones. In the end; this design allowed you to see white squares adorned even with flowers. For this reason, we often talk about totally square curtains, 60 x 60 for example. So if you plan to purchase one of these curtains, first make sure that your window measurements go accordingly.

Floral / Tropical Patterns

Because of the place where they were made; most of these curtains were always adorned with discreet motifs of some flower. Remember that the majority of the most emblematic retro curtains of the time are made to be located in the kitchen. However; you will be able to purchase a large curtain of cream-colored tree cloth worn out over the years for sure, but even with that latent energy of the 50's inside it.

Satin brocade pink

If you want to acquire one of the most elegant versions of the time; then you have to look for the long curtains with all pink candies. I do not recommend a retro part for these curtains. Go for the original; go Vintage. If you want to print more character to your living room or dining room; since these curtains were intended for the receptions of category where the people met, then do not forget to add a good wallpaper. The Toile de Jouy on the walls could be the finishing touch to completely modify your decor with the new curtains purchased and; from my own experience; I guarantee you a beautiful journey through the most exquisite times that saw the birth of design and decoration. Do not forget that the figure of the kitchen in the post-war period was very important for humanity to recover psychologically from so much damage. Complementing your new picnic curtains with an apron would be an addition that your family would love and; surprise them with a curtain that is dismantled to become a tablecloth during an afternoon in the garden of the house.

That really is to take the most of the magic from that era through your curtains!

And do not forget that if you are not very classy or you want something less "mainstream" in your decoration. You can always go to the famous atomic prints or boomerangs. Both styles of the 50's but more pointing towards the end, when pop art was more of a reality. I personally love the small white curtain with flowers that I have in the window of my kitchen door. It gives my French door a touch of privacy and yet enhances its elegance; because it does not hide its entire splendor.

I would like to know what you will do now that you know more about this style!


Vintage/Retro 1950's Curtains | eBay

1950's Curtains Atomic Barkcloth Fabric Mid Century Modern - Pinterest

1950s-Style Curtains

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I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.