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How do I Repair Mildew from Interior Drywall?


Walls and interiors of houses on humid places are usually infected with mildews. Mildews are networks of molds growing on organic substances. They depend on organic substance and this serves as a food for them. Mildews usually appear as green-brownish colored spots you see on ceilings or in your bathrooms wherein they get everything; food, water and maybe a little bit of sunlight. You would usually get fuzzy or get annoyed with mildews once it starts to branch out and spread. As they multiply and spread, they emit a foul and unlikely odour and they become hazardous to your health. To most people, having mildews grow in their places is unsightly and they would usually get fussy about it.
What is even worse is that it can raise hell into your eyebrows once it grows inside an interior drywall where there is an interior moisture phenomenon. This can be caused by roof leaks, wet lots and walls that usually come crawling inside every space. Interior drywalls are good breeding grounds for molds and mildews as they get everything they need from moisture. Removing it is no easy but this task can definitely be done. The following are the tips on how to remove mildew from interior drywall. Luckily removing mildews is easy. Prepare the following things: • a bucket of warm water • soft bristled scrub brush • a rag • bleach • laundry detergent • rubber gloves • goggles and face mask (optional) Instructions: Step 1 Prepare the area. Turn on any fans or windows for mildews are strong smelling and they are not good for your health. You can also wear a mask if desired. Remember, proper ventilation is vital. Step 2 Mix the following substance well: a half filled bucket with warm water, ¼ cup of bleach and a cap of laundry detergent. Step 3 Put on gloves, goggles and you can even wear a long sleeve to protect your body.
Step 4 Dip a scrub brush in the solution. You must gently scrub the mildew. Scrub it until it is gone. Remember not scrub too hard if you do want your paint to be removed or to be damaged. Step 5 Clean the area using a clean rag dip with clean water. Let it dry alone or you can have another clean rag to dry it. Another option is that you can also repaint your interior drywall with anti-mold or anti-mildew paints or have it repaired using a mildew resistant drywall. There are also some mildew and mold removal solutions available in the market. If you have proper budget, you can have your drywall get inspected, repaired and have this interior parasites removed by a professional expert.

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I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.