Decorating a house is a truly challenging task which should be handled with utmost care given to every small detail. Even small disruptions will spoil the overall picture; hence care should be taken to follow certain guidelines when it comes to decorating.
Choosing the right colour, fabric, fabric textures and lighting plays an important role in decorating. Proper selection makes a great deal of difference to the end product.
The colour, furniture, accessories and the architecture should be done in such a way that all appear as a whole unit reflecting your individuality. Thematic buildings are the latest trends in decorating. The whole place will have a particular trait in common. For example, if it is a modern architecture than every small detail will focus on simple, sleek, classy, modern techniques. If it is a classic building than a more ornamental type of decoration is needed.
In some cases you can also blend these two entirely different styles to get a completely new look. But this needs very meticulous planning and every minute detail should be looked into. A small mistake can spoil the whole proposed look, so exercise caution while venturing into new forms of decorating. This can be done with the help of a professional designer. If hiring
a professional designer is not in your budget than you can always do it yourself with some basic ideas on the colours and furniture. With regards to the proper colour, always choose subtle, subdued colours. Too many bright colours will produce a jarring effect and will not be pleasing to look at. Whenever possible, stick to one colour tone throughout the building. This will make selecting other accessories easier.
Furniture should be kept as minimum as possible.
Wooden furniture is the all time favourite. They impart elegance to any type of architecture, modern or classic. Metal furniture can be used if it merges with the other accessories. Combining both will give a contemporary look to the entire project.
Decorating the wall is another aspect to be done with care. The walls should not be crowded with pictures but at the same time too much empty space will not be charming at all. If it is a big picture, one or two on one wall would suffice. If the pictures are small, then you can either hang them diagonally or centre them on the wall.
Proper lighting should be given so the pictures are highlighted properly. Paintings of Andy Warhol [1928-1987] and Roy Lichtenstein [1923-1997] are superbly coloured pieces which have inspired many reproductions. These add posh to your wall provided you choose brighter colours for the walls.
Ideally if it is a masterpiece then the piece should be hung separately so it is featured properly. One or two smaller ones can be placed on either side of it to add grace to it. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to decorating, but the proper amalgamation of all the things like colour, furniture and accessories gives the decoration an entirely trendy and modern look.
I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.