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Problematic Roller Shades: To Replace Or Not?


Roller shades have been in vogue for a long time and are still preferred by many for their elegant look and style. Many of the classic ones still remain enchanting and beautiful. But with the passing of the years it is natural that these become faded and worn out. Some have problem with the control mechanism and a few others have faded out or torn fabric in them. This mars the overall appearance of the shades and the owners of these roller shades want them replaced by a better looking shade or if possible repair the existing one.
Malfunctioning of the control mechanism present in the roller shades is one of the main problems faced by users. The shades do not open up or are stuck up mid way. You can try tightening the springs to make easier rolling of the shades. Trying to correct a stuck up roller shades will result in the tearing of the fabric so it is better to leave it as such and in most cases this will end up in you getting a new control mechanism. The old forms of controls are not in production anymore. Hence, repairing the old ones is a very difficult task and most people opt for new ones. Another problem often faced by users of roller shades is whether to keep the fabric and change the control mechanism alone. This is practical as you can save the expense of buying new fabric if the old one would suffice. But with the emerging trends in the roller fabrics and the new productions methods which are quite exemplary, the decision to keep the old ones is not very optimum and it may not be as economical as thought by the users. It is actually profitable to buy new ones as these are more long lasting and resilient and with new controls in place they stand the chances of staying for a longer time than by keeping the old fabric in place. While speaking of the fabric, another situation where the roller shades are not up to the mark is the tearing or ripping of the fabric of the roller shades. The older shades used mostly vinyl coated fabrics which if made of light weight are more prone to tear than their modern counterparts. Those made of threads or polyester is easily torn and should be replaced as they cannot possibly be repaired. In case of torn or ripped fabric it is safe to replace them than considering doing some repair on them like changing part of the fabric that is torn. A little bit of sewing or correction is possible but it may affect the entire appearance of the shade. Changing the entire fabric is the best alternative possible in such a situation.
There are cases where the surrounding window frame is damaged by the constant friction caused by the bottom rail of the roller shade. The hem bar, as the bottom portion of the roller shade is called, will cause damage to the nearby wall or the window frame. This can be corrected by trimming the hem bar with a saw or by altering the fit of the roller shades. Proper functioning of the roller shades should be ensured while fixing them to avoid spoiling of the fabric material. Though many users of roller shades would like to repair the existing ones it is more economical to just replace them with newer ones for better functioning and aesthetics.

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I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.