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House Decoration: Hang it on Brick Walls


All the things you want are easy if you know how to do it. Although you have the appropriate materials, they are still useless if you know nothing. Various houses have plastered or paneled walls, some has log cabins that uses timber walls. However, the most common used is brick walls as it is used for fireplaces for the entire house. If you are one of those who have brick walls and wants to give new look to your house, hanging pictures, shelves, etc is a great idea. In order to do it properly, you need special techniques and materials. You must be extra careful because brick is a strong and you can break, crack or crumble it easily.
Basically, you have three options to choose from, such as: 1. To use brick or concrete picture hangers. This type of hanger is made of small piece of gold or silver colored metal, which has small hooked bottom and a hole on top to hang it. A small, unbendable nail which is brass plated was indicated for every brick or concrete picture hanger. For easy insertion, nail has an extra sharp. For this type of application, hanger was considered as the best option available. Aside from being easy to use, it can be installed properly and it can hold up to thirty pounds. To hang objects using brick or concrete hanger, you can install it by positioning the hanger on the wall. Then insert the brass plated, small nail in to the hole. Gently tap it into the wall using hammer. 2. To use concrete screws. This type of screw can handle the stress brought by the boring into hard-rock surface due to its extra hardness. They also have special threads which help to dig into hard surface. Screws are suitable not only for objects on brick wall, but they are also appropriate on concrete, stucco and other masonry. To install it properly, you need an electric drill set into lower speed and a carbide masonry bit. Slowly drill a hole in the wall. Drilled hole must be smaller than the diameter of the screw. Securely install a screwdriver drill bit in your electric drill. Lastly, insert and tighten the screw into the wall.
3. To use lead anchors. They are somehow close relative of plastic anchor as they are made the same. They differ on the materials they were made out of. Latter are stronger and more durable. Plastic Anchors are great for hanging light objects on plastered walls. To install, you need an electric drill set into lower speed and a carbide masonry bit. Drill a hole that is large enough to hold the diameter of the lead anchor. Gently tap it into the wall using hammer. Lastly, insert the screw into the lead anchor and tighten it using screwdriver or a low speed drill into the wall. Everything can be done easily if you know the proper procedures. Usually, wring steps caused imperfections.

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I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.