Do you know your own style and preferences in home decorating? Actually, most people don’t. They just get to know what they want when they see one. Say for example, you went to your friend’s new house and noticed a good combination of brown and yellow for wall paint. The next day, you will tell your husband that paint would be a good idea or at least look for a wall paper of similar shade. You always experience that, don’t you? Here are the following tips to answer your question “how to find out my decorating style.”
• Make a list of your questions to determine your tastes and preferences.
List the following questions and you can answer them in a clean sheet of paper.
- What is your favorite color? This will help you determine your taste in color, arrangement, balance and form.
- Do you have enough space for the changes and improvement you have on mind?
- What is the environment or ambience of the house that inspires you most? Actually, it’s just like a dress that you take time to think of the appropriate clothing for every occasion.
As you go along and discover the other tips, you will soon develop more questions in mind and don’t hesitate to add them up to your list. More questions, more answers to help you on determining what you really want in decorating your house.
• Research on the net. Otherwise, go out and observe.
If you like browsing and enjoy surfing the net, try conducting researches on house decorating style. You will definitely learn in just few clicks in the internet. But if you prefer to just go out and see for yourself the different decorating styles on various offices and establishments, this is actually much better. This way, you will personally see the interior decorating styles that can help you out. You can learn from what you see and apply them in your own house.
• Prepare your budget for your discovered talent.
After knowing what you want in décor, plan for the budget now. Consider this factor in your plan before implementing what you have in mind.
• Consider the space of your house.
Before you go out and
buy furniture and other appliances, do consider the space of your house first. Funny as it may seem, but despite this is the most common thing to consider, most people do take this for granted. Others forget that they only have small space and sometimes buy huge furniture and appliances.
• Be confident in creating the atmosphere that you see in your head.
After planning all these things and you now have a clear picture in your head of what you want to do, don’t hesitate to start right away. Do as you plan and you will never go wrong.
Following these suggested tips, your frequent question “how to find out my decorating style?” will no longer haunt you at night. Doing the things you like will feel you good and that is really what matters the most. And do not desperate, you have lots of style to choose from, like
Tuscany style decor, or
Feng Shui style, or even
Asian style, you have only to search.
I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.