Do you find enthusiasm whenever the sport Golf is mentioned? One way to direct your enthusiasm towards golf is to create a golf themed home. It quite easy to do and you do not have to submit to a permanent golf-designed home.
Below are some simple tips in your journey to redecorate your home with your sport passion:
• Choose the room that you would like to decorate. It may be your den or
your bedroom. Choose a room that you enjoy spending time in since the investment that you should give in redecorating should be in a room that you frequently spend time in. Also, make sure that the other people who will be using the room do not have unpleasant feelings towards the golf theme.
• Second you need to consider would be the walls. If you plan on having the design as permanent on your walls, you may consider purchasing golf-themed wallpaper or a golf themed border. These maybe found in general home improvement stores. You may also look out in the internet for
online stores selling golf themed wallpaper or borders. As for people who prefer not having décor as a permanent on their walls, a subtle theme such as a neutral wall may do just fine. You may choose medium to light brown. You may also work with your current wall and prefer to have dark wood paneling installed.
• Next would be the golf-themed furniture. You may use the current furniture that you have and add golf throw pillows. For those who would prefer to do it on their own, you can proceed to your local fabric store, buy some material and make it on your own. While those who would like to purchase new furniture to go along with the golf theme, you may try furniture in colors dark brown, tan or dark green. Try finding a golf fabric on a sofa or there may be golf themed tables or you may create one yourself. To
customize this furnitures, you may remove the knobs and replace them with golf balls and glue some tees around the edge.
The walls and the furniture are the primary things to
consider in decorating your home with a golf theme. Then you may start thinking about the smaller things such as what to hang on to you walls or the things that you can put on display. These may range from elegantly simple to silly golf items. You may find wonderful paintings illustrating golf courses or photographs from famous courses. You may also consider hanging pictures of golf heroes or even hang your own club to the wall. Golf picture frames are also easy to find in the market or if you feel crafty, you may create one on your own. You may hang a famous golf quote or even create your own golfer’s prayer.
There are a lot of ideas that you may choose from in creating your golf themed home. From large department stores to antique shops, from the internet or by just doing the items yourself, you will surely find the redecoration as easy and full of fun.
I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.