When you cannot find the things you are looking for, it may be the right time to start remodeling your kitchen. You might need a kitchen cabinet for the easy storage of the things you need rather than putting them anywhere; you will just misplace them later on. That is why it is necessary to start your search to give a new air to your kitchen.
The cabinets are not only ideal for storage but also help keep everything organized. If you choose them well, they can last for a long time and be perfect additions to your decoration. Here at Decorating Visita Casas we will teach you where to start.
Wood kitchen cabinets
[one_half_first]All you need to do is look around before you actually shop for a meaningful storage cabinet. Browsing on magazines and checking out the web will help you find the latest news and designs to choose from. If you choose to design a new home kitchen, all you need to do is combine your creativity with some ideas which you can find in the mall and in other magazines.[/one_half_first][one_half_last][/one_half_last]
However, the first options you should take into account are the wood cabinets. These are not old. They are also resistant and durable; Every time you decide to remodel your kitchen you can give a different approach to them.
Only with sandpaper and paint can you make your cabinets totally change.
The rustic does not go out of style

Following with wooden cabinets, there are different types of this material that may be perfect for you. The first option and the most used is the pine.
This super tough wood is highly rustic, and you should take into consideration that its brown color is what gives it the perfect finish. I recommend that you do not use any type of paint on top of this wood.
The best choice is a protective lacquer that will shine and protect it. However, if you do not want the distinctive brown color of this wood, then opt for an already processed black color.
MDF Wood
This type of wood is excellent for those who do not want their furniture to weigh heavily. And they are ideal for kitchen cabinets.
It can withstand high temperatures as well as pressure, so you can rest easy. Nothing bad will happen with this furniture if an accident happens.
Also, this material is cheap compared to other woods; so you can save money and have a great finish.
Always looking for the economy
When it’s time to remodel any place in the house, we always do it with a budget in mind. And we do our best not to leave.
However, remodeling the kitchen always involves expensive work, in addition to the time that has to be used. It does not matter if you do it yourself. You must be prepared that it is possible that you spend more money than you think.
But there are options that are many cheaper than wood.
Yes, surely you will ask, Nora, why did not you say so before?
Well, ideally you should know the options that currently exist in the market and take the best for you.
The idea it’s when you start to remodel, do it in peace and quiet so you can have the final product that you want.
Introducing Laminates
It consists of several sheets stacked and pressed between them and then placed on a board of agglomerate; in this way a greater resistance is achieved.
It is easy to clean and resistant to contact with cleaning products; has infinity of colors. They are ideal for kitchen cabinets since the least we want to do after cooking have to clean the cabinets.
Lacquered cabinets can be presented with different finishes; either in satin or matte, gloss or metallized. The biggest advantage is that it can be made to the customer’s taste.
Its only defect is that it is a delicate material to hit or touch and requires greater care.
This type of material is made by placing a sheet which is pressed onto chipboard.
It can be found in different colors which imitate the wood. This material is the most economical and allows you to create great possibilities of combination.
Kitchen Cabinet Makeover
If you are one of those people, instead of completely remodeling the kitchen and getting rid of the old cabinets you prefer to refresh the ones you already have, then read on.
To make refreshment to your old furniture the first thing to determine is:
- The quality of the same: that is, if they are in good condition, will support a new coat of paint, or wallpaper.
- If they are adaptable: many people complain about their cabinets because they are too big or too small; Check with an expert if you can tailor them to the extent you want.
- What materials are you going to use: This part is very important, since you should know what kind of material was used when they made the cabinets? It is important to know if the wood can be sanded, if it can be painted or can be lined.
The best advice I can give you to rebuild your cabinets is to make a design of the place. It does not have to be professional, but if at least you must have an idea of what you want.
I recommend that you not only use space wide, but also throughout. Place cabinets on the wall to make the space more open.
Choose a pantry with doors to store the dishes. Have enough space and do not have to move constantly.
Play with the size of the same; Chooses cabinets of short stature to store the food and of great stature for the vessels and utensils.
Do not forget the color
This point is very important because it will define the final finish, the color of the kitchen.
I recommend that if you are going to change the whole layout of it, then you decide on a range of targets, from the stream to the Oxford White.
Instead, if you want to give something more seriousness to space, the gray colors are definitely for you. I recommend the Rockport Gray and the Metropolitan. These will help you achieve an elegant and minimalist space.

But if you are one of those people who prefer darker shades, then blues and blacks are your best choice. In this case, I recommend the Van Deusen Blue and Black Beauty.
There are also intermediate tones with which you can combine and create the cabinets of your dreams. The green tones are also ideal for kitchens.
But I must warn you, NO YELLOW PLACES IN IT, it has been scientifically proven that the yellow in the kitchens can generate feeling of hunger which is difficult to quench.

Yes, even the colors we have to fix.
With these simple tips you will know what to choose when remodeling your kitchen cabinets. You do not need to be an expert to achieve this. Only you need good taste and be clear what you want.
And I’m sure your kitchen will be part of one of your favorite places in your home.
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