You love your little bird, and your pet is fun to watch, but come nighttime, the show is over and your bird will want to sleep without an audience. A cage cover will serve this purpose well. Moreover, it will keep your fine-feathered friend warm and safe from drafts. You can purchase a cage cover, or you can make one. If you want to know the answer on how to make a cover for a bird cage, let the steps below show you how to do it.
1. Use a tape measure and measure from one end of the cage to the other end, going over the top of the cage with the tape measure. Write down the measurement.
2. Lay the quilted fabric face down on the table and using your pen, draw a vertical line 45-inch long. Measure 22 ½-inches from the center of the line, horizontally, and mark the distance with the pen on the wrong side of the fabric.

Use the following tips in creating the bar of cage:
• The main issue on cage safety is that of bar spacing. Make sure that the bar spacing of your bird’s cage is narrow enough to prevent the bird from getting its head through or between the bars.
• Another important thing about bar spacing is that in an effort to increase the “bird visible space” for a cage, in other words to make it easier to see inside the cage, some cage manufacturers will use smaller diameter bars in order to increase this “visible space” while also decreasing the amount of material needed to manufacture the cage.
3. Draw a semi-circle, starting from one end of the 45-inch line, connecting it at the 22-½ inch marked point, and continuing to the other end of the 45-inch line.
4. Cut the semi-circle out, following the line drawn.
5. Using the bottom of a coffee mug to measure with, draw a small semi-circle at the center of the straight edge of the large semi-circle on the wrong side of the fabric, and cut it out.
6. Take your two large semi-circles and face the right side together. Pin along the straight edge, up to the small semi-circle. Nevertheless, half of the straight edge will remain open.
7. Sew the ¼-inch in from the edge of the pinned fabric.
8. Pin trimming along edge of small semi-circle.
9. Sew trimming in its place.
10. Turn fabric under ¼-inch along both open straight edges and then sew close to the edge.
11. Pin lace ruffling to bottom of cage cover.
12. Sew lace ruffling in place.
13. Sew Velcro to the open edges of the cage cover, positioning one of the sets of Velcro at the top of the open straight edge, and the other set halfway down the open straight edge.
14. Drape the parakeet cage cover over the cage, and hold in place by sticking the Velcro together to keep the cover closed.

Every bird living with people needs a cage. Even if you are nearly always home, and you are able to allow your bird the pleasure of often being out with you, your bird still needs a cage so that it may have a place to retreat for privacy. In addition, it will be safest in its cage when you are out of the house. This does not mean that your pet should spend all his time in a cage. To be happy, your bird will need several hours outside his cage each day – a minimum of three hours spent with you, and preferably longer.
There are lots of other covers you can make, as sofa or other furniture covers or cushion covers, including outdoor furniture covers, and if you are skilful you can even try making swimming pool covers and you will also save lots of money due to its high cost.