An old house must have many old memories to share, and renovating or remolding must be very hard for the owners because they don’t want to take away every little thing in the house that will make them remember their past. So, there are many people who post questions on remodeling an old house, protecting existing fixtures while you work, and the like. These are the things that concern them, especially the old ones who have invested a lot of unforgettable moments in their house.

So, how do you really remodel your home while you also protect existing fixtures that are unforgettable? Of course, the very basic of renovating or remodeling a home is that you always have to find what you do not need and put them away. Separate then gather what you just need at home. Again, separate the existing fixtures of your home that you would want to keep.
But before you do that, you have to decide whether you’ll put them back at the same location at your home or you will redesign them? If you will keep them in the same place, mark the location so you would not be lost. If they are small fixtures, you can put them inside a box so nothing will be lost. Just be sure you label each so you will know where you are going to use it. You can assign codes so you won’t get confused.
On the other hand, for fixtures which are hard to move, you have to decide. You can always try remodeling them in such away that you don’t have to move them. It will save time and effort. You can always find ways to decorate those fixtures to make the style of the home a little different without moving some things.

Upon figuring out finally of what to do, you can go one separating these fixtures depending on your plans. Better put together the things that are placed together so you wouldn’t lose anything of them. You can mark each or put the things according to their use or place at home. This will help you effectively especially when you are already moving things out. Everything will be a mess so better keep those memorable fixtures inside a storage room or place. Be sure that the place is free from any dust or insect that might affect the quality of fixtures. You can make these fixtures look old but still of good quality by redesigning them. You can do that by adding some designs around them or by moving them, facing the other angle. There are a lot of ways to redesign an old home, keeping every little memory that the house possesses.