Using primers can help you have an even and durable coating to your painting. In using this, consider the paint type, surface, and state of the surface to be painted on. Priming is not just an additional expense that just entails you to spend more. Nevertheless, this definitely makes your wall smooth and heavy-duty. When you prime, you can be sure that your project will stand the test of time and will allow you to save in the cost. Concealing dirty surfaces and cracked spots, filling in crooked facades, and even developing the color of the paint coat, you are off to a quality job.
Now, if you are thinking about when to use a primer, try to read on. You can make good use of primers when your walls are stained with mildew or other marks. Moreover, if it has not yet been painted or spackled before, priming is advisable too. Hence, experts go for priming prior to painting, except when it is already in great condition. In doing this, however, be sure to paint within a week of priming because the quality of the primer can lower once you do not do so.

Then, in selecting the primer to be used, you have to take note of various factors. First, screen the kind of paint you will be making use of as well as the surface’s condition and type. In this way, you will be sure that your primer fits these qualities and will result to the best.
In general, those oil-based primers are suitable to those topcoats that are also compatible with oil. Meanwhile, those that are latex-based must be used with latex-based coating. However, such latex-based primers are compatible too with oil-based. With this, due to the compatibility issue, developers have promoted primers that are made of universal oil or alkyd, now making the users’ more at ease with the selection process.
When it comes to the surface, since different types of surfaces also affect the outcome, be cautious enough too. General purpose primers go well with internal surfaces as well as ceilings (those that are porous). Usually, it takes four hours before these dry, and 16 hours for them to be cured and for the coating to be applied. These are recommended for use in chipboard, softwood, hardboard, plaster, plasterboard, and plywood. On the other hand, wood primers are like general purpose primers considering that they prevent paint from soaking into the wood.

When the surface is made of stone, metal, or brick, the primer prevents water from penetrating it. These water repellent primers should be allowed to dry for an hour and then left again for 12 hours before applying the paint. Hence, for surfaces made of metal, you must be careful that are not corroded and infested with rust. As for those out of galvanized and ferrous metals, aluminum, new steel and iron, the best primer is that which contains zinc phosphate.