Bottle caps as home decoration? Yes, you read it right, bottle caps can be used for home decoration. Even simple items can be used as home decoration as long as you infuse creativity and imagination in making these simple items as home decors. Just think that this is like recycling which transforms an item to a more useful one. But this time, focus on bottle caps as your item and think of ways how to make use of it as a home décor. Instead of throwing it on the waste bin, make it a useful and beautiful home décor. You could also check out the Internet for decorating tips that you can do. It is indeed feasible and you will be surprised on the things that you can do.

Here are some suggestions on how you can use these bottle caps:
Create a floor mat. Use a rectangular rug that is already worn. Now, select bottle caps that have the same sizes and form. Make a hole in the middle where you could insert a needle. Get buttons that fits into the cap. Sew the bottle cap with the button by using a needle and a thread and attach it to the rectangular rug. Do this until the whole rug is covered. This mat can be used outside your house so that all your visitors would pass on this mat where they could rub their shoe soles to remove dirt.

Make a bottle cap wall decoration. Home decorating with bottle caps can be done by using scraps that are just lying around your house such as cardboards. Attach these bottle caps into the cardboard by glue. Form a figure such as flowers or any nice figures you want. You could also color the bottle caps with paint so that it could look more colorful. Hang this cardboard by using a thread and you would be surprised how it gives a new look to your home decors. Use as a design for the decorative fish net. Decorative fish nets can be made by adding some scraps that you usually don’t use. The key in making this project successful is by adding personal touches on your décor. Make use of bottle caps to add personal touches by attaching it through glue.
Use as ornament for your flower base and glass bowls. Color these bottle caps with paint with lively and colorful colors. Once the paint is dry, you could add these bottle caps into the flower base and glass bowls. It is really fun, easy and so affordable. You would be amazed that you can use items that you are about to throw in the trash can for home decorations. This is an inexpensive and unique way to decorate your home.