When it comes to decorating the interiors invariably you end up with a constrained budget forcing you to slash some needed items from your furnishing list. Decking up your home can become a very demanding and exhausting job with the cost factor adding up to your woes. Here is some high-quality but affordable ideas to embellish your home.
Let your imaginations rule you:
How do you get good quality but with a low price tag? Take some time and look over for furniture in the local yard sales where you get to see a lot of second hand furniture and even unfinished ones. You will find a lot of furniture that fit your list and with some sprucing up, these will become dazzling and new.

Look for good deals:
Attending garage sales and going through flea markets will help you know about the various types of furniture and their costs. You can get a good deal if you look hard. Your attic can hold a treasure of items which you are unaware of. Rummage through your attic or a relative’s and you are sure to get some delectable piece. One important thing to note here is the pieces selected may not look very appealing outwardly but may hold lot of promise if redone. So try to see past the appearance of the piece and you are sure to get a hot deal.
Renovating old furniture:
Once you select the pieces to your liking, check them thoroughly for any cracks, warps or uneven legs. If the main frame is in good shape then you can transform it into an appealing and priceless piece of art. Prior to removing the former coating on the furniture, test it with a piece of cotton dipped in acetone nail polish remover. Try to do it in an area hidden from view. A varnish or shellac covering softens or gets sticky when it comes in contact with the remover. To get rid of this covering, Formby’s Furniture Refinisher can be used. In case of paint or polyurethane covering, if there is no reaction and you can remove the layer with the help of Formby’s Paint and Poly remover. Giving a coat of Paint and poly remover wash finally will clear all the debris and you can apply your favourite finish on them.

Finishing stroke:
When you are painting furnitures a finishing coat should be applied finally to protect the furniture from possible damage due to exposure to heat or moisture. Formby offers Tung Oil Finish which gives a fine, silky texture that is free of scratches and smudges. The Oil needs to be hand rubbed into the wood to give a protective coat to it.