Decades ago, repainting your old tiles was never considered. This was because of some issues regarding safety and dependability such as paints having toxic materials, can cause the tiles to be slippery and many more. But in the modern world today, we have access to better products that promises better results. Here are some easy to follow steps on how to refurnish your tiles.

Make the tiles “SQUEAKY CLEAN”
Aside from paint, there are also other products that enhance the surfaces of the tiles such as vinyl tile covers, polishes and more. But whichever product you choose to use, it is important that you clean the whole area first THOROUGHLY.Dust, mold, mildew, grime, dirt and other impurities are usually present in the tile surfaces. These impurities may hinder the success of refurnishing your tiles so it is best to remove them. Wash them off using clean water, bathroom cleansers and bleach. Check the area after rinsing to see if there are remnants of the dirt. Repeat until there are no more traces of impurities. Leave the area to dry.
Prepare the Tiles
Once clean, you have to prepare the tiles for paint application. Here are some things you should do.
1. Sanding Since the tiles are shiny, the paint may have a hard time bonding with it. Given this situation, you can use sandpaper or a sanding machine to rough out the smooth surface. Be sure to wear mask and eye protection to prevent you from breathing dust. Wipe the tiles clean afterwards.
2. Bonding Primer After the sanding process, coat the tiles with bonding primer. This topical sealer can prevent molds and mildew from growing in the crevices. Allow it to dry for 24 hours or until the coating is fully dry.

Paint the tiles Away
After cleaning the tiles and the preparation is done, it is now time to apply paint. It is advisable to use high quality paint, preferably latex paint. This is because latex paint contains acrylic binding agents, these agents help the paint adhere to the tiles. In addition to this latex paint is resistant to moisture, making it impossible for mold and mildew to thrive. Use a paint brush or any paint applicator. Experts suggest two-coat paint application; this means that you apply two coats of paint. You first apply the initial coating and then when it dries up, follow up with another coat. Make sure that you apply paint evenly, for a better appearance.
Other Ideas
If you do not like to use paint, you can settle for vinyl wallpaper coverings. You may also want to consider using it with waterproof polyurethane for better results. You can seek the opinion of a customer-service staff to verify the compatibility of the materials to avoid problems.