When we learn to decorate intelligently, we always end up leaving space. We do not need a minimalist decoration to take full advantage of all the square meters of our room, but then the question arises. What could you add? Well, here we will tell you how to use one of the best alternatives for that spacious room, a piano.
That is; the piano as a decorative element goes beyond any other musical instrument. Even as a musical instrument it is beyond the others because of its complexity.
However; it is important that you know how to integrate it into your décor. So pay attention and admire the following photo gallery that will surely fill you with creative inspiration.
The Magic Of Having A Piano In The Room
Before explaining in detail how you should integrate your piano to the decoration of your home, the first thing I would like to clarify is what kind of piano we are talking about.
Why making emphasis first on the sort of piano? Imagine that the perfect decorative element for your spacious room was a plant; your brain will immediately ask itself what kind of plant?
Unfortunately, since our brains are not being very familiar with pianos as decorative elements, the question does not reach our consciousness with the usual quickness. Even our judgment may be set in a field where it lacks expertise.
So let’s first talk about what type of piano you should use. The answer is after all one simple word: Steinway.
Whether it’s a grand piano or a vertical piano; Steinway more than musical instruments, are works of art and engineering oriented to the decoration of spaces.
A Steinway piano will add elegance to the room by itself, and although there are extremely expensive models; Of course also are the alternatives thought in the not so loose budgets.
Grand piano? Vertical Piano?

That’s right, that’s the name given to the pianos according to how they were built; of course, its design and the amount of space you have will greatly influence the way you have to integrate it into the decoration.
It is true that the dreamed piano is the grand piano or tail piano, so we will first speak of it. Because it is surely the one that interests you the most right now. However, once you read what we have to say about vertical pianos, you may consider more seriously buying one of them.
The Grand Piano in the Decoration
Undoubtedly the most difficult of all because of the amount of space it occupies and the way it occupies it.
Well let’s keep in mind that we are talking about a spacious room; however, not knowing how to integrate the piano correctly can make it all come down.
The first golden rule when decorating with such pianos is to choose the color wisely. When people hear the word Steinway, the first thing that comes to mind is a beautiful black grand piano.
And this can result into a double-edge sword. A black Steinway grand piano is a symbol of distinction; but is it the color that really suits our decoration?
The balance of the tones is very important when adding a piano, if you are building the decoration from scratch. Then our advice is to use colors in their light tones. Even a bit of weak ones since the piano will always be the decorative center piece.
However; a white or brown grand piano is a fabulous option, risky to the extreme, but fabulous. That touch of singularity added to the category that already brings the piano itself. In the end; this can turn our room into a spectacle for whoever looks at it, or it can be our designing demise.
In these cases, where your decoration is already established and only need to add the centerpiece; The best thing you can do is go to the color circle and check the compatibility of the tones.
The other way to help you will be with pictures of your room; Take them in digital format at the time of buying the piano and they will be in charge of digitally adding the piano to the photograph. So you can see how it looks inside your spacious room.
Second Golden Rule
Although it is important to surround the piano with other discrete elements to make it stand out and not create an “empty” image in the decoration; never, absolutely ever, let electric cables be visible in the decoration near the piano.
Actually; all wiring, both the TV in the room and any sound equipment, should always be hidden from sight so as not to ruin the decorative image.

However; in the case of the piano you must be careful not to commit this serious error. Remember that the piano was thought of as an instrument capable of producing music by itself, this is why the presence of cables will ruin the image completely.
Refer to the photographs so that you notice there is no possible way you can see any wiring, even in concerts, at least not near the piano. Artists use wireless microphones and, if there is a band on stage, the piano is pulled away so it can be away from the wires.
Integrating a Vertical Piano
A vertical piano offers the versatility that does not grant us the grand piano. Of course, we will sacrifice elegance and if you are an expert pianist, or a musician, you will notice some lost on sound depth.
But leaving aside those pros and cons; when we talk about the vertical piano as a decorative piece we will notice that the main feature is that the focus of the decoration no longer has to be the piano.
Of course; it will be an important piece in the decoration, but the vertical piano can add balance by being integrated with the other elements without becoming the protagonist.
We cannot ignore the fact that we will be “limited” to using it only leaning against a wall; however, this quality allows you to be close to the TV or computer.
It can be integrated inside furniture full of books and, one of the best aspects is that vertical pianos are not conceived by our mind in a single color.
They do not suffer the stigma of being imagined only in white, so you could have a blue piano like the one shown above in the photograph.
Its simplified configuration also makes it a piece that can be added to other rooms of the house, not only to your spacious room that could now show a little more of the art cult with the piano already displayed.
You can also take this musical and decorative element to your children’s room, study or the office.
And even the dining room near the kitchen!
A vertical piano is much more associated with fraternal communion among friends, relatives and loved ones. While a grand piano is more oriented towards the concerts.
That is why the large space available in the room is perfect for a grand piano, but conditions the decoration to it. While the vertical piano can be part of a minimalist decoration where the amplitude stands out; but without taking full advantage of your room space.
You can add pictures, wallpaper, beautiful curtains, nothing of it will be lost in the scene when the piano to put in your decoration is a vertical piano.