If you think having a small apartment cramps your decorating ideas then this article is for you! Small apartments make decorating a challenging job as you have to make the available space [which is very little] look stylish and appealing. Here are some tips to add style and glamour to your apartment.
Let us start with the color arrangement. Try colors which make the place look spacious and bright. Orange, red and yellow shades are suitable for small spaces. Give more attention to the window treatments. Add adequate blinds and curtains to block any direct sunlight which does not augur well for your room. For the walls you can use tapestries. These lend elegance to the room and are useful as a cover for the wall in case your landlord is not in favour of painting the walls with your favourite color. Sofas can be given a fresh look by adding brightly colored covers to them.

Maintenance is an important aspect in choosing the various colors and décor. Brown or grey walls are best manageable than white ones. When shopping for furniture, look for Futons which double as a bed to accommodate a guest. Loveseats also do not take up much space and also add style to the décor.
Decorative screens make good décor pieces for small apartments as these transform a single room and make it look like two. The screens should allow light in to give the appearance of large space. For the dining area a bistro table will occupy less space and at the same time give a cozy look. Hanging plants on the walls and adding mirrors that are strategically placed will make the space look bigger. One most significant thing is keeping the place clean. A clean space free of your laundry strewn about and messy leftovers and other items will create a feel of a large space.

If the space still looks small with you following all the above guidelines then most probably your storage aspect is lacking. Take a look at the local stores which offer a wide range of economical and space saving ideas. You can go for a bed that has a chest of drawers underneath it where you can store a lot of things. You can also go for a coffee table or even a footrest which comes with storage areas. This way you get to avoid lot of cluttering. Shelves on the wall are also another space saving idea. With some imagination on your part you can transform even the tiniest space to a stylish and elegant looking beautiful room.