One way of decorating a room to give it a look that you would want it to have is to install a decorative wall paneling. Installing one would not only add beauty to your room but it would also hide the uneven and the bumpy walls that you would want to have covered. Here are some tips on how you can start the installation of the decorative wall paneling.

The first thing that you can do is measure the wall where you would want to have the paneling. Start by measuring the length of the wall in feet and then add all the measurements. Divide the added measurements by 4 and you will get how many paneling you would need. When buying a paneling, buy some extra sheets in case a pattern needs to be followed when you hang it on the wall. Most paneling comes in 4’x8’ sheets and so you would have an idea how many and how much you may need for your installation plan. You would also need a molding to go with it and so in choosing the color of the molding, make sure it matches the color of the paneling. Prepare carpenter’s horses or if you do not have one, end tables or sturdy coffee tables may do. You would also need rotary saw to cut the paneling and a jigsaw for cutting the paneling at electrical outlet openings. Make sure you have a company when doing this, your spouse or your children may help you in putting up the paneling that you need.
After preparing the materials that you will need, prepare the room. You can start by removing the nails, staples or any other protrusions that you may find in the walls where you would want to hang the paneling. It would everything that protrudes needs to be removed. You would even need to remove encasements in case your window has one.

Start the installation. If 8’ is not enough, you can place the molding at the top then add some of the paneling at the top. If you the 8’ paneling is enough of then start at the part of the room where you would want to attach the paneling first. Set aside however small a part of the paneling that you may need to cut because you may be needing it later to fill in some spaces like a the top of the door. Use paneling nails to make it look more natural and hammer each nail at least 12” apart or so in a straight downward direction. Add molding where necessary like in between the two sheets just to hide the seams.
These are just some of the tips that you can follow in installing decorative paneling in your room. This would surely help you in beautifying your room and making it look more comfortable stay, which may also help you hide those uneven walls away.