The kitchen is where many people spend a lot of time. Personalizing the kitchen’s décor through customizing its wall paper border is one way of adding a cheerful note to your day. Start now with these kitchen decorating tips: kitchen wall paper border ideas.
Wallpaper borders are often repetitive in designs which give you a boring, monotonous effect. Try using wallpaper cutouts instead to help narrate a happening. The cutouts will be different from one another and will thus draw the attention of visitors towards the one-of-a-kind wall paper border. One good theme of a “story border” is that of welcoming visitors of the family into the kitchen. Try inserting words into the border to spell out a message to help tell the “story.”

Self-sticking wallpaper is also another option that can really add interest and variety to your kitchen. Cut a few strips of self-sticking wallpaper and have your family members, especially the kids, press their hands into paint/s (bright yellow, blue and red are great for this method) and make imprints on the plain white strips. Have each member write their name and/or signature below their hand imprints. This will hopefully help foster family togetherness since it is a “group” effort. Consider the hand imprint border as a work of art by the entire family.
When the kids grow up and leave the nest, you’ll have a nostalgic time looking at their cute handprints when they were younger displayed on the wall. Aside from handprints, you can use stamps on the self-sticking wallpaper or even use stencils and rub-ons to get you personalized wall paper borders. Stamps can be bought from crafts stores or simply just cut out from potatoes if you are on a tight budget. Still another option for the self-sticking wallpaper is to decoupage photographs onto your wall paper border if you have interesting pictures of you and your family. Let it serve as an open family album for friends and relatives to browse.

If self-sticking wallpaper is not readily available in your local department store, a great alternative is the use of long strips of canvas to be glued to the walls using extra-strength wall paper paste. Note that canvas strips can be taken down and stored away until they are needed again. To break from the household monotony, why not use unorthodox kitchen wall paper borders? For the extra bold, buy children’s wall paper depicting different scenes, like a jungle, a circus, a rocket ship, a boat, a carnival, a beach, etc. Watch your kitchen turn heads with this idea – not everyone has the guts or the flair to get away with this daring move.