We all know what to do with a wall paper, use it to beautify our walls of course! Well, if you want to give emphasis on your wall paper or to give it a more unique look, then this article is what you should read. We use wall paper especially if painting our walls is not enough to make our home presentable. Wall paper can easily give a fresh new look to our walls and home as well without too much effort. It comes in various designs and a lot cheaper to replace. It can also be used without exerting too much effort. You also don’t need to bear with annoying smells such as on paints.

With the advent of new designs and ideas on how to create a better looking home, there are so many suggestions on how you can use the wallpaper to boost your decorating skills. Have you heard of making a fish wall paper border? How about combining contrasting wallpapers? These and so many more are the new ideas on decorating your homes.
It is actually a combination of function and aesthetic. These boarders help you to set limits on your wallpaper and at the same time gives a nice edging to your wallpaper. You may wonder what the importance of this is. Well, having a border makes your edgings more refined. Excess wallpaper would be given a more refined look. On the other hand, combining contrasting wall paper could also work out for you if you want to follow the trend of breaking the usual and traditional trend. For example, you can use a design on the upper two-thirds of your walls and another design at the lower third. You could also cut strips of different designs of wallpaper and combine them together for your wall.

If you have excess wallpaper, you could use it for your other house ornaments such as using it on your table designs or other home decors that you made. There are so many bright ideas on what to do with your wall paper aside from making a fish wall paper border or combining it with other. You could think of more radical ways to amp your style and décor skills. All you need is creativity and imagination to add that uniqueness factor to your home decors.
Now that you know the things you can do with your wall paper, bring out your wall paper and start creating your promising designs now. Don’t be afraid to try something new and you will feel how amazing it is to create your decorating ideas and apply it to your very own home. You don’t need to ask on what to do with your wall paper anymore, for sure you have so many ideas running on your mind right now.