Art encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression which includes literature, music, film, sculpture and painting. They say that art is a vehicle for the expression or communication of emotions and ideas. Many of us collect lots of stuff that catch our attention and stimulate our minds, mostly perhaps because of curiosity. The paintings of different artists are one of the most common kinds of collected items. Some people really love and appreciate these works of art.

The Basics of Collecting Art: Fine Painting
Fine paintings are attached to both the world of art and the decorating world. Maintaining an art collection is not just about purchasing an item; it is more of a financial and emotional investment. How to appraise the quality of a painting is one of the important things that a collector should know. Asking questions from dealers, collectors, artists, and those who have knowledge in fine arts is necessary. It is the primary way for us to learn before purchasing a fine painting. We need to check first the picture. Is it good? It is vital that you love the theme of the picture. Does the art have style? The style of the artwork is also a factor you must consider. Does it say something that can tickle your senses? Of course it is essential that we know the sense of it. Can you see the emotions of the painting? It is nice to feel that we can relate to the picture. And of course, is it worth the price? Fine paintings are expensive and so we need to be sure that the price is right. Uniqueness also varies in choosing a collection since it is vital that the distinctiveness of a product is noticeable. These are some questions we must know in order to learn the basics of collecting art.

As a beginner, it is understandable that you will be unsure where to go in finding good quality of art. The first thing to consider is the furnishing and architecture of the area to be decorated. Where will you be buying your item so that it can have a big impact on what you can choose from? If you are purchasing it from a gallery you can ask the seller to reframe a piece in a way that suits your décor. You are maybe wondering why paintings are done using different materials. Watercolor and ink need to be painted on paper, while oil painting and acrylic need a board background that will not move and crack the paint. Try out which ones can complement your area best.
Before you start purchasing, know first the basics of collecting art, so that you can`t go wrong in choosing the item you will buy. You will have no regrets, just pure satisfaction and contentment. Remember, it is not just a simple decoration, it is an investment so be sure of the quality of the art.
Love for works of art is natural as this particular form combines music, poetry, movie, sculpture, paintings and even sociological stirrings. Yes, it does, and silently and effectively it does. This is why a piece of art draws our attraction instantly although we have not learned the a b c of fine arts. Such emotional association paves way for our financial investment. We should, of course, set aside the snobbish value which is also present in our society. Yes, for collection of arts it is necessary to contact the artists, dealers and other persons who have regular relations with works of art.
Great collectors do not collect what they like. They collect work that takes them further along on their appreciation of aesthetic investigations. Talking to people only interested in “selling” their own particular take on Art is a sure way to wind up with a “collection” of decor and not works of art that mean something in the collector’s life.
When some one “collects” one of my paintings, I make it a point to go back to them a couple of years later and offer to buy back the piece. The real collectors are down rude in declaring that I will never re-own that piece that is now part of their lives.
Museums are full of crap that well taught and guided collector’s have dumped into the warehouses for the tax write off after the “fashion of the day” is changed.
The internet now provides a great opportunity for collectors to free themselves of “guided wrong turns”. Anyone can quickly educate themselves on any living artist and work via the internet. A gallery visit is only necessary to see the “flesh” of the work.
Just great Artists learn by trial and error so must the great collector learn their own path.