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Decorating Kids’ Rooms: Sporty Styles and Design of American Football


Football, or more specifically named as American football, is a very popular sport in, as the name suggests, the United States of America. It is a game where two teams are pitted against each other in an effort to take the ball to the other side of the opposing team’s field. It is a sport that is enjoyed by almost every sport-loving American in the whole country, and is second only to basketball and baseball.

American football styled stoolsEven kids now enjoy this sport, and some schools even provide football clubs for the children to enjoy the sport. You can bring the same action and excitement of American football right into your kid’s room, by creating a room design with football as you main theme. To start off, the floors of the room could represent the field itself. Football field themed carpets are already common these days, and you can easily order one at your local hardware shop. It’s fairly easy to put because you apply them just like any other carpet for home use. If you want to go simpler, you can just put a plain green colored carpet that can represent grass in a football field, although a portion of the football motif might be lost.

The wall’s design can represent any article that can be related to football. Motifs of simple design like footballs randomly plastered throughout the entire wallpaper are usually more recommended than complex ones. Remember, this is a child’s room, and too much complexity can just confuse and make a kid uncomfortable. Alternatively, you can put other kinds of designs in the wallpaper, like for example designs of your kid’s favorite football team.

Designs and motifs for beds can even be more exciting and fun. Pillows can represent large footballs or can be fitted with covers printed with designs of you kid’s favorite football team. The bed itself can take designs from team jerseys, or could take form of a small sized football field. Blankets with articles related to football like football helmets and footballs as designs can fit perfectly into a football themed room.
Hockey themed room
Finally, other articles such as chairs, tables and cabinets can just be painted to suit the entire room’s general motif, just don’t forget add a little touch of the general theme of the room to these articles, like for example, shoe racks can be tailored to resemble football stadium seats.

Always remember to keep the color combinations and schemes coherent and complimentary with each other, even if you fill the entire room with football designs and motifs, it would still not look organized unless the colors blend well with each other. These are merely suggestions of how you can make your kids enjoy the sport even at their own room. Of course, you still have to enjoy this wonderful sport outdoors, but by bringing the spirit of American football in your kid’s room, your child would always remember the popular sport that all fathers especially in America, yearn to teach their children and enjoy the sport with.

Important things to consider in making a kids room

These are important things to consider in making a kids room. Since they are different from each other, you need to have hints of what they would like for a room; you can also research on the internet to find new ideas that can also be helpful. You can also ask your kids personally on what they want, this way you they will be more attached to you and they will surely appreciate the freedom you’re giving them by simply letting them say what they want for their room.

Small kids roomIn some aspect you and your kid’s ideas might clash due to conflict of interests, when this incident happens you don’t have to worry but instead compromise, talk to them and settle differences. You can do it successfully by simply overlooking conventional ideas and try to adapt their ideas, you might even be surprised on how their ideas looks like later on. Getting their concept and adapting their creativity will surely provide you with great results not just with the outcome of their room but also with your relationship to them. Sometimes, you need to adjust to modern things with your kids to be able to reach their level; you won’t have a harmonious relationship with each other if you always impose leadership, because it is not always needed in a nurturing parent-child relationship.

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I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.

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  1. In the room above (red and white with striped border) do you know where the border was found? Thanks.

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