Why it is necessary to clean the keyboard of our laptop?
Most people don't know that a computer keyboard is one of the hardest surfaces to keep clean. It seems obvious but, many people don't wipe their keyboards after each use. And, of course, they touch their keyboards with their dirty hands almost every time they use them.
It's a very common mistake. Another mistake is using an ink pen instead of a mechanical pencil to jot down notes. Once again, a mechanical pencil is far superior for this purpose. Another thing that helps is using a microfiber cloth instead of a paper towel or a tissue.
A laptop is a tool like a hammer. You use it for a lot of different things, but mostly you use it to hammer in and tap out those little tiny letters. Over time, the keys of your keyboard will become covered with a film of dust and grime. To keep your keyboard in top shape, you should clean it at least once every month. This is easier than it sounds. Follow these five easy steps and before you know it, your keyboard will be sparkling clean.
Your laptop needs to be cleaned periodically because it is where you write most of your sales copy. Lately, I've noticed a lot of my readers are carrying around a portable keyboard in their briefcase or pocket. If this is the case for you, be sure to use a damp cloth to clean the keyboard. Don't put the cloth in the sink or dishwasher. That will dry out the fabric and cause it to lose its softness. Just dampen the cloth, wipe off the keyboard and then let it air dry.
How to use alcohol to clean a keyboard
Mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle. Spray the surface being cleaned and wipe clean with a dry, lint-free cloth. Do NOT use paper towels which have a tendency to leave a residue. Repeat until all traces of dust or debris are gone. (NOTE: This will also clean your monitor.)
NOTE: If your device has plastic components, you should treat it as though it were painted. Use a cotton ball or a clean, lint-free cloth to remove any dust or debris. Do NOT use paper towels which have a tendency to leave a residue. Repeat until all traces of dust or debris are gone.
NOTE: If your device has metal components, you should wipe it down with a damp cloth. Make sure to clean off the rubber feet on the bottom of the case. They tend to get gunked up with dust and dirt. Is your PC or Laptop ready for the new year? Are you? If not, do the above steps and your PC or laptop will be in tip top shape when the New Year begins. It's easy, inexpensive and simple stuff that most people never think about. However, without this kind of care and maintenance, the lifespan of your PC or laptop will be considerably shortened.
How to use compressed air to clean a keyboard
Remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner. Use a soft brush attachment. Connect the vacuum hose to the blower outlet of a small compressor. Screw the nozzle of the vacuum onto the end of the hose. Turn the compressor on.
Carefully move the nozzle around the surface being cleaned. Be careful not to let any dust or debris get sucked into the compressor. When you are finished, turn the compressor off. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the blower outlet of the compressor. Let the dust and debris settle for a few minutes. Then, use a broom or a dustpan to sweep up the dust and debris. Vacuum up the dust and debris again. Keep doing this until all traces of dust or debris are gone.
NOTE: If your device has plastic components, you should treat it as though it were painted. Use a cotton ball or a clean, lint-free cloth to remove any dust or debris. Do NOT use paper towels which have a tendency to leave a residue. Repeat until all traces of dust or debris are gone.
How to use x-acto knife to remove ink from a keyboard
Use an old toothbrush or a clean, lint-free cloth to remove the ink. Make sure to get in between the keys. If the ink is dry, it should come off easily. If it's not, try using a little rubbing alcohol on the ink first. If that doesn't work, go back to the x-acto knife. Just be careful! An x-acto knife is a very sharp tool. If you are not careful, you could cut yourself. Allow the area to air dry. Use an old toothbrush or a clean, lint-free cloth to remove any excess ink. Let it air dry. Repeat this step until all traces of ink are gone.
How to use dental floss to remove ink from a keyboard
Cut off about 1/2 inch of dental floss. Tie a knot in one end of the floss. Hold the knot in your mouth while holding the other end of the dental floss against the offending key. Pull gently but firmly until the ink comes off. Be careful! Dental floss is very sharp. If you are not careful, you could cut yourself. Allow the area to air dry. Use an old toothbrush or a clean, lint-free cloth to remove any excess ink. Let it air dry. Repeat this step until all traces of ink are gone.
The hands are the dirtiest part of our body
It is often said that the dirtiest part of the human body is the hands, and this is most likely true. Our hands are usually the part of our body that comes into contact with the most number of items on a daily basis and hence hold the greatest variety of miniature foreign particles and bacteria. Given this, it only goes to follow that the dirtiest part of our laptops is the keyboard. Just as it is hygienic and necessary for us to regularly wash our hands, it is also hygienic and necessary for us to keep clean a keyboard laptop.

Clean a keyboard without removing the keys
In order to clean a keyboard laptop without removing the keys, a bottle of compressed air will be needed. Using this, spray your keyboard laptop above and in between keys, in order to try and get the dust and other particles to be blown away. Tilting your laptop at an angle could prove to be helpful. If you do not have a bottle of compressed air, you can try shopping around for a magnetic duster.
For the next step, take a damp, soft cloth and use it to wipe all over the keyboard. When doing this, make sure that your laptop is shut off to avoid any electrical risks. Finally, go over the keyboard area one more time with a dry cloth.
For a more thorough way, use any thin, straight tool to carefully pop off the keyboard keys. Just like the previous method, make sure to shut down your laptop for safety reasons. When you have removed all the keyboard keys, place them in a relatively sizeable bowl and pour a good soap and water solution over them. Gently scrub each piece, being careful not to erase or damage the letter and number markings. While letting them soap, use either a bottle of compressed air or a magnetic duster to clean the exposed surface area of the keyboard. When you are done, dry off each keyboard piece then place them back into their proper places.
Remember that to clean a keyboard laptop is just as essential as to clean one’s hands. Keep the habit of cleaning your keyboard laptop regularly and thoroughly to keep yourself and your unit in clean, tip-top shape.
How To "Repair" Your Computer Bibliography (List Sources) * By: John E. Kennedy * Submitted: June 29, 1987 * Client: STARDUST MULTIMEDIA * Industry: Magazine Publishing.