Isn’t it fulfilling to start each morning with a cup of coffee? Those who love coffee surely have made it possible for them to keep a coffee maker in the kitchen. But then again, much like any other appliance that comes worn and torn, a coffee maker deserves frequent cleaning. While many coffee lovers simply focus on cleaning the pot where the coffee is deposited, it has to be noted that the entire machine must be cleaned properly.

A great way to clean your coffee maker is by means of vinegar. It is very safe to use vinegar because it is free from any toxic residue. Learn how to clean coffee maker with vinegar and have a good run of it each time you want to have coffee.
Soak the coffee maker in vinegar
Fill in a container with two-part vinegar and one-part water. This will be the solution you are going to use for the rest of the cleaning process. Take the coffee pot and soak it with vinegar. If you happen to have a mesh filter, clean it also. While letting the solution sit in to break down most of the grime, concentrate on cleaning the base heating element and the exterior of the coffee maker.
Fill in the reservoir with vinegar and turn the machine on
After soaking, fill in the reservoir where you usually pour water when brewing with vinegar. Ensure that you do not let the vinegar solution spill over from the reservoir of the coffee maker. Position the coffee pot back to where it should be. Turn the machine on so that the vinegar can clean the machine thoroughly. After running the coffee maker, rinse the accumulated junk off the mesh filter, if you have one.
Spill out the vinegar
Take the coffee pot out of the machine and spill out any remaining amount of vinegar. Get rid of any particle left in the coffee pot. Afterward, rinse the coffee pot and make sure that no more particle can be seen.
Have another round of cleaning
With the remaining vinegar solution that you have, fill in the reservoir and turn the machine on. This repetition of the process will guarantee that the coffee maker is definitely clean. You can also scrub the coffee maker to remove any remaining residue. Once you have done some more cycle of the cleaning with the use of vinegar, run the entire machine with pure water.
With the given simple steps, all you have to do next is to regularly clean your coffee maker. Just always be certain about the cleanliness of the machine to produce a higher quality of brewed coffee. Vinegar may have an unpleasant smell but it is proven to work at its best on being an effective cleaning agent.