Ceiling fans add so much convenience and appeal to your place especially in the living room where you entertain guests. These fans consume less electricity than industrial stand fans and air conditioners. Plus, they can cover the whole room all at once. Usually, they are installed with a 3 speed pull chain switch which allows you to configure how fast you want the fan blades to turn. But the daily activities with the fan pus stress on the switch which in time could break. When the switch breaks, the only option for you is to replace it, and here are some instructions on how to install a switch for your ceiling fan.

1. Before getting into the details of installing the switch, choose the type of switch you want to install, a 3 speed pull chain as the previous, a remote or a wall switch which is safer and more durable. For this project, we will be using a wall switch.
2. After deciding on the type of switch, you would need to rewire the fan, but before you do it, make sure to turn off the power going to the fan or better yet, turn of the main switch or panel.
3. Go to the fan box use wires #14-2 or #12-2 then connect the wires to the fan. Do this by following the standard color coding rule; the white switch cable to fan white, and the same goes for the rest of the colors – green/ground, black and blue if there is any.

4. After finishing the wire at the fan box, proceed to the switch box. Notice that there would be two wall switches in the same box and all the green wires connect together. These wires should be connected to the ground wire group. Wirenut the connections and direct it towards the back of the box. Then attach the power supply cable to the ceiling fan cable (white). Again, wirenut this connection and push it towards the back of the box. Between the power supply cable and top screw on the switch, connect a 6-8 black wire. The switch is programmed to read ON and OFF. Now, attach fan cable red to the bottom screw on switch #1 and fan cable black to the screw at the bottom of switch #2. Having done all these correctly, the 1st switch should operate the light and the 2nd for the fan. Take note that to set the speed of the fan, you would need to substitute fan switch #2 for a fan switch controller.
5. Finally, set aside the connections properly with a wirenut. Push the extra wires into the electrical box.
Carefully follow the steps given above and you will not be mislead in any way possible.