Yes, your new home may look great. It may seem perfect when it comes to ambience, tranquility, coziness, and comfort. All of your furniture, old and new, are properly placed in their respective places. There seem to be no problem in your picture-perfect home. Then all of a sudden you noticed something when you looked up – there is a crack on your ceiling!

When it comes to unsightly crevices and holes, most people consider having them fixed by a professional. If there are a lot of cracks, then you may do so but if it’s not that many, you can do the fixing yourself. Now, are you wondering how you will do it? Are you that eager to restore your beautifully-designed ceiling? For repairing your ceiling, you will need these materials: stepladder, vinyl spackle or joint compound, putty knife, safety glasses, and fine grit sandpaper. Here are the steps on how you will do it.
• Assess the Situation
You must analyze and determine how much vinyl or joint compound you’ll need to fix the ceiling. Visit the closest DIY store to buy what you need. Buy vinyl immediately, not just plain plaster. Vinyl can expand with temperatures and stresses and your ceiling repair will last longer.
• Put on safety gear
The number 1 rule for home maintenance is to always put on your safety gear. And for repairing your ceiling, you must put on your safety goggles. In cases like this, debris might fall down and this will increase the possibility of getting your eyes damaged if you didn’t put on your safety goggles.
• Apply the adhesives
Using a putty knife, apply the spackle or joint compound to the crack. Like using a paintbrush, apply the adhesive in a “back-and-forth” motion with the putty knife. Press the spackle into the putty knife from several directions.
• Feather it!
Blend it with the rest of the ceiling by feathering your patch on all sides.
• Allow it to dry
Allow the patched ceiling to dry thoroughly. Joint compound may take a little longer, while vinyl spackle dries very fast.
• Sand lightly
By using the sandpaper, sand your ceiling lightly until the edges of your ceiling patch are flush with the rest of the ceiling. If you’re already satisfied with what your ceiling looks like, you may paint it already. But if not, you may repeat steps 1-5 until you get your desired outcome.
Now that you already know these steps on how you will repair ceiling cracks, next time you won’t have any problem if you have seen one again in your ceiling. By this, you will feel that sense of fulfillment coz you have done it all by yourself and that you have made your ceiling presentable as it was before.