We just love how plaster walls distinctively create that custom design that you could never have done if you had simply used bricks in constructing that boring wall of your home. But, like all things in this world, plaster walls aren’t just made forever. These walls sometimes still manage to break and crumble, and here we are about to discuss technical possibilities from a generic perspective, on how to repair a plaster wall.

First of all, we all know the composition of a plaster wall. It is generally stuck onto its place once the plaster completely dries and hardens. There is generally no way that you can fix the damage without redoing some of the damaged parts again using a new plaster. This is where a little creativity and artistic skill comes into good practice.
You can easily scrape of the unwanted mark and repair a plaster wall by preparing the same material that you have used for the plaster wall. But for a more sturdy mix, you may want to try something that is of the same color but of better composition. Try to ask you local hardware dealer about good compound mixes that can match your plaster wall well, and stick with it for all of your plaster wall fixing needs later on.
The fix that you would need to do depends on the type of damage that is done to the plaster surface. For holes, fill them up by carefully using a putty knife to fill in the holes with the same plaster material. Apply the plaster in two coats, one for filling the hole, and the other for the indentation that the first coat will make after it dries. Make the new surface nice and smooth using sandpaper afterwards.
Loose areas and cracks need to be reinforced first before attempting to restore the plaster. Drill a few screws near the area where the crack is, just in case the plaster can’t hold well. For patches of damaged plaster, you may have to screw the entire patch to secure it in place for repair. Do not use too many screws, try to space them as wide apart as possible. Apply the new plaster just as you would in filling a hole, but this time apply it to the long, open cracks. Oh, and don’t worry about the holes made by the screws, you can do the same hole-filling job to complete the task.
For areas or large holes with the plaster damaged, you don’t have to fill the entire hole or area with the plaster material in the wall. Simply screw in something that can fill up the space, and then apply a thin layer of the plaster material onto the surface of the placed “filler” material. Remember, applied coats shrinks a bit when it dries, so you need to watch out for the level of coating that you apply.