If our solid wood furniture will be taken care of properly, it could last a lifetime or even generations. Just imagine a treasured piece of furniture which has found its way from our grandmother’s attic into our possession, but then, its color or shade isn’t quite right for our home décor. The stripping, staining, and refinishing are just some of the options for us, but these are going to be time consuming, difficult, and most of all messy. Wood furniture painting can be done by an amateur who only needs to collect the right tools for the job, which are the paint, primer, paintbrush, mixing sticks, polyurethane, drop cloths or newspaper, and some cleaning products.

Wood painting like any other worthy projects always begins with the necessary preparation. The first one is to, thoroughly clean our furniture with soap and water. For nightstands, dressers, or furniture with drawers, we should first take out the drawers, and clean them as well. And we should leave the drawers painted outside its dresser. For the tables, it can be painted with or without its legs attached to it, but then, let us always make sure to clean up and down its legs. And let us not forget to clean every parts or surfaces of our furniture that will be painted.
After we had cleaned our furniture and dried them completely, its surface will need to be primed. The best material to be used for this is the bonding primer. If our furniture has a very glossy finish, the bonding primer will surely attached itself to the finish that will also provide a good base for the paint. But still, it would never hurt us to sand down our furniture’s finishing even a bit, just to be able to help the primer to do its job.

The next step is being considered as the most fun part, which is the choosing of the paint color that we like. We should choose a color that will compliment the room in which our furniture is going to sit. The glossy paint are the ones that should be generally used on furniture, not unless we are aiming for a very specific weathered look or even doing a layered paint. After our piece of furniture has been given with a fresh coat of a new glossy paint, we can now add any special touches that we would like to have such as, texturing, sponging, painted artwork or even just a new elegantly looking drawer handles or knobs.
It is really fun to have a furniture painting; we can even do this with the help of our loved ones and even our friends and make it as our simple bonding moment with them. It could be hard and tiring, but then, if we are going to do it with our colleagues it will surely be memorable and our painted furniture will surely have an instant sentimental value for us.