Do you have a swimming pool at home? Do you painted de swimming pool? Well, that’s great! You can feel the pool water anytime you want and no much effort is needed for you to enjoy swimming. But how do you maintain the clean water of your pool? Have you ever thought of powering your pump and heating the pool using only the energy coming from the sun? That is actually good for carbon footprint. This heating system saves money and truly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Pool heating is a very good application of the energy coming from the sun. Doing it will not make you spend much and the system is really simple. The swimming pool, itself is the thermal storage of the system and the pump you are actually using for filtering the water will also circulate through the solar collectors. A hundred dollar or a few more pennies will make you enjoy the heating system of the pool.

There are types swimming pool pump that can be checked over the internet. A lot of websites offer better selection of pool pumps with affordable rates. A good pool is the one that seemingly enhances your swimming experience every time you go underwater. An effective pool pump will circulate the warm water around it quickly. This will make you feel relaxed and calm while enjoying the water experience. Pump and filter are the equipments that support the life of a swimming pool. Others also include heater, automatic cleaner and automatic chlorinator but these are not too necessary. However, proper maintenance will keep your pool performing for number of years.
The following are the basic types of swimming pool pump:
Self – Priming Pumps
This pump serves as the reservoir of the pump and is installed near the pool safety fence. This type of pump is often used for in-ground pools but is sometimes used in above-ground pools as well.

Flooded Suction Pump
This type of pump can be used with pools above the ground. It is due to the reason that this should be located beneath the water level of the pool. This is slightly smaller compared to the other types of pool pumps. It doesn’t have a diffuser inside of it that is needed to allow the pump to prime itself.
Booster Pumps
This type is used with the help of the self-priming pumps when flow is needed. This type can not prime itself so it definitely needs water supplied by primary pumps.
Tips to Keep your Swimming Pool Pump Pumping
Swimming pool pumps should be kept properly maintained to let it perform well for the coming years or so. Make sure that the strainer baskets are always clean and securely in place. Regularly check the water leaks between the pump housing and motor. When bad shaft seal is observed, have it replaced by an expert. If you are asking on how long you can run your pump, there are actually several factors that will determine it. Among the factors are the size of the pool, conditions of the weather, amount of the pool activity or how often do you use your pool, the time of year and of course, the kind of equipments that you have. Generally, you can start running your pump from 9 in the morning until the end of the day. During the winter days, your pump will run less. This is also the result of the less swimming activity in colder months but having a heating system is a different thing. If you are trying to correct a certain algae or circulation problem, run your equipment in the evening to let the water keep on circulating.