Lighting plays a vital role in a room’s décor whether it is your office or home. Floor lamps and table lamps made of wrought iron are the most favored lighting options. Of lat, floor lamps are in vogue with various shades and colors that add style and posh to your décor. You can have your pick from the wide range of floor lamps that can be used both indoors and outdoors. These lamps give panache to your setting and make it look alluring and fascinating.

Halogen lamps are the most sought after lamps, but the halogen bulbs used in them have a combustion temperature of more than 1,200 degrees. This is very high, higher than the temperatures of wood, paper or fabric which burn at somewhere in the range of 350 to 500 degrees. And the use of these lamps has resulted in many injuries, fires and even death in some cases according to Products Safety Commission. The halogen torchiere floor lamps launched in 1983 in America is trendy and widely used. It is of free standing variety where the top is open and there is danger of any objects like window curtains or wood above them being ignited. As these halogen bulbs have a tendency to burn at very high temperatures, care should be taken while using them.
The disadvantages of the earlier halogen bulbs have been rectified in the newer variety of Energy Star torchiere floor lamps. For one, these use lamps that are cooler and burn at lower temperatures. And they save the energy utilised to as much as 80%. Durability is also very good as they have a survival rate of five times more than the other regular types. A 56 watt fluorescent torchiere bulb emits the same intensity as a 300watt halogen one. Also these Energy Star lamps come with a three way dimming or full cover bulbs and you get to choose from a wide array of these stylish and trendy lamps. They also come with a two year warranty.

If you are the fun loving type you can go for the bright yellow painted bulbs which come with a silicone covering. It’s a bit on the costly side but will definitely catch the attention of your friends and neighbours. For those who are on the look out for something new and cool, there are stained glass lamps, traditional ones and mica land lamps. You can also get contemporary table lamps and even some desk lamps.
Glass lamps make the room beautiful but we have to be cautious in its placement when you have children playing around..
Lighting is so important when creating a space. I love the last lamp you show. It’s modern and very fun.