Though technological advances have improved our lifestyle by leaps and bounds, they have also made an equally negative impact on our environment. We are surrounded by invisible pollutants that are ever present in the air we breadth, even inside our homes. To combat this, an innovative method of furniture making has been in vogue for a few years. Eco-friendly furniture or ‘green’ furniture as they are known is becoming quite popular nowadays. This green furniture is environment friendly, non-toxic and very safe. They are so safe that you can even eat right off them without fear of any contamination.

The basic requirement of green furniture is that the wood for its construction should be obtained from a sustainable forest. Gone are the days when the few remaining trees from endangered exotic forests where used to make equally exotic furniture. In case of green furniture, for every tree that is cut down for construction, a new one is planted in its place. Using non-toxic bonding agents are another factor that makes the green furniture environment friendly. Most of the furniture, particularly the imported ones gives off gas formaldehydes and many other air-borne harmful chemicals that are detrimental to our health. On the other hand, by using environmentally safe glues, the green furniture does not give off harmful gases. They are very safe to use without fear of any harmful emissions.

Another notable feature of green furniture is its finish. While ordinary furniture uses lacquers, varnishes and other finishing agents that contain many harmful chemicals, green furniture uses FDA approved finishing agents that are water based or oil based. Green furniture manufacturers guarantee a non-toxic and 100% environmental friendly wood surfaces. If you are one of those who have growing concerns over the amount of pollutants we release into our environment and the amount of forests we keep destroying without care, then the green furniture is the perfect choice for your home. Though green furniture might be a bit expensive than the ordinary furniture, the peace of mind and the ‘green’ factor more than compensates for it.