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How to Perfectly Estimate the Paint of your Room


Have you ever tried painting your own room? The first thing that might cross your mind before painting your room is how much paint you will need. You may not want to end up with too little paint and failed to finish your room. Inaccurate calculation of paint may affect the overall appearance of your room. On the other hand, you may not want to buy too many paint and wasting all your money. Here is a very simple way to know how much paint you need for your room.

1. First, use a tape measure or any measuring device to accurately measure the overall footage around the perimeter of your wall and multiply by its wall height. Don’t forget to measure in feet. You will most likely need a help of a close friend or neighbor. Measuring a large area requires a lot of work.
2. You have to subtract the area of both windows and doors. Use a tape measure to get the exact length and width of the windows and doors. Multiply all these numbers to get the square footage of the window. To actually determine how much of the wall surfaces you need to paint you have to subtract the square area of each window. Then, add the definite square area that you have to paint to each wall. This will determined the entire surfaces of the room.
3. Know the exact wall coverage of the paint. You can easily see this information on the outside covering of the paint. A regular gallon of an interior paint usually has 350 to 400 square foot. This can greatly help you to pin point the exact amount of paint that you need to purchased.
4. Determine if your room needs extra coats of paint. If your wall has big visible stains that are hard to cover or if your previous wall has darker paint, you have to double the amount of paint. This will ensure a great coverage of your wall. One of the best options for you is to buy a tinted primer as your first coat.
5. Have an exact calculation of how many gallon of paint you should buy to cover the entire wall of your room. Just divide the entire square area of the wall by the number of each gallon of paint can cover. This can give you the precise amount of gallon you need to paint your room.

You can also hire a professional painter to do the work for you. Professional painters, most often one coat of primer paint for first coat and two coats of wall paint after. But this may depend on the quality of the paint. Some paints may only require one coat. Always remember to paint a primer if you are painting much lighter color over a dark one.

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I love writing about interior design. I am in love with achieving harmony at home to improve the well-being of my family. I usually write for the "Visitacasas" blog, both in Spanish and English, and personally answer the questions about home decoration of all our users.

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