The exterior design of a house means a lot to homeowners because it mirrors the overall design of the house. Likewise, the color scheme plays an important role in enhancing the beauty of an abode. And since first impressions last, so you better decide carefully on how to choose exterior paint colors for your house to make it look like a nice and comfortable place to live in. Sometimes, exterior colors could be a determining factor when buying or owning a home.

Choosing appropriate colors for the outer part of your house is quite exciting and kind of tricky as well. You must consider a handful of things to be sure that your colors would not be for naught, or would not earn negative comments from your friends, neighbors and passers-by.
As a color scheme proves to be a cost effective technique in transforming an old looking house to a more sophisticated and modern appearing abode, painting the external sections of your residence should be accompanied by some significant concerns like the following:
• The immediate area – Observe your neighbors’ interior color schemes prior to your choosing of paint colors. You surely don’t want your house to look like hell in the middle of a heavenly universe. Carefully ponder if your chosen colors would clash with those of your neighborhood. You need not copy your neighbors’ color schemes, the important rule is that yours should blend accordingly with their’s.
• Light and gloominess – Inspect if your residence is surrounded by big trees and other plants that may produce shades from time to time depending on the movement of the sun. You may deem it necessary to adjust your preferred colors to a step darker or lighter to achieve the desired color scheme. This is because colors look like a little bit darker in shady areas while becoming washed out in spots directly affected by sunlight during daytime. It’s best to take a small piece of board and paint it with your chosen color/s, then put it outside to observe how it looks like during the different hours of the day.
• The landscape – Imagine what it’s going to look like if you have a garden of red roses and a swimming pool on the side, and you paint your walls with dark fuchsia pink or scarlet. It doesn’t matter if that’s what you really want, but there are varieties of color combinations to choose from, so why settle for the not-so compatible shades that will create a drastic contrast with your landscape?
• Color choices – Picking the right hue combination would be the final stage to consider on how to choose exterior paint colors for your house. Its safe to select two tones from a similar color group, preferably a lighter shade and a darker one. Apply the lighter shade for the most part of the exteriors and the darker shade for the accents, or you can do it the other way around. For a lot more drama, you can pick contrasting shades to highlight windows and doors. You could also associate your paint colors to some elements in your yard like stones, bricks, and roof color. But make sure they all blend well together and don’t hurt the eyes.
I’m actually looking for an in exterior colour for my home right now it’s white with a white Pivot door