Among all the flooring materials we commonly use, hardwood is the most practical material to use. Beautiful floors made from real hardwood can be considered both an asset and an investment to any home owner. After a period of time, these floors that used to be beautiful are now damaged and covered with dirt or scratches. If you see your floors starting to get worn out, then consider doing a refinishing as your best choice. Although this can be a bit tough and tiring, just bear in mind that after all the work, a new floor is awaiting to be revealed. For those do-it-yourselfers, refinishing a hardwood floor can be a very challenging job. So if you want to learn how to refinish wood floors, then you better arm yourself with patience.

Refinishing your old linoleum floor is a very great way to increase the value of any area of the home. A dull surface or a floor full of scratches only needs a top coat of finish, and then your floor is now as beautiful as it once was. Many has considered refinishing a very difficult job, but then most of the important materials needed are just available around the corner and the steps on How to Refinish Wood Floors are just very easy to follow.
If you are scheduling to do the refinishing of the floors in your residence or basement, then better get these things in hand:
> Heavy and light sandpaper.
> Gloves.
> Wide brooms.
> Rollers with long handle.
> Floor wax or polyurethane finish.
> Brushes.
> Dust masks.
> Wood stain.
> Rags.
> Floor sanders and edger.
> Shop vacuums.

After preparing the necessary materials needed, you are now on your way to start remaking your old floors. Here are the fundamental steps and ideas on refinishing wooden floors:
1. Remove anything from the room, including all the rugs and furniture where you are going to do the refinishing of the floors.
2. Make sure that all the nails in the wooden floor are countersunk to avoid any accident or injury.
3. Using mineral spirits or wax removers, clean the floor to remove the dirt and ventilate after.
4. When sanding, use a course to medium sandpaper to avoid clogging of the wood due to heavy dust.
5. Upon noticing the appearance of the new wood, start using fine sandpaper.
6. Lastly, clean the floor thoroughly again before applying finishes like oil based seals.
A potential home buyer usually looks at the appearance and quality of the flooring of a house they want. After years of usage, you’re what used to be a beautiful hardwood floor can become ugly and dirty because of scratches and damages and due to old age. But then you don’t have to worry anymore because if you know How to Refinish Wood Floors, then with just a little grease and sweat, you can transform the old damaged floor into a new floor in just a few simple steps.