Applying color to our Swimming pool produces a rejuvenated and revitalized ambiance that is very infectious to the users as well. Regular repainting of pools is necessary to maintain its pleasant and attractive look. Before starting to do the painting job, there are several things to consider. Is is similar to paint wood furniture.
First of all you have to start by preparing all the basic materials needed for painting such as the following:
• Muriatic Acid.
• Rubber gloves.
• Epoxy Paints.
• Paintbrushes.
• Safety goggles.
• Paint Rollers with Extension pole.
• Paint Roller Pans.
• Sandblasters.
• Utility knives.
• Respirator Mask.
1. Identify the type of paint that is presently applied in your pool. Remember last swimming pool maintenance. Chlorinated rubber paint and epoxy paint are the most common types because of their long life span of up to two to three years and five years respectively. However you have to make sure by taking a fragment of the paint to your dealer to have it examined. It is always recommended to use the same kind of paint that is already used by your pool.
2. Find out the number of coats of paint that are on the walls of your pool and clean your swimming pool. This is done by peeling off and counting the layers in a part that is shedding or coming off using a pocketknife. It is advisable that you apply more layers of new paint in relation to the old ones. Having thicker old paint causes problems with adhesion. If you have multiple layers of old paint, consider having the exterior sandblasted to uncover concrete. All previously used paint and sand should be removed before the application of new paint. If you decide to paint over the old paint used, first scrub thoroughly trisodium phosphate to cleanse the walls before repainting.
3. Rinse with water and then subsequently with a coat of muriatic acid. Let it soak according to the direction of the manufacturer. Do not forget to provide protection to your eyes, lungs and skin when using this harmful chemical.
4. To counterbalance any acid still present on the surface, rinse with more water and utilize another application of trisodium phosphate.

6. Before painting, check the pool for cracks and repair any that can be found.
7. On the surface, apply the kind of paint that you need to use. Chlorinated rubber paints generally are self – priming. A coat primer is needed when using epoxy paints, especially sandblasted concretes.
8. Use a roller to spread out paint on large open areas evenly and quickly. Use a brush for corners and constricted spots surrounding drains and inlet and outlet valves.
9. Directions for drying and curing are indicated by the manufacturer. This should be carefully carried taking in important consideration on temperature especially when using epoxy paint. Discoloration and bad adhesion may result from low temperatures.
How to Install a Pool Liner?
The function of a pool liner that is above the ground level is to keep the water in the pool and to avoid leaking. It does not serve a support purpose that is why it is important to install the pool liner properly. Great care must be taken to maintain the chemical levels in order to get its maximum life expectancy. But what might happen if the time when the pool liner has to be replaced before it leaks and ruin your property? Reading this article will let you know how to install a pool liner properly.
Prepare the pool for installation. The process involves the draining of water out of the pool and removing the old liner. The drainage may depend on the pool’s situation. It may require you to rent a submersible pump and discharge the water to the nearest storm drain. For the said procedure, be sure to check all the local codes. To remove the old liner, disassemble the top cap of the pool wall which secures in place the liner. Inspect the pool wall if there are rusts or damages for it could also damage the new liner. If necessary, make repairs to ensure that the installation will be successful. Take note of the pool’s depth and diameter when buying a pool liner. Thicker pool liners will provide longer service compared to others but it will cost much.
Once you have prepared the pool for installation, the first thing for you to do is to place around the bottom of the pool an earth mound to ensure that the metal pool frame will not be touched by the pool liner. An earth mound is a smooth layer of sand at the base of the pool. Smooth the area as mush as possible by removing any pebbles or rocks. The next step is to lay out the pool liner touching the pool walls, the ground and the earth mound. Do not pull it too tightly to avoid creating air between the earth mound and the liner. You are most likely to have extra length and width of liner. Leave this draped over the sides of the pool’s edges.
Leave any small wrinkles in the liner that will allow for extra space whenever the liner shrinks. After that, fill the pool with water. Check the liner ensuring that it isn’t moved or being stretched during the filling. Last thing to do is to clamp the liner to the pool’s edges. It is done after the pool has been completely filled with water to secure the liner to the sides of the pool. With all these information at hand, no wonder you already know how to install a pool liner.