When we are measuring for horizontal window blinds the first thing that we should do is to make sure that we start with the right kind of measuring instruments. It is being advised that we use a metal measuring tape, but then, a yard stick will also work. Because when we use a cloth measuring tape or even a measuring with a string it can cause our measurement to be inaccurate.

Second step is that, we should decide if we want to mount the blinds inside our window or commonly being known as the inside mount or we can even place it outside of our window which is known as the outside mount. If we had already decided to mount our blinds outside our window, we should always remember that our blinds will end up covering the casing, or even be mounted on our windows casing. On the other side, if we had decided to mount our blinds on the inside of our window, we should make sure to measure the depth of the casing or else our blind slats will be sticking out past the edge of our window.
Now that we already have all the tools that we needed, and have already decided on the kind of mounting that we are going to use, we can now begin measuring our window. For us to be able to measure it from the inside mounts, we must make sure to measure the depth of its casing first. Simply because, window blinds will not always fit at the depth of our window. And if ever we wanted to have a one inch slats, we will need at least a depth of one and a half inches of it.

The very next step after we’re done measuring window blinds for an inside mount, is to start measuring its width. Most of us make some mistakes of only measuring the width at the top of our window, but then, windows are not always built as a square. To have a more accurate measurement, three measurements are needed to be taken. All these three measurements will be measured from the inside of one of our window. The first measurement should be done at the top of the window, the next one will be at its middle, and the third and last one will be taken at the bottom part of our window. And once that we already have these three measurements; we can now start measuring our windows length.
The length of our window is also being measured the very same way as measuring its width. It also requires three measurements all from the inside top of our window up to the inside part of the bottom of it. These three measurements of our windows length should be taken from the right, left, and middle part of it. And once that we already have the measurement of the width and length of our window; we should now take the smallest width and longest length and have our measurement for an inside mount.