How tos

How to Grow a Butterfly Garden in Florida?

Growing a butterfly garden is a great way to beautify one’s yard and help attract many different beautiful butterflies found in Florida. Most of the butterfly gardens are also attraction for beneficial insects and hummingbirds. Productive butterfly gardens do not require a large land area because a great impact can be brought by even a few key plants.

Whether you grow it in a patio container or over several acres, butterfly gardening can be as simple or as complex as you wish to make it. Regardless of the size, the same basic concepts are applied. There is a most important thing to understand if you want to know how to grow a butterfly garden in Florida, that different butterflies have different requirements change throughout their life cycle. A butterfly garden that is well- planned should appeal to many different butterflies, and cater to both the adults and their larvae. It is very essential to choose a proper garden design and plants. Those will help influence which butterflies are attracted, how to remain in the area and reproduce there.

Butterfly garden

It is really not necessary to include larval host plants to attract butterflies, but adults tend to stay fairly close to the areas where their larval food plants can be found. These things require planning and there are few basic rules to follow. Be as creative as you wish, but start with a plan that considers the requirements of the butterflies you wish to attract and the plants you will use to lure them.

Butterfly gardening is a not difficult pursuit and must be based on butterfly preferences, not human ones. Fortunately, butterfly and human favorites are mostly compatible. Do you wish to know more on how to grow a butterfly garden in Florida? Find out how to start planning as you read this. Planting and growing a productive butterfly garden is not hard, but it requires proper planning and a little basic research. Even Florida boasts over 180 different butterflies, you can’t attract species that do not naturally occur in your region, nor can you grow plants that aren’t adapted to the soils and climate in your region. To help you get started, follow these easy steps to plan your garden.

Monarch butterfly

First, provide a butterfly region map and determine the region from which you live. Then, look for your region in the Florida butterflies tables, highlight the species that occur in your area, and use habitats that can be found within 1/4 mile of the site you are considering for your butterfly garden. Research a butterfly nectar plants by region list for you to know where in your region you can find a source of butterfly nectar plants. If you have planned and decided all the needed requirements, then you are very ready to grow your own butterfly garden. This listed very easy ways on how to grow a butterfly garden in Florida.

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How to Make Decorative Pillows?

Pillows are integral parts of our lives. These are what we need every time we sleep. We really exert effort to find the best pillows for our house especially for personal use. It is very important that you have nothing but the best because they are the things that accompany you in your sleep.

But most of the time, people settle in ordinary and dull looking pillows. If you want to be creative, original and have the best pillow in the world, you should know how to make decorative pillows. By making some, you can put yourself, your own creativity that is the best design in the world because the most special thing about it is, you are the one who made it and your own design is the one you used to actualize it. The following are some steps on how to make decorative pillows. You can use these tips for you to make your own pillows and for you to have the best out of it. It can really help you and give you the chance to release your creative juices and your resourcefulness and achieve the best design that you imagined.

Decorative bed pillows

• Choose the right color.
You can base it in your personality or your favorite color. You can decide for a central theme in your house or different themes in every room. It is important that you decide on this matter because it can really help you in having your dream pillow decorations. You can base your color selection on the availability of the fabrics and the choice of the cloth that you want. You can use dark colors if you want pillows that cannot be easily stained.

• Choose the right fabric for you.
You should have basic knowledge about it. Not because it is expensive, it is the best. Remember that it depends on you, on what you need, and what you want. You can check out in every store that offers cloth and fabric and you can assess what you want. It is important that you do it to test if you have allergies or unwanted reactions towards the fabric.

• Choose the right pattern.
You can put your personal preference in this part. You can put your own name, your favorite characters or just imaginative designs that you can think of. You do not have to be an expert but you just have to ensure that you choose the pattern that you are most comfortable with. No need for extra expenses!

Suitcases shaped pillows

Knowing how to make decorative pillows is important if you want a personalized touch of your room or of your house. You do not need to buy ready made pillows because you can make it by yourself. It is important that you know the knowledge for you to execute it the right way. Now, making pillows is not that difficult with the help of these tips. Just follow the tips and execute it the right way.

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How do I make a cover for a bird cage?

You love your little bird, and your pet is fun to watch, but come nighttime, the show is over and your bird will want to sleep without an audience. A cage cover will serve this purpose well. Moreover, it will keep your fine-feathered friend warm and safe from drafts. You can purchase a cage cover, or you can make one. If you want to know the answer on how to make a cover for a bird cage, let the steps below show you how to do it.

1. Use a tape measure and measure from one end of the cage to the other end, going over the top of the cage with the tape measure. Write down the measurement.
2. Lay the quilted fabric face down on the table and using your pen, draw a vertical line 45-inch long. Measure 22 ½-inches from the center of the line, horizontally, and mark the distance with the pen on the wrong side of the fabric.

Decorative wooden birdcage

Use the following tips in creating the bar of cage:
• The main issue on cage safety is that of bar spacing. Make sure that the bar spacing of your bird’s cage is narrow enough to prevent the bird from getting its head through or between the bars.
• Another important thing about bar spacing is that in an effort to increase the “bird visible space” for a cage, in other words to make it easier to see inside the cage, some cage manufacturers will use smaller diameter bars in order to increase this “visible space” while also decreasing the amount of material needed to manufacture the cage.
3. Draw a semi-circle, starting from one end of the 45-inch line, connecting it at the 22-½ inch marked point, and continuing to the other end of the 45-inch line.
4. Cut the semi-circle out, following the line drawn.
5. Using the bottom of a coffee mug to measure with, draw a small semi-circle at the center of the straight edge of the large semi-circle on the wrong side of the fabric, and cut it out.
6. Take your two large semi-circles and face the right side together. Pin along the straight edge, up to the small semi-circle. Nevertheless, half of the straight edge will remain open.
7. Sew the ¼-inch in from the edge of the pinned fabric.
8. Pin trimming along edge of small semi-circle.
9. Sew trimming in its place.
10. Turn fabric under ¼-inch along both open straight edges and then sew close to the edge.
11. Pin lace ruffling to bottom of cage cover.
12. Sew lace ruffling in place.
13. Sew Velcro to the open edges of the cage cover, positioning one of the sets of Velcro at the top of the open straight edge, and the other set halfway down the open straight edge.
14. Drape the parakeet cage cover over the cage, and hold in place by sticking the Velcro together to keep the cover closed.

Every bird living with people needs a cage. Even if you are nearly always home, and you are able to allow your bird the pleasure of often being out with you, your bird still needs a cage so that it may have a place to retreat for privacy. In addition, it will be safest in its cage when you are out of the house. This does not mean that your pet should spend all his time in a cage. To be happy, your bird will need several hours outside his cage each day – a minimum of three hours spent with you, and preferably longer.

There are lots of other covers you can make, as sofa or other furniture covers or cushion covers, including outdoor furniture covers, and if you are skilful you can even try making swimming pool covers and you will also save lots of money due to its high cost.

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How to Install an Elevator?

The elevator installation is helpful for the wheelchair bound and aged persons. Elevators make life of the people more comfortable. Elevators are classified according to the number of floor the building has to be installed. The small elevators are ideal for buildings with two to three floors.

Antique elevator with wooden doors

Small commercial elevators are designed to provide economical, safe, smooth and reliable vertical transportation. They can be used in both existing and new buildings. These elevators are characterized by several loading configurations to suit a wide variety of construction and budgetary requirements. Compared to the typical commercial elevator, small commercial elevators are so made to take up less space, and use fewer overhead clearances and fewer shafts. Small commercial elevators are also less expensive. A purchaser can opt for one in standard or custom design. These days, a variety of models of such elevators with standard and optional features is available. The models of the elevators differ from each other in terms of their design, speed range, color and cab finishes. If you want to know how to install an elevator, continue reading this article. This will give you the steps on how to do it especially, if you want to install one in your home.

Decide first what you will use the elevator for and buy it accordingly. For an instance, you just need to lift things from one floor to another, then you’ll need a dumbwaiter which is less expensive and easier to install. But if you need help to climb stairs, you’ll need a stair lift which is also easy to install and is less complex. In installing this type of elevator, the first thing you have to do is to lay the lower track on the stairs and attach the brackets to the steps with the screws that came with your stair lift. There will be a bracket at the top of the stairs, one at the bottom and one or more somewhere in the middle, in most cases.

Residential elevator

You have to be sure that you lay the track on the wall side of the stairs, not the railing side, so you don’t block people walking up and down. The next step is to install the call box wiring. The lift will come with a wire that will alert it to come down when it is at the top of the stairs. The cord will need to be fed through the track from the bottom to the top. You need to be sure to feed it through against the wall and underneath the track so that it stays out of the way. The track may have a specific place for it to clip on to the underside then lay the upper track on top of the lower track. The upper track should slide onto the lower track and screw in, then you can connect it to the brackets you’ve already attached to the stairs. The next thing to do is to install the chain that will serve as a pulley the chair up and down. Next, feed the seat’s power cable through its slot in the track. Then, attach the seat to the track using the supplied screws. Put the seat in a position that will be comfortable for the user. The user should not try it out until it is securely attached. Finally, plug the main power cable into the bottom of the track, and plug the other end into the wall outlet.

The above things are to be remembered or read if you want to know how to install an elevator.

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How to Stop Dog from Urinating on Furniture

It is common for a dog to put marks on furniture. It doesn’t matter whether that dog is well-trained or old. Dogs, especially the male ones, tend to pee on your furniture whenever they feel like doing so or they just learned that it is a new object in your house. If you are having this problem, read along to know tips on how to stop dogs from urinating on furniture.

• Clean the area.
Upon discovering that a dog urinated on your furniture, clean the area immediately. You should be able to remove the smell of the urine, not only to get rid of unwanted smell inside your house, but for the dog not to be attracted to that spot once in a while. In cleaning, avoid using products that have a smell that resembles that of urine just like ammonia which can only magnetize your dog back to the furniture.

Bars to keep dogs on their place

• Use spray repellents.
Take note that the strongest sense of a dog is smell. You can check your favorite stores for spray repellents that can make your dogs keep away from your furniture. Whenever they feel that there is a strong bad smell on the furniture, they will surely go away from that area.

• Command the dog.
It will not be difficult to train dogs if you will take a shot. Take simple commands into consideration like “Don’t potty there!” or “No potty, doggy!” every time you shoo the dogs away from your furniture. If the peeing occurs a lot of times, and the dogs learn to listen to your command, there is a big chance that they will no longer urinate on the areas you are protecting.

• Create distractions.
Whenever you see the dogs peeing on your furniture, make a move on creating distractions for them to stay away from there. Try a whistle and beckon them to you. If this always becomes their habit, they will learn how to leave that spot.

• Potty train the dog.
Just like a child that is growing up, your dogs should at least be taught how to pee on the right place. This can happen if there is that right place in your house. You can specify an area wherein they can urinate outside. Do not have a toilet for them inside your house so that there will be no repugnant smell.

Pretty puppy

• Give rewards as encouragement.
If the dogs learn how to pee in their designated area, reinforce them positively. While detaching themselves to your furniture, they will be encouraged to follow what you want when it comes to their hygiene, especially when you give them some kind of rewards. Always smile and give them some food as a reward whenever they urinate on the right spot.

• Relieve the depression of the dogs.

If the dogs are attached to you that much, do not leave them for so long so that they will not be depressed and disobey your commands about their hygiene. When your attention, or even the slightest of your smell, is missing in action, this can bring about anxiety to them. Always make sure that you leave an object near them that has your scent. This can comfort them and make them think that you are still around.

Take into consideration the mentioned tips on how to stop dogs from urinating on furniture to encounter no more problems regarding their hygiene. Keep your house always clean so that people and pets living there can live harmoniously.

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How to Find Out my Decorating Style?

Do you know your own style and preferences in home decorating? Actually, most people don’t. They just get to know what they want when they see one. Say for example, you went to your friend’s new house and noticed a good combination of brown and yellow for wall paint. The next day, you will tell your husband that paint would be a good idea or at least look for a wall paper of similar shade. You always experience that, don’t you? Here are the following tips to answer your question “how to find out my decorating style.”

• Make a list of your questions to determine your tastes and preferences.
List the following questions and you can answer them in a clean sheet of paper.
– What is your favorite color? This will help you determine your taste in color, arrangement, balance and form.
– Do you have enough space for the changes and improvement you have on mind?
– What is the environment or ambience of the house that inspires you most? Actually, it’s just like a dress that you take time to think of the appropriate clothing for every occasion.

Oriental decor

As you go along and discover the other tips, you will soon develop more questions in mind and don’t hesitate to add them up to your list. More questions, more answers to help you on determining what you really want in decorating your house.

• Research on the net. Otherwise, go out and observe.
If you like browsing and enjoy surfing the net, try conducting researches on house decorating style. You will definitely learn in just few clicks in the internet. But if you prefer to just go out and see for yourself the different decorating styles on various offices and establishments, this is actually much better. This way, you will personally see the interior decorating styles that can help you out. You can learn from what you see and apply them in your own house.

• Prepare your budget for your discovered talent.
After knowing what you want in décor, plan for the budget now. Consider this factor in your plan before implementing what you have in mind.

Tuscany style

• Consider the space of your house.
Before you go out and buy furniture and other appliances, do consider the space of your house first. Funny as it may seem, but despite this is the most common thing to consider, most people do take this for granted. Others forget that they only have small space and sometimes buy huge furniture and appliances.

• Be confident in creating the atmosphere that you see in your head.
After planning all these things and you now have a clear picture in your head of what you want to do, don’t hesitate to start right away. Do as you plan and you will never go wrong.

Following these suggested tips, your frequent question “how to find out my decorating style?” will no longer haunt you at night. Doing the things you like will feel you good and that is really what matters the most. And do not desperate, you have lots of style to choose from, like Tuscany style decor, or Feng Shui style, or even Asian style, you have only to search.

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How to Clean a Greasy Shop Rag?

Cleaning our house is a really tricky job. You have to ensure that every part of it is free from foreign dirt and other materials. But some parts of our home really need more effort and different techniques for you to clean it totally. Some need the right knowledge because it is not that easy to clean it. A perfect example is cleaning a greasy shop rags. “How to clean a greasy shop rag?” This is actually a frequent question that you might be repeatedly asking to yourself. Cleaning it is not as easy as soaking your hands in the water especially if you do not know how to do it. Most of the time, people are exerting effort but at the end, they do not get any result but instead get tired and disappointed because they did not do the right thing.

The following are some steps on how to clean a greasy shop rag.
• First, remove all the dirt that can be removed by hands. This is the first thing you should do. Remove all the dirt that you can see by your hands. This can make the next processes easier for you because there will be no chance of accumulated dirt. You can use hand gloves or other materials for you to do the job with more ease. Make sure that all big dirt is removed because sometimes, they cause trouble at the end.

Colorful rags

• Next, wash the rags with hot water. This will partially remove the oil and the grease in your rags. This will help you eliminate them and at the same time, make your cleaning process easier. Repeatedly soak it but make sure that you also give intervals on your process. In this way, you are sure that you do not destroy your rags. Soaking it in hot water can really remove most of the oil, but not totally. This will only ensure that you removed the majority of the grease and by repeating the process, you can make sure that only small amount of it were left.
Kitchen rags

• Use detergent to fully clean the rags. This can help you in removing the grease left and removed by the previous process. This will make your shop rags are now totally free from grease. You can get a clean and almost brand new look if you only do the right process. You can wash it by hands or use washing machine to do the job, whichever you prefer. But just make sure that you follow the previous processes because putting your shop rags directly in washing machine will not make this process effective.

How to clean a greasy shop rag is a question that can easily answered by the people. Now, you do not have to think of desperate ways or to buy new shop rag just because you cannot clean your previous one. You can save money and at the same time, you can learn how to really do the job. This is a great help for you and for your family especially on these times of recession.

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How to Paint Faux Finishes Furniture?

Some furniture is centuries old and their looks had noticeably aged. Throwing, selling or giving them away is not an option. You have to admit it; some things are just priceless that you cant afford buying new furniture and even you can not just bare the thoughts of throwing it away especially if that furniture is your ancestral treasure. So let us say you have decided to change it. Then what better way to reinvent your old furniture that through faux finishing.

Faux painting or Faux finishing are terms used to describe a wide range of decorative painting techniques which replaces woods and marbles with paints. Faux finishing or painting can be applied to walls, floors and is now commonly applied for furniture .From obscure and what seems to be a complex form of painting, faux finishes or faux painting has become one of the most popular painting techniques nowadays that even you, can do it yourself. How to paint furniture is a frequent question that is as easy as 1-2-3!

Painting a bench

• Preparation of the furniture.
Gather cleaning materials such as sandpapers, sponges, gloves and some stripping tools if you prefer. Cleaning the surface of the furniture is the very first step in any painting jobs. Sanding the furniture surface thoroughly will ensure that the paint will stick.

• Know your paints and know how to paint.
You do not have to worry about your artistic skills. One major way to paint effectively is to know what paint you are going to use in painting the surface of your furniture. There are lots of faux finish products in the market. Latex paints are the most common to be used and painting the basecoat is the start of every faux painting. You will then need to apply the painting glaze from coat to coat once the paint is dry and you can use any media in applying glazes (rag, sponge, brush or even feathers). Depending on the faux techniques being used, one or more glaze coats can be applied.

• Choosing your techniques
There are actually several faux painting techniques. Below are several examples of different techniques along with some basic process to do it:

Crackeld painting

• Antiquing.
As what its name suggests, it is the process of using glaze to create an aged or old appearance to a surface, may it be on walls or furniture. A base colored paint is first applied. After it dries, a coat of glaze is then followed. You can use a lint–free rag to wipe the excess glaze, leaving hints of color in the crevices and presto! You have now the antique look.

• Crackled.
This type of technique is the most common on furniture. It gives an aged to perfection look to furniture as it creates an old crack paint look. After painting, liquid hide glue is applied over it. As soon as it dries, a paint coat is applied over the glue.

Depending on your artistic taste, there are lots and other faux finishing techniques to choose from.

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Lighting a Charcoal grill

Most barbecue grillers prefer using the gas grill because they give them immediate results and satisfaction. Unlike gas grills, charcoal grills are time consuming and takes up most of your time with all the preparation and even during the grilling. It’s also a hassle in terms of cleaning up once the deed is done. Remember that charcoal grills have that unique, distinct taste which grillers often look for. Also, most people aren’t aware of is that charcoal grills are really just simple to use.

Safety Using Charcoal

You can buy charcoal briquettes that already are soaked in lighter fluid. For safety precautions, make sure that your grill is placed on a nonflammable surface. Make sure that it is no where near anything that could catch fire.

Charcoal grill

Grill Starter

Stack your briquettes in a pyramid. Open up the air vents, if your grill has one. By doing this, airflow would circulate and increase which will help your charcoal burn better. Light the briquettes in several places using a match. Spread the charcoal and put back the grill rack, use a grill brush to make sure it’s clean once the grill rack is back in place.

Lighting a Charcoal Grill
Remember not to soak the briquettes in the light fluid. That is a common error done by most grillers. This is a no-no. You may say that if you don’t soak it, the flame won’t light up. Well, it just needs a little patience in order for you to grow the fire. Grab your fire starter and light it up. Once the charcoal has turned completely white, you can start cooking. And there you have lighted your charcoal grill.

Mens lighting a charcoal grill

These are the steps in lighting a charcoal grill. It’s not that complicated now right? Gas grills may look convenient but it depends on every griller’s preference. Some are just missing out on the added flavor charcoal-cooked foods have. So go ahead and light up your charcoal grill and start tasting that unique flavor and see for yourself!

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How to Paint Rattan Furniture?

Do you love buying furniture and eventually hate it because of its disgusting color? You want to make it more inviting but you don’t know how to paint rattan furniture? Well then, this article is for you.
Rattan is durable and it will last for about fifty years if this will be taken care of properly. Rattan furniture can enhance any room; however sunlight can be its worst enemy. The natural and gentle rattan can bring peace and harmony of nature into our houses as part of your balanced, holistic lifestyle. The following are helpful and easy steps to turn the disgraceful into elegant and beautiful furniture.

Rattan armchair

• Collect supplies. You can use regular brush but sponge brushes are going to work better because they distribute the paint thicker and can be jammed between the rattan’s crevices. You can also use spray paint but a can of paint is going to be better because of the cost and ability to pile on thick sections of paint where the rattan is ornate. If you want to paint outdoor furniture, it is advisable to use paint that is waterproof and can stand up to the elements.
• After gathering the supplies, you can now prepare the furniture. This preparing includes sanding any rough edges, repairing any fractured legs and wiping or hosing off any dust and debris. You may also paint the furniture using a paint primer if you think your paint was not good enough.
• Start painting. Start from slathering generous amounts of paint with a sponge brush on all the larger areas, like the arms, legs and supports of the furniture. Make sure that you put a paint that is thick enough to cover any vestige of the old color but not so thick that it congeals in unsightly gobs.
• Continue your painting and fill in the smaller, more ornate areas. This process requires more patience because these areas will become very obvious one you’ve got the base painted and the old color screams through in the more detailed regions. Scan the parts, even the hidden and smallest parts. Usually, if you paint rattan furniture, there are some missed parts. Patiently, you should apply your paint again to these areas that requires sponge brush.
• Lastly, take a look at the furniture from a distance and check how shiny your furniture is.
Rattan table

With these six simple steps, you will be able to know how to paint rattan furniture. The uninviting furniture will transform into graceful one. Moreover, if you want other style, you can apply different colors just like rainbow. Rattan furniture will last if you will take good care of it, keep your Rattan furniture out of direct sunlight, and take precautions such as sun filtering blinds or room darkening shades. In addition, do not use water when cleaning your Rattan furniture.

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How to Build a Mini Bar at Home?

It is undeniable that having your own private bar in the house is a great home improvement. Guests and friends will be impressed and your home will instantly be a venue for social occasions. It is very easy to put up your own mini bar. In fact it only requires basic assembly and carpentry skills. But you won’t be able to create a stylish high quality mini bar if you do not plan on it first. Here are some things to consider if you are looking for tips on how to build a mini bar.

It’s all about the location
In building your own private mini bar, you should first measure the entire floor area of the room. After this you should visualize the length and the size of the mini bar furniture and the additional items you will add such as refrigerators, seats etc. In building your own private mini bar, you should first measure the entire floor area of the room. After this you should visualize the length and the size of the mini bar furniture and the additional items you will add such as refrigerators, seats etc. Pay attention to what kind of lighting you will be using and where you will place it.

Minibar for small houses

Budget and Purchasing
Your budget is the most important factor when you are planning to build a mini bar. The type of materials of the furniture, lighting, additional equipment and many more will depend on your budget. A quality private mini-bar does not necessarily mean high end materials.

If you have a large amount of money to spend you can save yourself from the work and just visit a furniture store to buy the bar counter. Look for a design that fits your taste and the area of your house. There are some designs that cost more than their actual value. Check the furniture’s material and make, if it is not sturdy enough go search for another. That goes the same with everything you purchase. Always be sure that every item is worth your money.

Hotel style minibar

If you don’t have a large budget, it’s not a problem. With a little work and time, you can construct your own mini-bar furniture. And since you’ll be the one to do the carpentry, you can add your own personal touch to its design. To have ideas, browse online sites. If you are lucky you may find a site that provides step by step instructions and blueprints. It doesn’t require a large amount of money to have a high-quality mini-bar. Don’t forget to buy bar utensils like shakers, strainers, glasses etc. It is not necessary to buy the fancy ones, the ones available in your department store will do.

Finish it off
Arrange everything the way you have visualized it. Add some details to further improve the ambience of your mini-bar. It would be nice to have a good sound system installed (or the same used in the home theater) to further enhance the mood in your mini-bar.

Be sure to carefully do these suggested tips on how to build a mini bar and you will surely accomplish a good job.

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How to Paint Furniture White? 7 Steps

Furniture is a must for any home. It provides comfort and becomes a useful decor that adds to the beauty of any part of the house especially when they blend in with the theme. These themes vary according to an individual’s taste and the furniture should coincide with these themes to make the place look as one without something standing out. Antiques furniture for the old houses, metallic ones for the futuristic types but commonly houses and other structures are painted white basically because they look good at it. It seems that the house is clean and orderly.

White dressing table
When you have decided to go for the white theme, your furniture must be white too. Yet, be careful when painting different types of furniture, such as wood and upholstered because they require different methods. This article will help guide you on how to paint furniture white, specifically the ones made of wood. One of the most common kinds of furniture today, even in the past, is wood. Wood for materials is readily available and less expensive. But wood furniture easily degrades as time passes. So, painting furniture white is a good way to recycle them. Plus, it would be less expensive than buying new furniture. Following the instructions below would insure a successful finish.

Step 1
Put the furniture on either a bunch of old newspapers or anything to secure that the floor will not be painted as well.

Step 2

Next, separate all the pieces of the furniture. Use a screwdriver to remove knobs and other features attached to the furniture. Put these pieces in a separate place.

Step 3

Sand the pieces of the furniture with a sand paper. Try using a sanding brush for those hard to reach areas. Make sure that pieces’ entire surface has been sand. Use a tack cloth in removing the dusts.

Step 4

Finish the sanding process with a fine steel wool sand paper to provide a smooth surface for the paint.

Step 5
After you are through with the sanding, apply the first coat of the white primer using a paint brush. Make sure you follow the direction of the grains on the surface. When the first coat dries up, apply the second layer of primer.

White bathroom furniture

Step 6
After drying up the second coat of primer, it is time to apply a white semi-gloss paint -has to be latex. Use a paint brush when applying the paint and remember to go in the same direction as the coat of primers which followed the wood grains.

Step 7
To secure and add shine to your furniture, apply the water based polyurethane. After all the pieces have dried up, it is time to put them back together and admire your newly painted white furniture.

Having white furniture to go with our theme would really look wonderful. With the step-by-step instructions above, painting your furniture white would now be a breeze.

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How to Make Rustic Furniture

In today’s modern world, it would really make an appeal if you have gorgeous modern looking furniture in your living room. Modern furniture are usually: a centerpiece table made of glass, a sofa edge made of metal, an electric lampshade having futuristic yet contemporary design – yes, the modern vibe of today’s interior design and most people consider this an art. That is why they would also usually say “Every furniture style makes a statement.”

But to some people, pieces of old crafts blended with new ones are considered true art and an extravagant masterpiece. Rustic furniture can help you achieve this kind of art for literally speaking, rustic is art. The term “rustic furniture” portrays furniture that has a hand-made appearance. They usually have natural looks (reminding you of trees and forest) because they are usually made by woods, sticks or rags thus bringing nature to your home.

Rustic furniture

Rustic furniture is cheap and they can save you a lot of dollars having a set or two. One can truly admire the art and the labor put in making rustic furniture and a lot can actually venture into woodworking making rustic furniture. In this article, we will give you some tips and guides on how to make rustic furniture effectively. Here are some suggested tips you must remember:

• Choose a design
The very basic in building your very own furniture is choosing your own design; find furniture you can copy. Experts would usually say this one is effective for you can properly mold and properly organize structure and proportions – from the height of the chair, to the length and sizes of the arm and everything. A time-proven design after all is made through perfection.

• Peeled or not Peeled

One factor in considering of making your own rustic furniture, in making log furniture is that if the log is cleanly shaved otherwise it is skip-peeled. Skip-peeled logs usually give you more of a rustic appeal for the twigs and barks are not remove unlike the peeled ones which are clean. Choose the style that suits your taste.

• Choice of Wood

Wood choices are usually affected by geography so the most practical tip here is to use any woods available.

Rustic kitchen furniture

• Build your ideas
As a woodworker or as a craftsman, hand tools usage is advisable rather than machines. The most basic tools to have in building rustic furniture are drawknife and spokes have for log craftsmen; handsaws, drills, chisels, hatchets and other hand tools are found in every log furniture crafter’s toolbox.

You would surely go along way having to keep these following tips in venturing into making rustic furniture. With the suggested tips, plus proper designing and commitment, making something out of twigs or making something rustic is most likely the threshold of building a house and in time and through perfection, you can build a home.

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How to Paint Patio Furniture?

A patio is usually an outdoor space in the house. It usually has paving stones as a “floor”. It is a place where your kids can play, have your social events held and it is where you would sit outdoors on a nice day or evening.

Patio is also called a terrace or a porch. It could be enclosed with a fence. It is usually located at the side or back of the house for privacy. Since it is like an outdoor living room, you can find different sets of furniture in your patio-outdoor furniture.

Patio furniture is different from the interior furniture for they require some special cleaning or repainting-they are usually rough and tumble. Outdoor furniture requires a lot of maintenance for they are exposed to all kinds of elements such as weather conditions. That is why you have to keep a watch and take a good care of them. Another solution is to use furniture covers. If damage occurs, the most suggested way to repair your patio furniture is through repainting. If you decide on painting your patio furniture there are a lot of things to consider.

Outdoor sofas

Painting patio furniture depends on what type of materials your furniture is made of. Modern day patio usually would have either wood or metal furniture. Painting decision is based on whether your furniture is wood, metal or plastic. Before engaging to the painting session, one must consider the following tips:
• First, clean the furniture and its surface.
• Next, remove all cushions and other accessories.
• Then, feather the edges of any chips or scratches by using a medium-fine sandpaper for wooden and metal furniture.
• Have the furniture taken to a safe area where paint spills will not damage the surroundings.
• Finally, cover the ground with a large piece of plastic and place the furniture on top of it if bringing it to other places is not possible.

The following are some tips that can be considered on how to paint patio furniture.

• Wood Furniture.
The type of wood should be put into consideration. You can use enamel paints if you have furniture from Redwood or Cedar. For teak furniture you use non-oil based paints like “acrylic latex paint” or you can look for outdoor furniture paint. For soft woods such as oak, you might wanna consider sealing it before painting as this type of wood are more vulnerable to weathering and decay.

Outdoor dinning set (chairs, table and sunshade)

Metal Furniture.
Metal outdoor furniture is usually weather proof; metal or aluminum made usually. For the first coat, consider using metal primer or rust retardant type of paint. You can use enamel for the second coating.

• Plastic Furniture.
They can either wear or become faded. You can use Krylon Fusion and other spray paint suited for painting plastics.

Having a well maintained and good looking patio can surely make your home more inviting not just from the outside.

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How to build an outside wood furnace

With the rising cost of gas and utilities skyrocketing, more people choose to use the alternative methods of heating and cooling their houses. Woods are one of the cheapest materials to buy. These woods are practically useless for anything else because it is so dry. One of the easiest ways to keep the heat billing low is by assembling an outside wood furnace. To have this, here are the basics steps on how to build an outside wood furnace:

1. The first thing you have to do is to decide where you want to place your furnace. Usually, it is placed about 50 to 100 feet away from the house. However, it should be close enough to be hooked into the central heating system. It is required to place your furnace on a level surface. Keeping it away from direct eyesight is a good idea because these furnaces can be ugly to look at.

2. After deciding, your next step is to look for materials. Usually, a lot of steel and metal are involved in making furnace. If you are not familiar with metals, ask someone to come with you when you purchase the metal for your project. You can make several trips to hardware stores for canvassing.

Iron outdoor wood furnace

3. Join the steel together to create a box of at least 35 cubic feet. Let the one end open to attach the water door. Attach the water door using sturdy hinges and a door sealer. It is very important that there is no water getting into the firebox. Make a small round hole on the top of the box for the chimney flu.

4. Put the firebox inside the water jacket. Secure it using a steel base or wire to attach the box inside the water jacket. Be sure that the firebox can be reached from the outside of the water jacket and that there are no leaks in the water jacket. Measure the hole in the firebox to the roof of the water jacket and then cut a hole out of the top of it as well.

5. Weld the steel pipe together to make a chimney the size of the holes you cut into the boxes. You can use a chimney sleeve to secure it to the water jacket and firebox. Place cloverleaf chimney cap inside the chimney. Build flu to go inside the chimney to direct the smoke.

Inside and outside iron furnace

6. Insulated water pipes are advisable to bring the heated water into the house. Attach these pipes to your current heating system and water heating system. You can consult a professional if you are not familiar with heating systems. Put the pipes for about three feet under the ground. Plumbing fittings can be used to attach the pipes inside the water jacket.

7. The last and final step on how to build an outside wood furnace is to fill it with wood. Refill it every after 12-hours with constant use. Put 200-gallons of water to water jacket and build a fire to heat the water. If used properly, the outside wood furnace will cut your heating bills down by about 1/3 to ½ of your current heating bills.

The only disadvantage of these wood furnaces is that when it snows a lot, it might be hard to reach them to refill with wood. However, by following the steps carefully, you will surely apply the learning about how to build an outside wood furnace.

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What You Need to Know About Home Improvement Themes

When you want that exciting interior design for your house with complete basement, then, having your home improvement theme is the greatest way of designing your house. Several themes will be cheerful and fun. This is not only decorating interiors and other parts of your home, but also for the pleasure of doing it.

Various Styles
It could just be another country style you desire to integrate for your home improvement theme. In any instance, selecting home themes does not only increase the price of your home but is also a capital for your home’s future. Check out and try home themes that give you the thrill. You can also try placing themes that are pleasant to look at or easy to incorporate with other colors.

Home themes and decorating ideas are essential to any type of home. Your outside theme for home improvement maybe Victorian, which is a usual home theme nowadays. You can also design your outdoors by observing another house with themes. You only need to select the right type of home theme and you can already create changes by modifying various items included in the home themes. All these procedures can add spice to your home decorations.

You can also utilize retro designs or garden themes for basement areas as your home improvement theme. Utilizing home improvement themes for bedrooms can create a personalized taste with easy customization. All the things you desire to mix with your themes can be applied. This also depends on your preference, modern designs, and your age bracket. For those families who prefer to play and stay together, a casual and bright home improvement theme does all the work. You can also encourage your siblings or children to modify themes for your home. Hence, you should consider the decisions of all family members prior to selecting the theme decoration. You must make a place for everyone to feel more at home.

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How tos, Magazines

Gardening magazines are telling us about garden design ideas

Gardening magazines are telling us about new plants, garden decorating ideas and planning landscape techniques. The gardening books are like old friends. Jus like interior decorating magazines, that magazines offer endless new gardening possibilities for people to be continuously update their knowledge in styling their garden at home. Gardening Magazines featuring seasonal, expert gardening advice and step-by-step project guide a wealth of plant information. It boost your gardening education. You learn new techniques, explore plant varieties, and enjoy lush photography in your favorite garden magazines. You can gain knowledge of more about vegetable gardening, flower gardening, roses, herbs, and organic gardening through some of the more popular magazines.

There are a lot of magazines that can be bought in stores. But if you have no budget to buy, free articles online are just few clicks away. Garden Design magazines offers a free, one-year digital subscription. You learn landscaping tips, design considerations, and more on the technical aspects of designing wonderful gardens.

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The Lowe’s with the home improvement company offers a free ideas magazine for home, garden and decor ideas. The Lowe’s Garden Club offers a free newsletter too, along with coupons and special offers. The Weekend Gardener magazine provides a free online, digital version that’s chock full of beautiful photography and sound advice. Designed at pond installation professionals, Water Garden magazine yields additional insights for the amateur. Each one can also Read Fine Gardening online. Jam-packed with pictures and articles on everything from ageratum to zinnias, Fine Gardening is one of the best-known and loved magazines for the gardening enthusiast. Numerous states offer magazines, but you must provide proof that you live within the state. Test out your local newspapers and state horticultural departments to see if you can subscribe to free publications for your area. This magazine provides information and design ideas, including feature articles, tips, and design plans that is essential in any households.

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