
How to Clean Glass Shower Doors

What is a day without some time spent in the shower room? But after having a good time with a fresher feeling and a cleaner body, you have to take note of that glass door that is full of residue buildups. Much like any rooms in your house, the shower room also needs attention to have its cleanliness maintained. Getting used to putting into action how to clean glass shower doors takes enough time for you to remember. Nevertheless, one thing you have to understand is that it is not a difficult task to learn that.

Set a day for cleaning the glass shower door
The more people who use the shower room, the more it is necessary to clean it in a regular basis. To be safe, a weekly scheduled cleaning of the glass shower door is ideal. The door, as part of the bathroom, needs to be always clean so that the refreshing atmosphere every time you enjoy your shower and even afterward is satisfactory. Keeping the door dirty for a long time will definitely make your job harder in the coming weeks. The more you keep the cleaning process a routine, the better the results will be.

Use white vinegar mixture
A household item you can use to clean the glass shower door is white vinegar. A mixture of a cup of white vinegar and a cup of water is a great cleaning agent. The steam is important for this procedure. If you haven’t finished having a shower, simply turn the hot water on to let steam fill the place first. Spray the mixture on the glass shower door and let it sit for a few minutes. Use a squeegee to remove the mixture from the glass door. Rinse the door with water and notice how sparkling it has become.

Use a bathroom shower door cleaner
There are products specifically intended to clean bathroom shower doors that you can buy from stores. Pick one that has a soft and non-abrasive design enough for the glass material of your door. There is no need to worry about scratching the glass because this kind of cleaning brush works best on glass shower doors. Also, you can have other products that can be sprayed to the surface of the glass. Simply spray on the glass, let the solution sit for 15-30 minutes and scrub the glass door afterward with a non-abrasive sponge.

Clean after every shower
One practical way to keep the cleanliness of the glass shower door is to clean it after every shower. It will not take too much of your time if you can do the cleaning every day. The more regularly you clean it, the easier it will be for you to scrub any buildup or mold off the door. Basically, all you need is a squeegee that you can keep inside the shower enclosure. Once you are done taking a bath, clean the glass by removing the water off. This way, you avoid staining the glass and having lime buildups.

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How to install a vanity

The role of a vanity in a house is quite important as people have the propensity to spend time on a bathroom. A well designed and planned vanity can change the whole outlook of the bathroom. Such elements and rudiments are important so that it transforms your ordinary bathroom into a luxurious one. If you are not comfortable with installing a vanity, you can always hire a professional to do the same. On the other hand it is not quite difficult to install a vanity and if you are smart and know how to use a wrench and a screwdriver, then there’s no reason to hire a person and spend extra money to install a vanity.

One vital point to remember while installing a vanity is that it needs much care and it has to be placed delicately. Choose the color, material and texture of the vanity wisely. The colors that suit the textures of the walls, floor tiles, and drape designs are the best ones to choose from. It is good if the whole area compliments with each other.

Do not be dismayed with the cost of the vanity unit because it comes in all shapes and there are different qualities for everyone. Once you purchase the entire vanity unit, start by removing the old unit. In order to start with it, you need to turn off the water. Once it is taken care of, make sure that the plumbing lines are detached and all the water in the pipes is drained out in the basin. After doing that, remove fixtures and sink and place them elsewhere so that you can even use it in the future. The old cabinets must be attached to the wall. Use a knife to loosen and take off the screws. With this, you will have the inlets and the outlets and a vacant space to place your brand new vanity.

Installing a vanity can be handled even by a person that has no experience. You just have to follow the instructions and get ready to face some dirty work.

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How to Eliminate Odor from Shoes

For some people, learning how they can eliminate odor from shoes can be a big deal. But before this problem can be addressed, admitting that you have the problem can be embarrassing. Usually, smelly shoes are caused by smelly feet. These are caused by the growth of bacteria. In order to stop this from occurring, it is important that you make sure your feet do not get moist as this only causes bacteria to grow. However, this is only a later issue as you first need is to get rid of the embarrassing odor.

While there are some certain products that can help address this problem, there are also simple home remedies that you can use. But in order to thoroughly get rid of the odor, the bacteria must be killed.

For this, here are some ways this can be achieved:
• When removing your shoes after a long day at work, the insides of your shoes should be thoroughly coated with baking soda. You can then seal them using a plastic bag and freeze them until the following day. The cold temperature can kill the bacteria while the baking soda can absorb the scent. After you remove your shoes from the freezer, you should place them in an area which is well ventilated so that the remaining extra moisture can be eliminated.

• If there is not enough space in your freezer, you can simply just spray or pour some rubbing alcohol into your shoes so that the insides can be coated. After, you should place them on their sides while leaving them out in an area which has enough ventilation. Just like the cold temperature, rubbing alcohol can kill the bacteria. However, this will evaporate quickly. When it has thoroughly evaporated, you can then put a few amounts of baking soda so that the remaining moisture or odor can be absorbed.

You can also choose the many products that have been manufactured to specifically address this problem. There are a lot of them available on the market. Whatever process you prefer, the important thing is that you kill the bacteria. If you don’t do this, bacteria can still grow and will continue causing a problem to your feet. In order to thoroughly get rid of the problem, you should first address what causes it.
This can be done by the following:
• Dry your feet well after showering.
• Apply an anti-perspirant foot powder to your feet if you suffer from excessive sweat.
• Thick cotton socks should be worn.
• Change your socks as often as needed so that your feet remains dry all the time.
• When your shoes get wet or moist, make sure they get completely dry before using them again.

The best way you can eliminate odor from shoes is by getting to what causes it. If you do this, you can avoid having smelly feet and shoes and not be embarrassed by this again.

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Making Your Very Own Mattress in Easy Steps

Don’t you just love to sleep in a very comfy bed? Wherein you don’t want to do anything but just lie down and relax all the way? Well, one thing is for sure. Most of us, especially you, would like to have a very cozy bed. Who would settle for a nerve-racking bed especially with a mattress that is very on the edge of letting you throw it out of your window? Mattresses are the ones with heavy cloth, usually with soft material, and we used or lied on it especially if we’re really sleepy or tired. If we have a lumpy mattress, we won’t have the best sleep ever so take it out of your room and with these simple suggestions, you’ll have your very own mattress.

There can be different things that we can use as our own mattress. It’s up to your creativity and willingness on how to make it work. Here are the different things that we can consider and make into our very own mattress:

a. Fleece. A fleece is the soft napped fabric that is usually used in linings. It can be used as mattress because of its relaxing pad and one good thing about fleece is you don’t need to hem for it. In order to have it as your mattress, place at least 2 or 3 layers together depending of course on the size of your bed. Stitch approximately the surrounding of the pieces and tack it all from top to bottom. Now, you have your very own fleece mattress bed.
b. Cloths. Anything will do. Place all the cloths on the right side together and sew it around (inside the pad). Stitch it in all corners, from the corner up to the sides, the top and of course on the bottom. Leave a few inches on the bottom. If you want extra cushion, pin first foam onto one side before hemming. Tack the pad so you can hold of the pieces of cloth together. Add additional clothes for cushion. Sew all the corners once you are finished.
c. Blankets and Quilts. For the blanket, cut it to fit the mattress and you can choose if you want to cover it with cloth too. For the quilts, you can use it as your mattress pad. Place it onto the bed and hem around the perimeter. You can use it also as your stuffing.
d. Other suggestions are just stuffing of cotton, rubber, etc. You can also use your very own sleeping bag or even curtain panels found inside your homes!

You can use any material as your mattress pad. With just stuffing everything you want and of course ensuring the proper thickness, you will have your very own mattress. Just make sure you sew the perimeter and tack the various spots. In positioning the mattress pads, you can buy clips which can hold the pad in place. By clipping it in the four corners of your pad, you can be sure that your mattress will just be in one place!

Now, you can make your very own mattress pad with just our simple suggestions that we can give. You can use or try anything that you’ll see at home. Be creative and recycle! This way, you will just don’t have a mattress pad but you can use unnecessary stuffs into one great project! Enjoy!

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Remodeling, Safety, Tips

How to Choose the Right Dog

As the old saying goes, “Dog is man’s best friend”. A dog does not only protect the household of its owner, but also gives happiness and satisfaction to his master. Man adopts and takes good care of his dog, and in return, the dog protects and gives service to its master; a reciprocal exchange of companionship, friendship and kindness.

Almost everyone has a loyal canine best friend already, but still, some households haven’t got theirs. How to choose the right dog will require some thorough thinking because it is an important decision indeed. If you are planning to have your own dog, you must be physically, financially and emotionally ready. You will not bring a poor dog to your house just to make it a house guard! You want to have a dog because you want to be responsible in taking good care of it, and to treat it like a member of your family.

Several factors on how to choose the right dog must be taken into consideration before adopting or buying a dog for your home. The following tips may help you decide on how to pick your ideal dog:
• Look into your present standard of living and don’t forget to consider the needs and safety of your family, most especially if you already have kids or if you have small siblings. Likewise, ponder if you are ready and willing to make some adjustments, if ever you will bring a dog to your home.

• Consider any financial constraints. Think about how much you can afford in buying or adopting a new dog. Likewise, consider the financial support your acquiring of a new dog would definitely entail, like the routinely maintenance of the dog’s appearance such as bathing, haircut and other basic grooming practices. Be ready also for some costly expenses like when visiting the veterinary for scheduled vaccines, cleanings of teeth, and unexpected sickness or injuries.

• Bear in mind the characteristics of the dog that you want. Decide the ideal look or breed, size, age, and level of energy, as well. You can choose from several popular breeds like the Akita, Basset Hound, Beagle, Bulldog, Chihuahua, Dalmatian, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd Dog, Retriever, Great Dane, Poodle, and Shih-Tzu among many others.

• Do some research about the different breeds of dogs, and from there, you can make a list of some breeds that you may possibly consider buying or adopting, until you can trim down your list and finally decide on what you really want. You can bring your list when looking in the animal shelter or pet shop where you are planning to adopt or buy your dog. Also, do bring a list of several important questions you may wish to ask so that you will become more knowledgeable about the breed of dog that you want.

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How to Eliminate Pet Odor from Carpet

It is really embarrassing to host parties and gatherings with all that dreadful stench that comes from your carpet. As a host, you should ensure that your guests will have fun and enjoyment throughout the whole event, but how can they have fun if the ambiance smells a lot like one hundred and one wet dogs or cat feces. Before the whole event, you should eliminate that bothering odor before your guests wrinkle their noses and start spreading gossips about you and your stinky house.

Your beloved furry pets usually sleep on the carpet, roll over on it and play like a mad hatter on it. At the same time, they pee on it, poop on it and puke on it. Just like humans, they love that warm, soft and cozy feeling that we get from carpets. It is really overwhelming to see your cuddly pets sprawling on the carpet with great ease and comfort, but that foul odor that they leave on your carpet is simply intolerable. So how to eliminate pet odor from carpet is a big question.

It’s not really your pet’s fault if he smells like an animal. It is obvious that he is an animal, so you can’t expect him to smell a lot like a human. Animals have animal instincts that we cannot understand. They are not too intelligent to be able to control their own bladder and bowel movements. So don’t put all the blame on your pets. If you don’t want them making your carpet smell bad, then put them in the doghouse outside. But if you can’t live without your best buddy around the living room, then keep him inside and solve this problem with all the available solutions on how to eliminate pet odor from carpet.

If a pet has left a horrible stain due to wastes like urine, feces and vomit you must clean it as soon as possible before things get even worse. Swiping the dirt or just picking it up is not enough.
• Instead, you can clean the affected area with mild dish soap or better yet, use vinegar for it is also a good deodorizer. After the stain has completely vanished, rinse the spot by blotting with a damp rag, cloth or a paper towel. To avoid or eliminate wicking, put a thick towel or rag on top of the stain with heavy books and objects on top of it for weighing it down. Leave it there for a few hours up to overnight and clean the stain once again.

Once a week, sprinkle some deodorizing powder on your carpet.
• Baking soda serves as an alternative. If common deodorants just would not work, use heavy duty pet smell removers. They are more expensive but far more effective. Your Vet can also give recommendations for effective products and methods of deodorizing. If none of these solutions work for you, contact a professional carpet cleaner. Just make sure you have exhausted all possible options. After getting your carpet cleaned, clear the air with air purifiers that will remove pet odors that still linger in the air. Also, don’t forget to bathe you pet.

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How to Avoid Accidents in the Bathroom

One important room in a house is a bathroom. Imagine your life without it. The bathroom however, also poses some threats to you and your family. The risk is higher if you have infants or elder people in the family. Without guidance, these members of the family can slip in the bathroom and get seriously injured.

How to avoid accidents in the bathroom is what every family should learn. It is important make this part of the house safe from danger because everybody uses it everyday.

In the shower, install a shower curtain to avoid the water from getting anywhere but the shower. Laying a non-slip rubber mat on the entrance is a good idea to prevent slipping, but you have to make sure that mat will stay in place. If you have elderly people living with you, a grab bar on appropriate areas such as the tub or the near the toilet bowl of the bathroom is a considerate safety precaution.

Check your lighting. If water gets in touch with the bulb, it may cause accidental electrocution. Moisture from the shower can also reach that light bulb on the bathroom’s ceiling. The answer to this problem is proper ventilation. Make sure that moist air can get out of the bathroom when you are using warm water, so open the windows! Remember that water is a good conductor of electricity. If you need power outlets in the bath, make sure they have these safety plugs around the outlets which you can seal when you won’t use it to avoid water from getting into it.

If you have a medicine cabinet in your bathroom, place it high so that children cannot reach it. Children are very curious and might ingest anything hazardous in the medicine cabinet.

Keep the keys to the bathroom somewhere nearby. Or better yet, install a lock for the bathroom which is two way. If somebody had an accident inside the bathroom, you can respond to it immediately.

Before leaving the bathroom, be sure to turn off all the lights, candles, and the faucet. Run the cold water first before turning on the knob for warm water. You might get scalded.

Soaps make the walls or floors of a bathroom twice as slippery as before. So after taking a shower, if you have the time, mop up excess water which did not drain. Soapy water on the floor is synonymous to accident. You or someone who will come to the bathroom after you can be a victim.

These some things you have to know on how to avoid accidents in the bathroom. Preventing future accidents is better than letting it happen and then remedy it.

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How tos

How to Choose a Countertop Surface?

Looks can be deceiving in countertops. While the look alone is tempt you to purchase, material’s durability, maintenance and cost are some key factors to be consider in choosing a countertop surface. Whether you are building a new kitchen, or remodeling an existing one, you got to be very careful in the choosing the countertop materials. Remember that it will be the first thing that people notice in your kitchen, and it truly can set the tone of your whole design scheme.

Countertop materials that usually use are natural stone surfaces which include granite, marble, slate, limestone and sandstone. Among the surface that has been stated, the most commonly used is granite. The advantage in using granite as a surface material in counters is it is very strong and durable and highly scratches and nicks resistant. It is usually resistant to etching caused by acidic substances. In addition, granite only needs a low-maintenance, cleans easily and offers a depth of design that’s difficult to match with synthetic materials. Expensive, heavy and requires a strong base are some of the disadvantage of granite. While there are pros and cons in choosing granite, no one can change that granite is still the most prominent natural stone employed for kitchen and bathroom counters.

Meanwhile, marble on the other hand is softer than granite in a way it needs to be sealed more often which usually take place twice a year. A marble requires more maintenance than granite because it scratches easily and reacts to acids. However, the two natural stone surfaces have similarity. Marble like granite is very resistant to heat. Another thing that is similar between the two is the price; both are expensive but anticipate that you pay even more for marble. Slate, limestone and sandstone and soapstone are other natural stone surfaces. These surfaces are usually prone to etching and staining so you better treat them with care. They are less expensive than granite though still more expensive to man-made materials.

Manmade solid surface countertops are becoming noteworthy and increasingly being made to look likes natural stone. Unlike the natural surface stone, manmade solid surface doesn’t need special maintenance; all you have to do is just have a regular wiping of the surface. Manmade solid surface is custom-made to the proper length so you will find that there are no seams. It also comes in a wider variety of colors than natural stone surface. If you’re looking for something out of the ordinary and less expensive, this is the one for you.

The most affordable countertop that you can find in the market is the plastic laminate that is sturdy and comes in thousands of colors and designs. This material can easily installed by a crafty do-it-yourself homeowner. It can resist stains and mild abrasions well. Though it is the least expensive, nicks and scratches are readily apparent and not at all resistant to heat, so you must always protect the surface from hot pots and pans. If you are still undecided, you can always have mix and match surfaces that fit to your taste!

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How tos

How to Use Candles for Decoration

Are you one of those who wants to have a refreshing and at the same time unique decors for your home? Then this will give you an introduction to candles. This is what you need if you are looking for a new way to brighten your home. Before, candles are used in our household by reason of its utility. As time goes by, candles are transformed from a lighting utility to a décor. Now, candles come into different shapes, sizes and forms which you can use to decorate your house. There are also candles which are scented and good for relaxation. With this combination, you can say that scented candles will give a new twist to your home decoration.

There are only few people who appreciate this décor because a lot are not yet exposed on how simple candles can make an impact as a house décor. If you want to know How to Use Candles for Decoration, the first thing you must do is to see the actual candle decors and select those designs that satisfies your tastes. There are a lot of candle stores which you could visit or you can search Internet sites for these decorative candles that are also affordable. Before buying candles in bulk especially the scented ones, try first to light one candle in order to smell it. If you like the smell, then you could buy in bulk already. Of course, you may want to try the other scents which are relaxing as well.

The questions that you should answer when purchasing these candles are where you are going to placed these candles and how many are you going to use. Usually, candles can be placed on tables coupled with a nice flower arrangement. However, there are parts of your house where you could place candles such as your bedroom or relaxation room. You may also want to collect candles and place it on a shelf for everyone to see. The corners of your homes are good place for the candles as it also serves as a lighting fixture.

For safety purposes, make sure that your candles are placed on ceramics or glass to avoid starting a flame. This also helps to avoid unsightly scattering of the melted wax. Of course, if you have small kids who might play with these lighted candles, make sure that you are placing these candles beyond their reach. One of the hazards of using candles for decoration is that it may start a fire. However, if you take the necessary precautions, you will be able to maximize the use of the candles. Now that you had your introduction to candles, you can start to have a more relaxed home through these scented candles and for sure, people will be surprised on the changes in your home.

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How tos

How to Strip Wallpaper without Exerting Too Much Effort

Admit it. Redecorating your house by stripping your existing wallpaper can be really time-consuming and tiring as well. However, if you are worried that your wallpaper is already worn out or is already out of style, you really don’t have other choice but to strip it. You may hire a professional decorator which could take care of replacing your wallpaper but probably it would cause you a lot of money. But of course, if you alone are going to strip the wallpaper, it would be harder.

Still, you have to replace the wallpaper. Here are some simple suggestions that may look into on how to strip wallpaper without having too much effort:
• Ask the help of your family and friends. The work would be faster and easier if you would get help from other people. Ask your friends or family to help you in stripping the wallpaper. You could prepare small snacks for them so that they would be enticed in joining you in this activity.
• You could also seek people who are interested on used wall paper. In exchange of getting the wallpaper, ask them that they be the one to strip it out of your wall. This way, you get to remove the wallpaper without too much effort and at the same time dispose it easily instead of throwing it on your waste bin.
• Consider the activity as a work out for you. This may look like exerting an effort but think that this is actually a work out which helps you get a better figure. The more you sweat, the more fats are burned for you. Either way, you win. You were able to remove the wallpaper and at the same time you get a free work out.
• You can also strip your wallpaper one at a time. This may work out for you if you are really busy and the other mentioned suggestions regarding it without exerting too much effort don’t work for you. You may a lot about an hour a day or several hours every weekend to strip the wallpaper. The downside is you get an unsightly wall in case you have visitors.

• Have a full blown one day stripping of the wall paper with a scented candle and a relaxing music. Make this activity your “me” time. Even though this job may actually too tiring, you could use it as a form of unwinding by being yourself and having silent moments while removing the wall paper.

Now that you have suggestions on this topic without exerting too much effort, you can actually make one of these options as your choice. After all the hard work, you would feel rewarded to see your new wallpaper.

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How tos

How to remove a flat bathroom mirror

Do it yourself home renovations are so common nowadays because hiring professional ones are often costly. However you still want to make that renovation without spending too much. Good thing there are sp many home renovation that you can do alone. There are also so many articles on the Internet for these home renovation tips known as the “How to’s” such as how to remove a flat bathroom mirror or how to strip a wall paper. These are actually good advice that would help you in doing these do it yourself activities.

However, before you engage yourself into this beautification or “how to” projects, take note of these things to remember for home renovations:
• Not all you read on the web is reliable. There are so many sites that offer a lot of advices on the topic. Make sure that the site where you will get the advices is from a reliable site before you would start your home renovation projects. So be selective on what advice you will follow. You can even ask your friends where they get information regarding home renovations.
• Before you start the actual process, write on a paper your plans about what kind of design you would like in case you are planning to change the way your bedroom looks. Of course, it depends on the extent of the renovation you will make. Writing it on a paper will actually help you in visualizing what you really want.
• Work on your budget but don’t be too stingy that you won’t get the desired result. The reason why you are doing it yourself is to save you money. However, you must see to it that what you want is what you are really doing. Otherwise, you would only be wasting money and at the same time wasting your effort.

• You could ask the help of your friends who could help you. It would be easier and faster if there are other people who would work with you.
• Prepare all the materials before you start your home renovation project. It would be annoying and distracting if you start doing the project and would not be able to finish it because you don’t have all the materials.
• Make sure that you had thrown away your trash properly. For example, broken glass mirrors you removed from your room can cause accidents if you don’t dispose them properly. Wrap them up on a plastic and throw them directly on the trash bin.

Now that you know these simple things to remember, you could start browsing your net for that topic and start you home renovation immediately.

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Is Golf Your Passion? Decorate Your Home with a Golf Theme

Do you find enthusiasm whenever the sport Golf is mentioned? One way to direct your enthusiasm towards golf is to create a golf themed home. It quite easy to do and you do not have to submit to a permanent golf-designed home.

Below are some simple tips in your journey to redecorate your home with your sport passion:
• Choose the room that you would like to decorate. It may be your den or your bedroom. Choose a room that you enjoy spending time in since the investment that you should give in redecorating should be in a room that you frequently spend time in. Also, make sure that the other people who will be using the room do not have unpleasant feelings towards the golf theme.

• Second you need to consider would be the walls. If you plan on having the design as permanent on your walls, you may consider purchasing golf-themed wallpaper or a golf themed border. These maybe found in general home improvement stores. You may also look out in the internet for online stores selling golf themed wallpaper or borders. As for people who prefer not having décor as a permanent on their walls, a subtle theme such as a neutral wall may do just fine. You may choose medium to light brown. You may also work with your current wall and prefer to have dark wood paneling installed.

• Next would be the golf-themed furniture. You may use the current furniture that you have and add golf throw pillows. For those who would prefer to do it on their own, you can proceed to your local fabric store, buy some material and make it on your own. While those who would like to purchase new furniture to go along with the golf theme, you may try furniture in colors dark brown, tan or dark green. Try finding a golf fabric on a sofa or there may be golf themed tables or you may create one yourself. To customize this furnitures, you may remove the knobs and replace them with golf balls and glue some tees around the edge.

The walls and the furniture are the primary things to consider in decorating your home with a golf theme. Then you may start thinking about the smaller things such as what to hang on to you walls or the things that you can put on display. These may range from elegantly simple to silly golf items. You may find wonderful paintings illustrating golf courses or photographs from famous courses. You may also consider hanging pictures of golf heroes or even hang your own club to the wall. Golf picture frames are also easy to find in the market or if you feel crafty, you may create one on your own. You may hang a famous golf quote or even create your own golfer’s prayer.

There are a lot of ideas that you may choose from in creating your golf themed home. From large department stores to antique shops, from the internet or by just doing the items yourself, you will surely find the redecoration as easy and full of fun.

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accesories, Decoration

Tips on How to Hang a Heavy Picture, Shadowbox or Rug

Hanging heavy objects such as large picture with frames, shadowbox, or a rug can pose some serious problems for the amateur room designer. However, there is no need to fret. If you are faced with this problem, there are a variety of solutions that you can use to solve it easily.

The first thing you need to do is to understand the problem. Heavy objects can’t be hung easily because, well, they are heavy. The type of wall that the object is supposed to be hung on also greatly affects the outcome. Using the right tools and screws would not really matter if the wall they are attached to is the one that gives way when the heavy object is placed. You can’t expect that large, heavy mirror to stay in place either if you did not use the right tools to hold it up. To make sure none of your precious items fall and break after you hang them, you should pay close attention to the type you are hanging the item on and the tools you are using to hang it up.

There are various tools used for hanging heavy objects. They are all strong enough to keep heavy objects in place even though some are made of metal while others are made of plastic. The key here is to use the right tool for the right job. These tools were designed to accomplish a specific task; thus, if you use the wrong tool for a job, chances are it would not hold up for long.

If the object you want to hang comes with brackets, check to see if the brackets are right for the object. Although they are supposed to be the right ones, mistakes can always happen; and you would not want your mirror breaking into a million pieces or your brand new slim TV crashing to the floor because of somebody else’s mistake, would you? If you have any doubts about the capability of the bracket to hold your item, make a trip to the hardware store and get heavy duty ones that would put you at ease. It’s definitely worth the effort.

When you have your brackets or screws ready, locate for studs on the wall that you want to hang the item on. Wall studs are the sturdy pieces of wood that were used to frame the wall. Finding these are important because these pieces are the strongest points available on the wall and it is here that you should anchor your screws and brackets. After you have located the studs, see if the brackets you have can attach to at least two studs. If they can, then you are ready to attach your brackets. Use a level tool to make sure that the brackets you install line up. Uneven installation of the brackets can also lead to objects falling off the wall.

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eye sore

How to Display Books

If you have a collection of books, it can be a mess if not properly arranged. Stacking books systematically not only allows you to accesses the tile as and when you want, but it can be a décor to the room. It also increases the product life of the books and allows you to keep track of the books you have given for borrowing. Learning how to arrange books is easy and you just have to keep few key points in mind.

Let’s look at some of the more obvious ones.
1. Choose the type of books you have in your collection and classify each book on the basic of author or category.
2. Always stack books backwards, with the title and author facing the reader.
3. If you have a wooden rack, width should not be less than 12 inches. This is to accommodate books of all sizes.
4. If you have a book rack that is above 6 ft, it is advisable to have a portable ladder and always stack titles not frequently referred on the top selves.
5. Books also need to be stack depending on t their utility. If you have cooking books staking near the kitchen is advisable, likewise for other books.
6. Rare and prized tiles should be stored on book selves with locker. It will keep them safe and dust free.
7. Some interior decorator these days tends to stack books on the basis of cover color. It is aesthetically nice to look at, but not really functional. It is best when you looking at stacking children books.
8. If you have tiles that are of general interest, staking few at your visitor’s room is a good idea.
9. At times it is advisable to stack book horizontally i.e. if you have a collection of books from the same author with a mix of soft and hard cover. This will increase the cover life of the soft ones.

Dos and don’ts
1. Do not tore book in basement or garage or any damp area.
2. Try clearing the books one or twice ever two months to preserve them.
3. To give more depth to the ambience , you can place some vase with interior plants on top of the books.
4. Always keep in mind that books should be accessible.

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How to Become a Set Decorator

As the one assigned on setting the overall appeal of a set, a set decorator is a professional who makes sure that a studio, outdoor location, or any other setup will have a realistic appearance based on the concept of the TV show, movie, or advertisement for which it is needed. In order to come up with a set that is believable to the eyes of the audience, one has to know first how to become a set decorator before engaging into such work environment. Here are some essential information on how to become a set decorator if you have the passion for decorating.

Have a background in decorating
One thing is for sure: not everyone who is part of the industry of set decorating does not have a degree in interior design, architecture, or any other related art courses. But then again, some employers tend to look at the bachelor’s degree of an applicant. If you are determined to finish an education that is related to interior design, you are very free to do so. However, it pays a lot for one to have a background in decorating. Take note that there are those who may not have the proper background in decorating but exhibit adeptness in art. If you have the skills necessary to be a set decorator, then you have an advantage.

Gain hands-on experiences
Since being a set decorator is a position of high rank in the art department of any production, it is best that you start from a low-ranking position. By doing so, you can get the hands-on experiences and learn the skills necessary for you to get the hang of setting up.

Look for a mentor
Having a mentor will definitely make you turn into a mature set decorator eventually. With the right person by your side, you will learn more techniques on giving your best as part of the art department. True enough, taking one step at a time brings about better chances for you to end up with your dream job.

Give meticulous attention to details
Since being a set decorator requires you to prepare props for various setups, it is very essential that you know how to give meticulous attention to details. Ask yourself if you give much importance to details in your life. If you think that you tend to take for granted even the minutest details, then you probably have to work on it. Being a set decorator entails the responsibility of taking every detail into evaluation and improving whatever needs improvement. Moreover, it pays to have the skills on efficiently setting up and resetting up. Whenever the shoot is done, it may require another shoot the next day. If such is the case, dismantling the props, storing them, and reassembling for the next shoot must be executed with maximum management.

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How to Clean Furniture

Furniture is an essential part of every home. It is considered as a form of decorative art that livens and beautifies one’s abode. Choosing the appropriate furniture can create a comfortable and convenient interior space in the area of the house where they are placed. With the many available choices of furniture, you can purchase items to achieve a particular theme or motif in your home. Cleaning your furniture, however, is a whole other matter. It is almost as important as the selection and buying process of the furniture.

The first step on how to clean furniture (like sofas, for example) is to remove all loose cushions. Loosen dirt with a handheld dusting brush while using a vacuum brush attachment to remove the dust itself. Vacuum all the surfaces of the furniture including the back, sides, arms, skirt and the platform beneath the cushions. Also vacuum both sides of the loose cushions. Once vacuuming is over, place the cushions back in the furniture. A laundry or liquid dish detergent is used to clean the furniture per se by picking an area on the furniture, dip the cloth and rub suds on it. Using this method, dirt will begin to appear in suds as they work. A scraper is used to scrape suds away. Then rinse area with a damp cloth and repeat these steps on other areas of furniture, even allowing for overlap of areas during cleaning.
After that, allow the furniture to dry overnight. Using an electric fan blowing on furniture is preferable for fast drying. One of the best ways of keeping the furniture clean is by using the preventative method which is to vacuum the furniture weekly to remove dust and prevent heavy soiling of the cushion fabric. In order to keep the cushion fabric from hurdling when vacuuming, place a piece of nonmetallic window screen between the vacuum nozzle and the cushion fabric.

Cleaning furniture takes time and a lot of effort too. In order to avoid intensive cleaning, vacuuming once a week or as often as necessary is one of the easiest cleaning routines to do. Removing dirt and dust on a regular basis will keep the furniture clean and in good condition. Rotating or fluffing the cushions will help retain their shape, thus, saves the owner from buying a new one from time to time. These are some common reminders that should be done so as to keep the furniture clean and looking nice.

Maintaining the fineness and the cleanliness of the furniture is fast and simple and requires only to be done approximately once a month. Since a lot of money is invested in furniture inside the home, it only makes sense that a little time every month is used to keep it in good shape.

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How to Choose Quality Furniture

The dilemma of making decisions on how to choose quality furniture is often due to the strong emotion or instantly falling in love, the moment you see a piece, most especially if the price is really that attractive. According to a furniture expert, buying furniture relying only on the basis of beauty or low cost, will not likely result to a long-term service or an enduring utilization. And this is particularly true in buying upholstered furniture as poor manner of construction and low quality materials could be concealed under comfy layers of cushions, stuffing, fabrics and other materials.

How to choose quality furniture which will result to a successful furniture purchase involves a cautious calculation between intellect and emotion. If you don’t have the proper knowledge and experience in choosing high quality furniture, the best thing to do is to ask or seek help. You could also do some research on the internet or read books about furniture. In this way, you would be able to see different pieces of furniture and specific articles regarding its assortment, proper selection, handling and usage.

Aside from doing research and asking for help or information to those who are knowledgeable of choosing high standard furniture, you could also be guided by the following guidelines:
• Inspect the kind or the quality of the wood used in the frame or foundation. It should be strong and durable. The quality of wood used in the construction has a say on the period of time the furniture would endure. It could be classified as hardwood, which comes from trees like mahogany, birch, oak, maple and cherry. Woods from these trees are air dried and kiln dried afterwards, so that moisture will be totally removed. On the other hand, softwood is formed from pine, cedar, redwood and fir trees. Quality furniture could also be made from these kinds of wood but they are quite prone to dents and scratches. Aside from hardwood and softwood, there is another kind of wood and it is called engineered wood or plywood. It is widely used since it can also provide strength and does not distort or split easily. With premium quality coating, plywood can be made to solid, enduring and very appealing furniture.

• Look at the way a piece of furniture was constructed or made. Carpentry is also a vital factor on the durability of furniture and its overall quality. No amount of glue used and corner blocks should be visible outside the joints. Screws must be exactly fitted. When jostled or rocked, no screeching, distortion or wobbling effect should be experienced.

• An excellent finish undergoes proper sanding, good staining and perfect finishing. A piece of furniture should be smooth, doesn’t have rough patches or scratched surfaces. On the other hand, staining boosts wood’s genuine beauty and improves its color and appeal. A good staining should be well-blended, leaving no dark areas. And finally, the stage of finishing should result to a glossy smooth or elegant matte surface free from uneven spots, bubbles or unwanted specks. There should be finery and depth in it.

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