Interior design

30 Minutes Commercial Systems Used For Insulation Tutorial

House building around the world varies depending on many factors, but for countries where four seasons are coming in and going out of the house, or even those with extreme weather conditions, insulation is an important factor to consider. Inner weather inside a house must be under control in order to keep people living in it safe and warm. There are things such as central heating boilers and hot water pipes to do this task, yet the least you use them the lesser are your expenses, and considering insulation as a helping device to either keep heat inside or outside the house could help reduce dependance  on the previously mentioned heat control systems.

Before going through the many insulation options it is good to consider a review on what insulation is and how does it help to keep your house in perfect inner weather conditions and that is what we are going to talk about in this article, so if you need some advices in this subject keep reading.

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Pool Sizes
Swimming pool

7 Sure Fire Ways To Find Out What What Is The Better Pool Size For Your Home

Above ground swimming pools, are somehow very popular nowadays. These pools are something inexpensive that comes with a lot of enjoyment for your family and friends. Of course; if you live in an area where weather allows a nice convenient pool to be set on.

They come in many sizes but it’s better to keep a medium to large swimming pool size even if you have a small family. Eventually, you will have gatherings or events that need people to come over. Therefore, it would be great if the pool size could be enjoyed by not just a small number of people but could host a lot.

The most frequently asked question is how big should a pool above the ground be? This is not a simple answer. There are many factors to take into consideration like: free yard space after installation, the amount of people that are going to use it daily and the purpose of the pool itself entertaining or training, among other things. All these question will be answered here.

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How I Improved My Kitchen Islands In One Easy Lesson

A kitchen has become the focal point in any home where members of the household come together to eat and share their day with others. It is a common behavior to get into the kitchen and greet whoever is usually working in there getting meals ready for the day.

All the food is held in the kitchen; water and many other consumables are stocked there either in the fridge or the cabinets, hence the necessity to dive in and out of the place makes it a perfect target for the elements of the family to just gather up, grab something to drink and start chatting with mom; dad or whoever’s there getting breakfast / lunch or supper ready.

To install an island your kitchen should have a width of at least 13 feet. You also have to take into account various factors like, if there is enough walk space between the island and the cabinets, whether you can open all the doors including cabinets and appliances, whether you have space to include bar stools or chairs. Kitchens that are G, U or L shaped are best suited for installing islands.This is not only a situation occurring on family environments. Even close friends or certain guests would rather spend their time with you chatting in the kitchen while you work, instead of waiting for you in the living room or any other place of the house you had destined to receive guests.

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7 Tips on Making an Easy and Inexpensive Headboards

Headboards for your bed are essential, and they will certainly make your sleeping more convenient. It can also make the room look smaller or larger, animate it through colour, provide elegance and nobility through a black velvet covert or fashion your room with dazzling gold and glitter.

When you have a headboard, you can lean your pillows on it while watching television or reading a book. A lot of people do not care about the health of their backs and that’s reason why they reach eldery ages with back problems. It is not a matter of job consequences, at least not a hundred percent of the cases, but wrong resting positions.

However, when you go to the mall and search for headboards, you find their prices so expensive. Especially those that are beautifully designed, they have these extreme prices that you cannot afford. So you start questioning, how to make easy, inexpensive headboards? Here  in Decorating Vista Casas we tell you how; remember it is not a health matter but also headboards give a great visual impact to the room.

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How to Clean CDs with Toothpaste

Despite the charm and old-time cool that CDs have, it is undeniable that they can be difficult to maintain. As they are made of a thin, specialized form of plastic, they are generally easily scratched. Unfortunately, as many CD owners probably already know, even just a single scratch on a CD can cause its contents to be damaged or stop working at all.
For this reason, CD cleaners were invented. Although these are easily accessible, made available in many hardware and appliance stores, constantly purchasing these CD cleaners could come to be quite costly. As an alternative, average individuals have come up with cheaper yet equally efficient ways to clean CDs using common household materials. Though not all may believe it, it is possible to clean CDs with toothpaste.

Before you start however, you must first remove any excess dust or foreign particles from the CD’s surface. You can use a damp soft cloth or cotton ball to do this. Wipe the CD thoroughly with the soft cloth or cotton ball, both on the front and back sides. If any water droplets are left on the CD after this, pat them dry. Once this is done, take your toothpaste in hand and squeeze out a generous portion onto the scratched area of the CD. It is important to note that toothpaste in actual paste form is the best for this job, rather than toothpaste in gel form. When you have a good amount of toothpaste on the scratches of the CD, start rubbing the area with a soft cloth in small, circular motions. Be sure not to use tissue or textured towels as these may cause even more scratches to appear on the CD.

After several minutes, remove any remaining traces of the toothpaste from the surface of the CD with another damp towel or cotton ball. When it has dried, insert your CD into a computer or any CD player to see if your efforts have worked. If not, simple try the process again.

An alternative to using a soft cloth is to simply place the CD under a tap of running water. Warm water is usually recommended but be sure to moderate the amount of heat being used as too much heat is known to permanently damage CDs. With the scratched areas of the CD covered in toothpaste, scrub away using your hands and fingers. Be careful to cut your nails before trying out this method to avoid any additional scratches. After several minutes, pat the CD dry and see the results.

Though it may be difficult to believe, toothpaste really is an effective cleaning solution for old and scratched CDs, especially when the scratches are not too deep. Before you bring yourself to disbelief, give the process a try and you yourself will surely be amazed.

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How to Clean Oil Paint Brushes

While true artistry is something people can only be born with, a good artist would be nowhere without a few good materials. Good paint and good paintbrushes are fundamental in creating artistic masterpieces but unfortunately, they may also be quite expensive. Although good paint can only last so long, good paintbrushes can last a lifetime, but only if they are properly cared for and maintained.

Among the most stubborn paints to remove from a paint brush is oil paint. If one is interested in exploring the world of art, one must definitely learn how to clean oil paint brushes.

One way to clean oil paint brushes is to use paint thinner. With a standard brand of paint thinner at hand, pour some of the liquid into a small plastic cup or container. Immerse the paintbrush into the solution and let it sit there for a few minutes. The more oil paint there is on the brush, the longer it should stay in the paint thinner. For dry, stubborn bits of paint, try scrubbing the bottom of the plastic cup or container with the end of the brush. Every so often, take the paint brush out of the paint thinner solution and squeeze it dry with some tissue or newspaper. Each time you do this, there should be less and less amounts of paint that comes out of the brush. When you are satisfied with how clean the paint brush has become, wash it thoroughly with some water. Then, with some liquid hand soap, lather the bristles of the brush gently but firmly. Repeat the process until the lather from the soap is its natural colour, with no paint mixed in with it. This will verify that no more paint is left on your brush. When you are done, rinse the liquid hand soap from the brush and leave it to dry.

For best cleaning results, it is important to clean brushes right after you are done using them. Leaving them covered in paint overnight could make the cleaning process very difficult or perhaps even impossible. Even if dried paint can be removed, it can cause bristles to change in shape, direction and texture. Also, when leaving the paint brushes to dry, place them in a tall, empty glass with their bristles facing upwards. Leaving paint brushes to dry while the bristles are at the bottom could cause also cause the bristles to change in shape and direction, altering the overall quality of the brush.
It is almost impossible to restore them to their original colour. Nonetheless, slight discoloration in the bristles should have no effect on your painting efforts as long as you carefully followed the steps on how to clean oil paint brushes.

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How to Clean a Plasma Screen

One of the perks of a plasma screen TV is that it provides clear and quality pictures when watching different TV programs. Unfortunately, dirt and other foreign marks and particles on the TV’s plasma screen could compromise the high quality of the pictures. In order to make the most out of one’s plasma screen TV one should always keep it clean and neat.

In order to efficiently clean plasma screen TVs, one needs two soft cloths or towels. Make sure that these cloths or towels do not come with any embellishments that may scratch or mark the plasma screen TV. The first cloth should be slightly wet with some clean water. Make sure to use a very minimal amount of water when wetting the first cloth or towel because too much could cause damage to your plasma screen TV. With this damp first cloth, thoroughly wipe all around the plasma TV. Be sure to wipe not only the screen and the screen’s frame but also the side and back of the TV. A plasma screen TV is clean all over, not just in front. When this is done, use the second cloth to dry out all areas as well as clean up any remaining dirt or filth.

If one is interested in using a cleaning liquid, make sure to use ammonia-free solutions that will not damage the plasma screen. If one is not sure where to find such cleaning liquids, one can visit a nearby hardware store or appliance store in order to inquire about it. Sometimes, hardware stores or appliance stores even carry TV cleaning kits that come with all necessary tools and solutions to get the job done.

As mentioned, other parts of the TV must also be given cleaning attention, not just the screen. Take a vacuum cleaner and put it on the lowest setting then use it to gently lift any dust or foreign particles that may have gotten into the TV vents or speaker holes. This is a very important part of learning how to clean that because too much dust settling on the inner parts of the unit could cause it to overheat and eventually malfunction.

Though the steps in learning that may be relatively easy, it is important to remember that the best way to keep a TV clean is by not getting it dirty at all. Avoid touching parts of the TV when one’s hands are dirty or wet. Do not eat or drink near or over the TV and do not use the TV as a shelf for other items. If desired, TV covers can be purchased and placed over the TV units when they are not in use so as to protect dust from entering it. With acquiring just a few new habits, one’s TV will surely continue to produce high quality watching experiences for all.

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How to Clean a Fish Tank

Keeping a fish tank does not end in buying one and setting it up. There is actually more to maintaining it to ensure that everything is safe for your fish. Once you have found out that your fish tank is in chaos, it is best to do appropriate actions. Wondering how to clean fish tank is typical for those who are just starting to properly care for a fish tank, but all the more you need to check how you put an effort on this pressing matter if you have been keeping one for some time now.

Purchase an algae eater
If you are having problems about growths of algae in your fish tank, the best solution to these is purchasing an algae eater. Since fish need enough sunlight, many owners tend to place the tank somewhere where the fish can be exposed to the sun. However, this will only thrive the growths of algae. Whether you want to get rid of the algae from rocks and plants, an algae eater, also known as Plecostomus, can do the job for you.

Remove the algae manually
Some people do not like the idea of keeping Plecostomus because they do not look great inside an aquarium. If you find this a trouble, then securing an algae scraper is just the thing to do. Simply visit your pet store and ask for an algae scraper. Use this to scrape the algae hands-on. There are also algae-fighting solutions that you can simply pour in the water.

Install a power filter
One of the most common issues when maintaining a fish tank is dirty water. This issue can be handled by a power filter that is very easy to clean. With frequent cleaning of the power filter, you can rest assured that your tank is always clean. Make sure you dispose of the old cartridge from the filter and replace it with a new one. If you see that there is a slow water flow from the power filter, that is the best time to change cartridges. Apart from acting as an oxygen source, the cartridge of the filter helps on removing the discoloration and impurity of the water.

Get rid of the foul smell
Since your fish are practically pissing in their very toilet, expect a foul smell every now and then. But then again, you can do something to get rid of the foul smell. Remember that the cartridge you place in the power filter acts an odorizer and neutralizer. With proper maintenance and regular replacement of this cartridge, you can truly make sure that your tank will not have that foul smell.

It all boils down to maintaining a healthy environment for your fish by knowing how to clean a fish tank. A well-maintained tank means a well-maintained keeping of an eye for their lives.

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How to Clean Vomit Out of Carpet

Many people consider the carpet as one of the main centrepieces of a room. It can compliment or contrast one’s wall paint and decor as well as provide a stylish surface for equally stylish furniture. Unfortunately, as important a carpet is to the balance and feel of a room, it is also one of the most difficult pieces to keep clean. Any home owner knows that carpets are susceptible to all kinds of dirt including dust, beverage spills, foot prints and worst of all, vomit.

With babies, pets or perhaps even fun-loving teenagers around, it is incredibly important for one to know how to properly clean vomit out of carpet. While the inexperienced would think that the task of having to clean vomit may seem fairly easy, they are wrong. In fact, vomit is one of the most difficult stains to remove.

In order to effectively clean that, one must first remove most of the vomit from the carpet’s surface. This can be done with any wooden or metal object that can scoop the vomit off the floor. Using a rag, brush or towel would only rub the vomit deeper into the rug and are hence not advised as initial cleaning tools. For the next step however, these cleaning tools would be appropriate.

With a damp rag or towel, one must vigorously scrub the dirtied area of the carpet. It is important not to use too much water in this process as too much water could cause mould to grow underneath. After this has been done, the next step requires some good cleaning liquid and a brush. With one’s cleaning liquid in hand, pour an adequate amount onto the entire dirtied surface and scrub away with the brush. Cleaning liquids that are colourless are best for the job. Also, cleaning liquids with a strong yet pleasant smell would be good for masking the smell of the vomit. If the smell of the cleaning liquid does not remove the smell of the vomit, a good alternative would be to use baking soda. Sprinkle a generous amount over the dirtied area and leave it for about 10 minutes.

After a good amount of time, a vacuum cleaner could be used to remove any remaining pieces or particles. In order to be thorough, one can pat the area with a damp cloth once more and leave it to dry. Facing an electric fan onto the dirtied area could help hasten the drying process.

Though the process of having to clean vomit out of carpet may be extremely tedious and tiring, it is something that must be done as soon as possible. The longer amount of time that the vomit is resting on the carpet, the more chances it has to truly soak in and leave a permanent stain.

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air conditioning

How to Clean Air Conditioner Coils

These days, air conditioners are more or less common place. They can be found in many homes and offices and are almost necessities in malls and other enclosed public areas. As they are not exactly cheap appliances, air conditioners must be well maintained and taken care of so that they may continuously be used in the different areas they can be found in. For this reason, the importance of knowing how to clean air conditioner coils cannot be more stressed.

Many air conditioner owners, especially those that have them just in their homes or apartments, are not even aware of how dirty an air conditioner can get. Although air conditioners can stay relatively clean-looking on the outside, they can get very dirty on the inside. Regular checks and clean-ups are necessary in order to keep an air conditioner working properly. As dirt and filth build up inside the air conditioner, these diminish the air conditioner’s ability to absorb and manipulate air, causing a number of subsequent problems to follow. These problems could include the air coming from the air conditioner to be room temperature or even warm, or the air conditioner could begin using up greater amounts of electricity.

The first step in learning that involves removing the outermost grill. Depending on the air conditioner model, one may simply slide the grill off or use screwdrivers to remove it. Make sure to study one’s air conditioner grill before attempting to remove the grill in a certain way as the wrong kind of force might damage it. Next, one must carefully remove the filter in order to expose the air conditioner coils. Dust or other foreign materials resting on the coils must be thoroughly removed and a vacuum cleaner could be a good job for this. If one does not own a vacuum cleaner, a rag or a feather duster can also be used to clean coils. Make sure to be very careful not to bend or undo any of the air conditioner coils during this process.

Next, one can straighten out bent or misshapen air conditioner coils using a comb. Combs for this job are usually available at nearby appliance or hardware stores. Lastly, when everything has been thoroughly cleaned and aligned, all the pieces of the air conditioner must be put back into place. The regularity of cleaning one’s air conditioner should depend on the amount of use the air conditioner is put to. For example, if the air conditioner is used on a daily basis, a monthly cleaning would be recommended. Make sure to pay close attention to how one’s air conditioner is working and when it might need a good clean. With proper maintenance, one’s air conditioner will surely be in good shape for a long time to come.

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How to Clean a Laptop Screen

Every laptop owner must know how to clean a laptop screen. Over time, the laptop screen may accumulate dust, finger prints and smudges. This can be an eye sore and hamper your view. Also, maintaining your laptop’s cleanliness will help prolong its life somehow.

The first thing you do is get a lint-free cloth, distilled water, air spray, cotton buds, and a soft bristled brush. Some electronics store sells these specialized brushes you can use to clean your laptop. Manufacturers do not recommend the use of alcohol-based cleaners or anything corrosive such as ammonias because they can damage the laptop screen.

First of all, turn off your laptop. Unplug it and remove the battery. Dust your laptop screen. Spray the distilled water on the lint-free cloth (cotton cloths, tissue papers are not recommended for these because its fibers maybe left behind), make it damp, not wet. And do not attempt to directly spray the water on the screen.

Gently wipe the screen in a specific direction. If you can still see smudges, repeat he procedure until you are contented. If the stains are too stubborn, try adding a small amount of white vinegar into the distilled water. Once you’ve finished, leave it for a while to let it dry entirely.

For maintenance, you can also purchase a screen guard. This will prevent any dust or stains from getting into your screen. Then if it is already used, you can replace it.

Your keyboard may also leave some marks and scratches on your screen because they touch each other when you fold your laptop. You can also attach a transparent silicon mat on your keyboard to prevent it from scratching the screen.

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How to Clean Coffee Maker with Vinegar

Isn’t it fulfilling to start each morning with a cup of coffee? Those who love coffee surely have made it possible for them to keep a coffee maker in the kitchen. But then again, much like any other appliance that comes worn and torn, a coffee maker deserves frequent cleaning. While many coffee lovers simply focus on cleaning the pot where the coffee is deposited, it has to be noted that the entire machine must be cleaned properly.

A great way to clean your coffee maker is by means of vinegar. It is very safe to use vinegar because it is free from any toxic residue. Learn how to clean coffee maker with vinegar and have a good run of it each time you want to have coffee.

Soak the coffee maker in vinegar
Fill in a container with two-part vinegar and one-part water. This will be the solution you are going to use for the rest of the cleaning process. Take the coffee pot and soak it with vinegar. If you happen to have a mesh filter, clean it also. While letting the solution sit in to break down most of the grime, concentrate on cleaning the base heating element and the exterior of the coffee maker.

Fill in the reservoir with vinegar and turn the machine on
After soaking, fill in the reservoir where you usually pour water when brewing with vinegar. Ensure that you do not let the vinegar solution spill over from the reservoir of the coffee maker. Position the coffee pot back to where it should be. Turn the machine on so that the vinegar can clean the machine thoroughly. After running the coffee maker, rinse the accumulated junk off the mesh filter, if you have one.

Spill out the vinegar
Take the coffee pot out of the machine and spill out any remaining amount of vinegar. Get rid of any particle left in the coffee pot. Afterward, rinse the coffee pot and make sure that no more particle can be seen.

Have another round of cleaning
With the remaining vinegar solution that you have, fill in the reservoir and turn the machine on. This repetition of the process will guarantee that the coffee maker is definitely clean. You can also scrub the coffee maker to remove any remaining residue. Once you have done some more cycle of the cleaning with the use of vinegar, run the entire machine with pure water.

With the given simple steps, all you have to do next is to regularly clean your coffee maker. Just always be certain about the cleanliness of the machine to produce a higher quality of brewed coffee. Vinegar may have an unpleasant smell but it is proven to work at its best on being an effective cleaning agent.

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How to Become a Fashion Designer

Being a fashion designer seems to be an overrated career. It seems to be a dream out of reach for some. There are people out there with the talent and passion, but can’t afford to go to prestige fashion design schools. If they really want to pursue this career, the first thing you need is patience. A lot patience to be exact, and determination.

So where do we begin? If you are serious about your ambition to become a fashion designer, you can start by getting track of current fashion trends. Reading fashion magazines and watching fashion channels can give you great ideas.

Get a sketchpad and different grades of pencils. H-grade pencils are ideal for drawing outlines, B-grade pencils are for shading. If you don’t know how to draw, practice. You would still need this skill even if CAD is already available for use in fashion designing. Draw sketches of your original designs. If you plan to enroll at fashion schools, you may be required to submit a portfolio of your original designs. If you can, also learn how to use CAD.

Another skill you have to develop is dressmaking. Take a sewing class. Learning to sew may not be mandatory, but if you want to understand how a dress is made, and delve deeper into the mechanics of a dress, this could help. If you also want to make a sample of your design, sewing would be a very useful skill.

You would also need creativity and originality. How to become a fashion designer is difficult if you don’t have these.

If you want to be sure you can get into the industry, having a fashion design education is your investment. You do not need to be at a really prestige fashion school to get your place in the fashion industry. A two-year course in fashion design is already a start, but you still have to work on continuing education if you want to get a promotion.

Internship will give you experience, so get one if you can. This can also lead to the company hiring you once you have graduated. This is a step on how to become a fashion designer.

At first, expect that you will not earn much. If you want promotion in a company, get continuing education and degrees in other related fields such as marketing and advertising. Expect to work long hours, and be ready to cope with stress. Dealing with colleagues is another thing. Be as courteous and friendly as possible.

Working for a company or being self-employed is your employment option. For starters, you may not get that job you want at first. People on top also started from the bottom of the ladder.

If you choose the path of a fashion designer, be ready to fail. The competition in fashion industry is stressful, and some quit because they can’t cope with it. Failing is not at all a bad thing; you cannot be successful if you don’t know how to accept failure.

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How to Avoid Accidents in the Garage

A home accident does not necessarily have to occur inside the house for you to be cautious enough and take extra measures on improving your housekeeping. While, there are truly many accidents that happen inside the house itself, there are also accidents that happen in the garage. That part of your house that seems to be least unnoticed could be the scene of the accident later on. The idea of having accidents is definitely something you do not like to imagine, but learning how to avoid accidents in the garage is for the sake of the whole family.

Look for any leaked fluid
One of the most hazardous areas of your garage is the floor. Whenever you keep your car in the garage, there is the tendency of having the fluid of your automobile to seep into the floor without you discovering it. If you are not going to check for any leaked fluid before you leave the garage, it will simply lose its moisture and make the floor slippery. Prevent any slip accident by regularly checking the floor of the garage. It may consume a minute of your precious time before work, so make sure you prepare for work as early as possible.

Do not leave loose items
Loose items might get into the way of someone who walks into the garage or heavy objects might fall onto him. In order to prevent having someone trip over something, be sure that the space is free from wires and any other obstacles that make it hard for a person to get his way into the garage. Keep heavy objects against the wall instead of storing them anywhere in the middle of the room or high up in the air.

Keep poisonous materials out of reach
Keeping poisonous materials such as chemicals and cleaning agents out of reach is not only applicable to children. Adults may also misrepresent a can of pesticide as paint thinner for example. In order to avoid any accidents involving poisonous materials, store them in a stored place that can be locked. Garage cabinets are the best places for any material that must not be reached or taken easily. Also, do not forget to label them properly so that no one would get confuse one for another.

Fix the lighting
With a garage that has poor lighting, any kind of accident is very likely to occur. Make sure that the light in the garage is good enough for things to be seen easily. If there is any problem with your light fixtures, repair them immediately. Set up a number of lights depending on the essential areas of the garage.

Most importantly, secure a first aid kit in your garage. Accidents might happen without you realizing that you were not prepared. This is why it is always best to know how to avoid accidents in the garage for the safety of the entire household.

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How to Become an Event Decorator

In order to come up with a good concept for an event, many clients prefer hiring an event decorator to help them out. More than the concept, the very blueprint of how the setting will be decorated is taken into consideration by an event decorator. Ending up with a satisfying result relies on the cooperation between the event decorator and the client. Knowing how to become an event decorator is very crucial if you have the passion for decorating events and meeting the visions of your clients. Follow these steps on becoming an event decorator and land on a job you could truly love.

Evaluate yourself
Bear in mind that it all starts with you. Take time on evaluation your skills and how they can fit in with the requirements of being an event decorator. Basically, you need to be creative and well-organized. Without creativity and organization, the overall appearance of the event will definitely suffer. Assess your communication skills because these are very essential when working together with your client. Being a successful event decorator depends on how you execute your skills and make improvements right away.

Familiarize with events
So what really happens during an event? Take an existing event as an example and learn the nooks and crannies of what it takes for it to be called an event. There are different components that you must get familiar with just like registration, invitation, entertainment, speaker, food and beverage, and many others. Decorating an event has to pull these components altogether. Knowing the typical stages of holding an event will let you discover more things about event decorating.

Gain hands-on experiences
Just like with any other jobs, it is ideal to gain practical experiences wherein you can utilize your knowledge with your hands on what must be done. You do not necessarily have to start with big companies. Take your personal life and see how you do your best on decorating a family event, college event, or office event. It may be a small gathering but here are where you can employ your skills.

Get certified
Although certification is not always required by several companies, it will surely be a plus to show a certification during an interview. There are numerous programs available for anyone who wants to undergo special training in event decorating and end up getting certified. Being trained is something you can be proud of especially if you are determined to make the most out of your job in the future.

Come up with your own portfolio
A portfolio is the collection of your work samples. During an interview, you can give a good impression about your excellence in your own field. With all your experiences and trainings, it will be very easy for you to collect samples of your work and organize them in a porfolio.

Once you are thoroughly prepared to get hired, look for openings where you can apply as an event decorator. With your knowledge on how to become an event decorator, you will surely finish off as one.

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How to Clean Artificial Flowers

Artificial flowers are a great way to keep a household looking fresh and lively without the costly expense of having to buy live flowers every week. While some artificial flowers may look cheap and fake, some may be convincingly realistic. If you want to have artificial flowers in your house, make the investment of buying pricier yet also more high quality ones for, if properly maintained, they will make a big difference in your living space.

If you have committed to purchasing high quality artificial flowers, you must also learn how to thoroughly clean artificial flowers. This can be quite tricky as many of them, especially top quality ones, are made of delicate fabrics and materials that can be easily damaged if handled the wrong way. By reading and understanding the following tips, you will be an expert in no time.

For tiny dirt particles or light coats of dust, one can use a handheld blow-dryer on the lowest setting. Bottles of compressed air may also be an option. With gentle yet purposive blows of air, any loose particles of dirt and dust will easily be removed.
For heavier coats of dust, silk flower cleaning sprays can be used to clean flowers. These sprays dissolve dust upon contact and are hence perfect for the gentle process. While these silk flower cleaning sprays come in a range of prices, it is important not to skimp on these. High costing silk flower cleaning sprays are efficient and effective in dissolving dust particles without ruining the artificial flower design whereas low costing silk flower cleaning sprays can actually seal in dirt and other foreign particles. Some cheap silk flower cleaning sprays can even stain artificial flowers and should hence never be used.

If you are interested in more cost-effective means to do that, there are certainly some options you can choose from. One popular method is to take a relatively large plastic bag and pour about half a cup of salt into it. Next, place a few artificial flowers inside and shake the contents for a few minutes. Make sure to clean only a few artificial flowers at a time because too many of them inside the plastic bag could cause them to get flattened or scratched. If done effectively, this cleaning method can remove even the most difficult to reach dirt and dust particles.

If you are certain about the colour permanence of your artificial flowers, you can try mixing up a vinegar and water solution based on a 1:1 ratio. Pour the vinegar and water solution into a clean spray bottle and gently spray your artificial flowers from a good distance. The idea is to mist the artificial flowers with a light coat of the vinegar and water solution rather than drench them.

With this range of options on how to clean artificial flowers, you can pick the method that is most effective and convenient to you. Whether you are willing to spend a few bucks or spare a few extra minutes, make sure that you maintain your commitment to keeping you flowers clean and good-as-new; otherwise, your good investment might just turn to dry and wilted flowers.

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How to Become a Real Estate Agent

So you want to start a career as a real estate agent? Real estate agents act as a go-between seller and buyer transactions. Once a successful transaction is made, you get a commission which has been arranged between you and the seller. So what do you need before you become a real estate agent?

First, you have to be at least a high school graduate. Then you can get a training course for real estate agents. It may cost a bit ranging from a few thousand dollars, but consider that as your capital investment. Enroll in a reputable institution, which is accredited. You cannot pull off a real estate agent job if you didn’t acquire any training. You should know about the requirements of the state where you want to practice as a real estate agent. There is an age requirement for each state; you have to be at least 18 or 21 to become a real estate agent. Post-licensure training is also required in some jurisdictions.

The next thing you need to become a real estate agent is great interpersonal and communication skills. Since you will be dealing with different kinds of people, with different attitudes and temperaments, you have to be patient. You should also be convincing and persuasive. You have to relay information to a buyer effectively so misunderstandings would be avoided.

You also have to be uncomplaining. Your hard work won’t be paid off for a while. But if you know how to wait, your efforts will be worth the wait.

Now, you also need to know how to deal with brokers who you will work for. You should expect at least 30 percent commission for starters. If they offer you less than that, working for them would not be a good idea.

Dealing with buyers is another thing. You have to be courteous and respectable. You should make them feel you are worth their trust-and don’t make them lose their faith in you. If you have a scheduled appointment with a buyer, be prompt and dress up formally. Make sure you’d leave a good impression. Be as friendly as possible. If buyers find you reliable and polite, they might even recommend you to others, expanding your network.

Once you have established yourself as a real estate agent, earn a good reputation. And don’t do anything that would ruin it. Always give your clients a business card so if ever they recommend you to other buyers, they will know how to contact you.

If you are really enthusiastic about being a real estate agent, get a continuing education for it. You have to level up to be more successful.

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