
How to take care of indoor bamboo

The word bamboo tree is commonly known as a misnomer. Although this ‘tree” can grow several feet into the air like a normal tree, it is not actually a tree. The bamboo is actually a type of grass, grasses that are made up of hard yet hollow “stalks”. These “stalks” are capable of withstanding very strong winds, lessening the impact of the wind by flowing with the wind’s current. This allows the bamboo to live off the strongest typhoons that most actual large trees would have not survived against. Growing bamboo became popular as of late, not as a commercial raw material, but as a decoration on homes. You can even take care of indoor bamboo, and here we are to show you how.

Prepare the substrate or the soil to be use in the indoor bamboo, by mixing several soil types with small rocks and pebbles. Create a mixture that can hold water and nutrients well, but will not hold it long enough for the roots of the bamboo plant to saturate. This is important because, once the soil is unable to remove its water contents over time, the soil becomes saturated, and this can potentially lead to the rotting of the bamboo plant’s roots.

Take a good consideration of the plant’s surroundings when watering the bamboo. Most indoor environments let the soil dry up pretty quickly, so you’ll have to water it a little bit more often, but remember not to overdo watering. If you need a good indicator of this, check out the plant’s leaves. If you see the bamboo plant’s leaves sagging, then that means you’re giving it too much water. If you see the leaves curled up, then that means it is not getting enough and should be given more water.

Indoors usually mean away from any element outdoors. Sometimes, this includes sunlight and ventilation. Do not let this happen to your bamboo plant. Position your bamboo plant somewhere where it can get adequate sunlight. Remember, just adequate, anything too much will eventually harm the plant later on.

Sometimes, to take care of indoor bamboo well, you need to mimic the conditions where the plant’s natural habitat is. Bamboos are native to Eastern Asia. The temperatures in this part of the world can vary widely depending on the season, but is usually either cool or hot enough to maintain humidity. Dew is our keyword here, and one good way to mimic the effect of dew on the plant is by misting it. You can use any kind of fine spray to do this. Mist the plant regularly to mimic its natural habitat, but you should do it at regulated intervals; there is practically no need to do this all the time.

The bamboo plant’s peculiar structure allows it to have its own natural shielding against insects and other pest. However there are occasional times where pests fall upon these gentle plants, so a proper pesticide should be kept for these occasional instances.

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Painting, Tips

Protecting your carpet when paiting

For those who had just moved into their new home and to those who are planning to renovate, there are a lot of things to do like buying new furniture and appliances and moving them in, choosing wallpapers that will fit every particular room in your house, and buying some paint for those areas which aren’t needed to put wallpaper into it, like for instance, the baseboards.

But if you would want to save money and choose to invest on painting the walls instead of putting wallpapers, there are also steps to consider on taking care of your belongings like your appliances, furniture, particularly the carpet. Now take note. The carpet may be one of those stuffs that would require a lot of cleaning once you get them stained so In this case, you should treat them with extra care most especially when you’re painting.

First, go visit the local Home Depot and look for a 2 foot wide roll of carpet protection tape which can be found in the carpet department. You can either leave them as they are on 2 foot wide, or you can cut them in half or in quarters with a miter saw, depending on the coverage your carpet requires. Then, you can place the roll on the floor near your baseboard with the sticky side down on the carpet making sure that you cover all the parts of the carpet. When you have done this, you may now continue on painting your walls with no worries of getting your carpet stained, and when you’re done with everything, you can just take off the tape from the carpet and dispose it.

Now, let’s go to the baseboards. Painting baseboards need extra care as it increases the possibility of getting your carpet stained. First, cut the tape at about 18-24 inches and place it along the baseboard and the carpet. For a medium size carpet, leave an allowance of about ½ inch. You may need to experiment a bit regarding the “lap up” for it depends a bit on the depth of the carpet pile.

Start at one end. Place fingers on the “corner”, between the carpet and the baseboard. Press your fingers down, and slowly pull the carpet away from the baseboard and push the tape down into the opening space. To finish the incompletely seated portions of the tape, you may use the putty knife. After doing all this, you now have enough space the paint the rest of your baseboard above the carpet, without staining putting stains on it. You can just use a smaller brush to paint the lower side of the baseboard for it won’t need much coverage anyway, as it would be covered by the carpet.

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How to Repair a Door Hinge

You get up startled one day because you realized that you woke up late and that you have to get to work as soon as possible. You had your coffee, brushed your teeth, and took your bath all in a rush when all of a sudden; you hurriedly opened your closet doors. And you didn’t just open them, but you took out your entire closet door coz of a loose hinge! Now, how do we avoid these kinds of situations?

How do we properly fix our door hinge?
Door hinges may run loose over time and continuous use. If you thought that you can just tighten the screw, then what if the screw will not tighten? But instead the hole is stripped and it’s now too large, requiring you plug and drill it again. A drill or power screwdriver with screwdriver bits can be used to remove and tighten screws. You can also use a reliable flat head or Phillips head screwdriver depending on the type of screws. Now, if you have gathered everything around you, let me give you some steps on how to properly repair your door hinge.

• Remove door from hinges
Using a screwdriver or drill with screwdriver bits, remove the door from its hinges. Then remove the hinge that is loose from the cabinet frame. The screws can be reused and they can all be matched as well, so don’t discard them.

• Use glue as an adhesive
With a hacksaw, cut a piece of dowel to the length of the screw. Add wood glue to the tip and sides of the dowel and tap it into the hole with a hammer. Wipe off any excess glue with a rag, and trim the plug flush with a wood chisel.

• Remount the cabinet door
Allow the glue to dry. Use the hinge leaf as a guide and drill new pilot holes for the screws. Replace hinges with old screws to cabinet frame and remount your cabinet door.

• Check
Close the cabinet door and observe if it is properly aligned with the cabinet. If it looks uneven, slightly loosen the screws, shift the door, and retighten the screws.

Now that your cabinet or closet is already fixed, opening your closet door even in a rush won’t be a big problem for you anymore. But still, even if it is already fixed, just properly open your closet door next time so it would take a long time for it to loosen once again. But before it does and you know that it would need another repair, do it as soon as possible so you won’t have any problems in the near future.

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Repairing a Water-damaged Ceiling

Rainy season comes again. You may be having problems of keeping up with the prices of some of your favorite fruits and vegetables, cleaning your yard with all the leaves and trunks of trees that had fallen due to the heavy rains and gusty winds, looking out for your kids and keeping them inside your home since it’s not that safe to go outside. You are so busy doing a lot of stuff until you felt a cold drop of water on your forehead. Looking up, you noticed a crack in your ceiling.

A water-damaged ceiling may also occur if you have a bathroom on your 2nd floor and there had been a leaky faucet in it. Now, what will you do when these situations happen? How will you handle these things in your own way? Like giving first-aid to a wounded person, it’s also very important for us to know how to give the proper “first-aid” to our home, particularly the ceiling. Here are some steps on how you will do it.

• Place dropcloths on the ground
You may also use disposable plastic for this. Remove all damaged ceiling texture. With a putty knife, scrape away loose areas. Clear about three areas around the cracked surface. Lightly spray the ceiling with water. Wait a few minutes for the damaged texture to absorb water and soften for this will make the removal much easier. Scrape away loose areas and allow it to dry.

• Fill in the cracks
Use a drywall compound or putty to fill in small cracks. Lightly skim the surface with a putty knife to fill in holes and cracks. Avoid causing the new plaster to crack by applying it in thin layers about ¼ inch thick. Allow each layer to dry and lightly sand with fine or medium grit sand paper. Examine the area so you can determine if additional layers are needed.

• Apply Texture
Apply texture over the repaired cracked surface. For popcorn ceilings, use a spray-on texture. Lightly spray it onto the surface. Before applying it thoroughly, practice the technique first. For stucco ceilings, you may apply joint compound, using a putty knife. Apply the texture in random strokes to copy the existing texture. If it doesn’t match, remove the plaster immediately and try the technique again. Allow it to dry for 24 hours.

• Paint
Paint the ceiling with a brush or a mini roller. Use existing latex paint that matches the ceiling. If existing paint is not available, repaint the entire ceiling.
Repairing a water-damaged ceiling is quite tedious. It may also take a very long time to finish. That’s why before the rainy season comes, you must check your ceiling for holes and cracks so you can do the repair immediately. Be prepared for everything today so it won’t be that much of a problem in the future.

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How to Repair Canvas

For an artist, there is nothing much more important than his masterpieces, and works of art, from his paintings to his sculptures, and even to the tools that he uses. He takes proper care to make his works live on from generation to generation. That’s why there are a lot of century old paintings today that catches up everybody’s attention. And for these to still be appreciated for the years to come, art restoration must be done.

Art restoration is an extensive field of work. To become a professional, you must go to school for many years. That’s why if you have a valuable painting at home with an extensive damage; seek the help of a professional first. But what if the damage is just minimal? How can you preserve your most valuable painting? How will you take part on restoring these admirable pieces of art? Here are some ways on how to do it.

• Cover the hole
From a fresh roll of canvas, cut a small patch just enough to cover the hole in the painting.

• Apply adhesives
Apply a layer of adhesive on one side of the patch.

• Press the sticky side
On the back of the painting, press the sticky side of the patch to the hole in the canvas.

• Position it
Lay the painting flat on a table or on the floor. Position the hole in the painting so the patch is supported by a raised, flat surface. Use a hardcover book to do so.

• Adjust
Adjust the hole in the painting as needed so that the seams press together and the tear is no longer and obvious damage.

• Press the tear
Lay another book on top of the tear in the painting. This will serve as a weight to press the tear on the patch as the adhesive dries up.

• Trim extra threads
Trim any extra threads protruding from the tear once the adhesive is dry.

• Paint
Apply a matching coat of paint to the area of the patch that is visible from the front, if the hole is large and the seams do not come together.

• Cover with Varnish
If necessary, cover the newly painted area with varnish to match the sheen of the original work. Wait until the paint is dry before applying the varnish.

If the damage in your highly-valued painting is not that big then you may do these steps. Again, for those paintings with an extensive damage it is best to call the help of a professional. But for those who were able to restore their paintings by themselves even if it’s just a small damage, surely, there would still be that feeling of self-fulfillment within. It’s as if you had experienced being an artist, who treasures his work, to further be admired by everyone who looks at it.

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How to repair...

How to Repair Ceiling Cracks

Yes, your new home may look great. It may seem perfect when it comes to ambience, tranquility, coziness, and comfort. All of your furniture, old and new, are properly placed in their respective places. There seem to be no problem in your picture-perfect home. Then all of a sudden you noticed something when you looked up – there is a crack on your ceiling!

When it comes to unsightly crevices and holes, most people consider having them fixed by a professional. If there are a lot of cracks, then you may do so but if it’s not that many, you can do the fixing yourself. Now, are you wondering how you will do it? Are you that eager to restore your beautifully-designed ceiling? For repairing your ceiling, you will need these materials: stepladder, vinyl spackle or joint compound, putty knife, safety glasses, and fine grit sandpaper. Here are the steps on how you will do it.

• Assess the Situation
You must analyze and determine how much vinyl or joint compound you’ll need to fix the ceiling. Visit the closest DIY store to buy what you need. Buy vinyl immediately, not just plain plaster. Vinyl can expand with temperatures and stresses and your ceiling repair will last longer.

• Put on safety gear
The number 1 rule for home maintenance is to always put on your safety gear. And for repairing your ceiling, you must put on your safety goggles. In cases like this, debris might fall down and this will increase the possibility of getting your eyes damaged if you didn’t put on your safety goggles.

• Apply the adhesives
Using a putty knife, apply the spackle or joint compound to the crack. Like using a paintbrush, apply the adhesive in a “back-and-forth” motion with the putty knife. Press the spackle into the putty knife from several directions.

• Feather it!
Blend it with the rest of the ceiling by feathering your patch on all sides.

• Allow it to dry
Allow the patched ceiling to dry thoroughly. Joint compound may take a little longer, while vinyl spackle dries very fast.

• Sand lightly
By using the sandpaper, sand your ceiling lightly until the edges of your ceiling patch are flush with the rest of the ceiling. If you’re already satisfied with what your ceiling looks like, you may paint it already. But if not, you may repeat steps 1-5 until you get your desired outcome.
Now that you already know these steps on how you will repair ceiling cracks, next time you won’t have any problem if you have seen one again in your ceiling. By this, you will feel that sense of fulfillment coz you have done it all by yourself and that you have made your ceiling presentable as it was before.

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How to Repair Double Pane Windows

Windows had been one of the most vital parts of the house. When the door is closed for safety, you can always open the windows for a breath of fresh air. As well as other items and parts of the house, they can also be decorated and styled according to the preferred theme of one’s home. You can put curtains on them, some other decorations depending on the occasion and you can also hang some small plants and chimes near them so that when the wind blows, you will be able to smell the fragrance of the plant, and hear the relaxing sound of the chimes. Windows can also be identified as single pane, or double pane.

Dual Pane windows are and effective way of conserving energy that’s why many people use them nowadays. Now, what if for instance you have a dual pane window in your home, and suddenly it was broken? How will you repair it?

• Take note of your window’s dimensions
Measure the width, height, and total thickness of your window before you can buy a replacement. Buying the correct size of a window is as important as properly installing it. The easiest way of doing this is to measure the dimensions of the frame and note them down. You will need to give the individual thickness of the glass units in case you want the same spacer.

• Unscrew and remove units properly
Once you had bought the proper replacement for your window, you are now ready for doing the repairs. First, gather all the necessary equipment within your reach. Unscrew and remove the units one-by-one and properly take out the broken windows. If there may be smaller pieces, clean them properly with a vacuum.

• Put on the adhesives
Squeeze and apply some caulk to the frame, where you will be installing the new window. Make sure that you apply the caulk evenly so that there would be no air gaps for you to avoid the entrance of chilly air. Place the new unit gently and make sure that it fits in the frame properly.

• Screw down tightly
Once the new window is placed in properly, screw it down tightly, check the free-drilled holes in the frames. and screw the dual pane window accordingly. After securing the screws, try opening, closing, or locking the unit. If the new windows are working fine then install the new window frame. Place the screws to assure firm grip. In case you find more air gaps, then apply more caulk as well.
Repairing windows is quite easy if you just know the measurements of your window. And what’s important as well is that, you should have the proper materials, and be responsible enough to secure the small parts like the screws, nails, etc. now that you have your new window, you can open it once again for a breath of fresh air, and for a better view of the world around you.

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Repairing an Electrical Cord

When an electrical cord is broken, don’t just throw it away and buy a new one. For it can mean the difference between saving an electrical device and throwing it away. Splicing the cord back together can only take a few minutes using an electrical tape and wire strippers. Just make sure that the correct wires are spliced together and properly re-insulated with tape to avoid shock hazard. Tying the broken ends with an overhand loop adds strength to the repair and will prevent ends from falling apart. Now, how do we properly repair and electrical cord anyway? How to we save electricity by repairing this? Here are some steps on how to do it.

• Cut away the damaged part
Cut away the damaged part of the cord as close to the broken area as possible, leaving two pieces – one, running to the appliance and the other, terminating with the plug.

• Strip away insulation
Use wire cutters to strip away half an inch of insulation from the two wires on each piece of cord.

• Hold two ends together
Hold the two cut ends together, make a short loop of the pieces, then run the two ends through the loop and pull tight.

• Twist
Twist the wire strands to prevent unraveling.

• Attach the wires
Attach the black wires from both pieces of the electrical cord and twist them together.

• Wrap with Tape
Wrap electrician’s tape around the black wires.

• Strengthen the ends
Strengthen the two ends of repaired cord as much as possible and wrap with an amount of electrician’s tape at least equal to the thickness of insulation that was pulled off with the wire cutters.
Once the cord is repaired, it should be almost as strong as it was when you had just bought it. But just a simple warning to all, you must unplug the electrical cord before making any repairs. And also, knotting the two ends of the electrical cord before splicing and wrapping with electrician’s tape will prevent the two spliced ends from falling apart, which could create an electrical hazard.
Many of us thought that a broken electrical cord won’t have any use at all, and most of us will result on just throwing it into the trash until we found out that there are is still a way on how to repair and electrical cord. Just be patient and resourceful, and surely you can be able to find a lot of ways to repair broken stuff. Surely, this will not only help us to conserve electricity, but conserve money as well.

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How to Repair Furniture Finish

Most of us just love oil warmers or scents that can be used to make our home much more welcoming and enticing with its good smell and fresh aroma. The smell may be friendly to our noses but what about for our finished furniture?

Fragrant oil warmers that include the ones plugged into electrical outlets can cause extensive damage to our furniture’s finish once it comes contact with it. The fragrant oil eats through the finish and removes the stain. When furniture has been severely damaged, it would be hard to repair it with just a quick, easy, and complete repair. If you are one of those perfectionists, you may just take it to a professional and have it repaired. But then, when it comes to furniture finish damaged with oil fragrant there is an alternative. However, it will not look as good as new but the repair will appear better before it was touched up.

Once again, keep in mind that most furniture finish will not look as good as new when repaired instead of refinished. But when the repair is done carefully, it will look better than it did before it was spilled with fragrant oil. Now, how do we repair our furniture finish? How do we make it look better before the stain is removed?

• Follow product instructions
For best results, follow product label instructions for finishing products.

• Check the color
When unsure of a particular color or sheen, use it in a small area underneath the furniture to make sure it matches as it is desired.

• Buy a bottle of scratch repair
To repair furniture damaged by fragrant oil, you will need a bottle of Old English brand scratch repair for light or dark wood. This high quality product will stain the wood. And although it is designed to cover simple scratches, if the color is similar to your furniture finish, it may also do the repair. This can be very affordable for you as well coz you’ll be able to save money.

• Choose and Apply
Choose a scratch repair shade that is slightly lighter than the furniture stain requiring repair. It can be applied more than once to darken the shade of the appropriate hue. If Old English is not available, visit a local home improvement store or an online retailer, and purchase a kit with several color options.

Now that we had found an alternative that which can surely save our time and money, then there should be no more worries. But next time, we should just watch out for those oil fragrance oils not that we should stop buying them anymore, but let’s just keep them away from our very sensitive and highly valued finished furniture.

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How to Repair Air Ducts

Have you been paying a lot every month for your electric bill? Have you always wondered why your electricity have been reaching its highs no matter how much you conserve energy by turning off your appliances and lights when not in use? But the real question is this. Does it really have something to do with your lights and appliances? Or maybe you are not aware that there had been a problem with your air ducts?

Poorly sealed air ducts can be one of the biggest energy and money losers at home. If you are much confident with your insulation wraps, that doesn’t solve the problem or it does not stop air leaks. Now, here are some ways on how you would repair air ducts.

• How to Seal Air Ducts with Mastic
Mastic seals are faster to apply than tape. They also last longer and seals better.
1. Clean the surface with a damp cloth if it is filled with dust, oily film, and grease.
2. Load brush with mastic and cover the entire joint continuously. Use the end of the brush to work the mastic into joint. Spread mastic atleast one inch on each side of the joint and it should be thick enough (about1/16 inch) to hide the metal surfaces.
3. If the gap is greater than ¼ inch in the duct connection, then use fiberglass reinforcing membrane in addition to mastic. If it is too sticky on the side, cut enough membrane to cover the joint, press it in place, and then cover with mastic. To completely cover the membrane, apply enough mastic. However, if the membrane doesn’t have a sticky side, apply a thin layer of mastic, press the membrane then apply the finishing layer of mastic.
4. Wrap ducts with insulation. It can be installed over wet mastic but try not to move the ducts too much for it could damage the mastic seal. Before applying the mastic, make sure that you’re done with all the duct support work.

• Round to Rectangular Transitions
Fiberglass reinforcing membrane may wrinkle when it’s run along a joint between round and rectangular ducts. Use a utility knife to make it flat, make a series of slices about every 2 inches then wrap it around the duct.

• Mastic Recommendations
Use a UL 181A-M and UL 181B-M. These types of mastic are designed for the repair and installation of ducts. It can be applied through brush, gloved hand, trowel, or caulking gun. Even though mastic is still wet, you can already apply insulation.

Now that you have learned on how to repair your air ducts, surely you won’t have any more problems with your electric bill. And when the time comes that you’ll notice your bills running high once again, you will never fail to check your air ducts and be ready to repair them.

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How To Repair Rattan Furniture

Rattan furniture are lovely. Its charm comes from its being ethnic-looking and exquisite. While a piece of rattan furniture is mostly used as a centerpiece and as a highlight in a room, it is now coming out of its shell and taking over the limelight. These days, it is not unusual to see a home themed with rattan.

Although rattan furniture would seem suited best to be placed outside the garden or the patio, fact is, rattan furniture would be best kept indoors to be preserved beautifully. Being exposed to sunlight would speed up the bleaching of the rattan’s natural color, leaving the furniture looking dull. The rain would also affect the life span of your furniture.

While naturally beautiful and physically durable, natural wear and tear can weather and run down your beloved rattan furniture. Here are some tips on how to take care of and repair rattan furniture.
The key to bringing back to life your rattan furniture while repairing it is in smoothness of the surface of the furniture. A smooth surface would ensure that the primer and the paint or varnish would stick nicely to the furniture. To repair rattan furniture, you will need to wear a dust mask as this might turn out to be a dusty task. Also, it is ideal to wear something to protect your eyes like goggles or glasses to make sure you don’t sting your eyes with particles coming off when sanding.

Begin the task by sanding the furniture with a sand paper. It is done and ready when you no longer feel rough patches in the furniture while running your hands over it. Then, wipe the rattan thoroughly with a clean cloth making sure it has no dust or dirt left on it.The next step is to spray the primer on top of the furniture, making sure the whole lot is covered. Let primer dry. Spray with topcoat of paint or varnish. Let dry. Your rattan furniture is now reincarnated and is as good as new!

A little trick to repair cracks and small dents is to apply the area with boiled linseed oil, while this will not repair the damage, this will cause the rattan to slightly swell, instant filler, making the cracks less noticeable. Liquid stains are best to rid off right away because when liquids leave a mark in rattan furniture, after a while it is next to impossible to be removed. To get rid of the stain, use a harsh cloth with a bit of detergent, rubbing off the stain.

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How To Repair Sagging Floor Joists

Ever felt like the floor you are walking on is not solid or even? Ever had that feeling that your footsteps goes thumpety thump, thumpety thump when you are walking? It must be that your floor joists are sagging. Say what? Since these floor joists are placed during the very early stages of a building or home construction, some people may have never even seen their floor joists. But though you may have never seen what is underneath your floor, these floor joists play a major part in supporting the structure and in the security of your floor and the whole building.

You may ask yourself, if I have not seen it, then how is it possible for me to repair sagging floor joists in my house?
While it is quite difficult and may require advanced skill from the worker, it still is an achievable task. You must understand where the problem is coming from. Sagging floor joists may result from age. Over time and pressure, wood will flex and bow causing it to sag. Even floor joists which were installed properly in the beginning, will give in at some point. This is especially true for older buildings or homes, making it necessary to repair sagging floor joists.

To enable you and your family to feel secure that you are walking on solid ground, the following are helpful guide in repairing sagging floor joists. If your house has a basement, the ideal way to fix sagging floor joists is by use of a brace. You need to install a beam vertical to the joists in the mid section. The beam has to be the same size as your joists. This can be done by use of boards.

The boards to be used to create your beam need to be able to cross from wall to wall across your floor joists. Cut the boards and attach together with the use of adhesive and nails. The next step is to put the brace in place. Wedge a board in a slight angle in between the basement floor and your beam. Using a hammer, straighten the base of the wedge to push up the beam to take the sag out of the joists. Once done with the procedure, check whether the floor is already level enough, if not continue with the same step. It is best to install posts every after few feet to serve as support. This will help in postponing future sagging of the floor joists. Although, it is recommended to get a contractor for professional help for this kind of job, it can still be done properly by yourself if you just carefully follow the steps mentioned in above. After all, to whom is it better to entrust the safety of yourself and your family than your own hands?

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How to repair tear in leather couch

One of the best places to lounge and relax after a long day of work is your ever dependable couch. It is a must in every home and you will rarely see a home that doesn’t have one. Among the most popular materials in couches would be leather. Not only does it give such a modern touch but it’s also easy to maintain and will incur lesser stains specifically for genuine leather materials. Leather couches also grow beautiful with age specifically showing off its patina.

Despite the durability of leather, without proper care or due to unexpected accidents, owners of leather couches may usually encounter cracks or tears. Most people do not find the means on how to repair tear in leather couch simply because they feel it’s too tedious or has no remedy.

With the help of your local hardware store, purchase a leather repair kit. Assessing the damage on the leather, you may also have to buy the same or closest leather material or color in case the tear is too large to mend by sewing or sealing alone. There are a few techniques on how to repair tear in leather couch and one technique is to apply glue or compounds specifically used for leather. Some leather kits already have this while some kits are for mending using sewing techniques. For an even and less noticeable repair, most professionals use leather glue compounds.

Since leather is a porous and slightly expandable material, regular strong glues or glues used for hard materials won’t be able to repair that. It may actually cause more damage to the material and you may just end up buying a new couch. To start off, most leather kits will have a prepping agent or solution for you to clean the damage area to ensure the mending material will adhere later on. You may also clean the damaged area first with leather friendly soap and water and let dry before applying the prepping agent. For leather tears that are larger or have pieces missing, a patch would be needed and most kits would have this already. After sealing the area, you may proceed to applying the main mender or compound. Make sure to follow the instructions and application procedures on the product based on the manufacturer’s specifications.

Usually, compounds for leather repair will have to be completely dry prior to using a protective coating. Once the area is ready, ensure that it’s clean and smooth out any uneven parts with the tools and solutions provided in your leather repair kit. Lastly, apply leather conditioner to enable the repaired area and materials to blend in. Leather conditioners also help in making the area more durable and stretchable to avoid future tears and damage. Consider applying the leather conditioner on the whole couch as well. There are also leather protectors available in liquid or wax form. These will protect from minor scuffs and scratches as well as stains.

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How To Repair Peeling Wallpaper

You were so excited moving in to your new home, fixing and arranging every little detail to your liking. After all, this is where you intend to spend most of your precious time with your loved ones. And the walls of each room are no exception. With a lot to think about and to choose from, you just don’t know how to decide. To paint or to paper? Colors, patterns, etc. Finally, you settle for flower patterned wallpaper for your daughter’s room. Wallpapers are a good alternative for paints with a lot of designs to choose from, even to match your furniture and home decors.

But as much as you would like to these wallpapers to remain as glued to the wall as the day you fixed it, it just won’t stick forever! Over time and with other factors such as humidity, wallpapers are bound to peel. Here are some ideas on how to repair peeling wallpaper if you do not want to change it just yet or you simply do not have the time or the money to re-paper the whole room.
To repair peeling wallpaper you would need the following materials: sponge, wallpaper glue, paint brush and a seam roller or a squeegee.

The first step to repair peeling wallpaper is to dampen the peeled area with a sponge to saturate the glue, then gently lift the peeled wallpaper for as much as it can be lifted, carefully doing so without tearing the whole thing apart. Make sure that the area is smooth and no glue is left on the surface. Wipe off any excess water to make sure it is dry and ready. With the use of a paint brush, apply a thin layer of wallpaper glue on the surface, spreading just enough to cover the entire area. Press the wallpaper back to the wall, making sure it is even and smoothened out.

Any excess glue can be wiped off with the use of a damp sponge. Just make sure that sponge is not too wet otherwise it will buckle. To even out the wallpaper and make sure it fixed smoothly, you can use a seam roller and run it over the area, or in the absence of a seam roller, a squeegee can perform the same role. This can also help to make sure bubbles are avoided. However, should there be bubbles on the paper, another trick is to cut over the bubbles with a very thin, sharp knife to release the air and with the use of the paint brush, apply glue on the back flaps of the wallpaper. You can then run it over again with the seam roller or squeegee just to make sure.

Another useful idea in wallpapering is to make sure you buy enough materials. Should there be cases like this when you need to repair peeling wallpaper. An extra roll or so would come in handy.

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How to repair plaster wall

We just love how plaster walls distinctively create that custom design that you could never have done if you had simply used bricks in constructing that boring wall of your home. But, like all things in this world, plaster walls aren’t just made forever. These walls sometimes still manage to break and crumble, and here we are about to discuss technical possibilities from a generic perspective, on how to repair a plaster wall.

First of all, we all know the composition of a plaster wall. It is generally stuck onto its place once the plaster completely dries and hardens. There is generally no way that you can fix the damage without redoing some of the damaged parts again using a new plaster. This is where a little creativity and artistic skill comes into good practice.

You can easily scrape of the unwanted mark and repair a plaster wall by preparing the same material that you have used for the plaster wall. But for a more sturdy mix, you may want to try something that is of the same color but of better composition. Try to ask you local hardware dealer about good compound mixes that can match your plaster wall well, and stick with it for all of your plaster wall fixing needs later on.

The fix that you would need to do depends on the type of damage that is done to the plaster surface. For holes, fill them up by carefully using a putty knife to fill in the holes with the same plaster material. Apply the plaster in two coats, one for filling the hole, and the other for the indentation that the first coat will make after it dries. Make the new surface nice and smooth using sandpaper afterwards.

Loose areas and cracks need to be reinforced first before attempting to restore the plaster. Drill a few screws near the area where the crack is, just in case the plaster can’t hold well. For patches of damaged plaster, you may have to screw the entire patch to secure it in place for repair. Do not use too many screws, try to space them as wide apart as possible. Apply the new plaster just as you would in filling a hole, but this time apply it to the long, open cracks. Oh, and don’t worry about the holes made by the screws, you can do the same hole-filling job to complete the task.

For areas or large holes with the plaster damaged, you don’t have to fill the entire hole or area with the plaster material in the wall. Simply screw in something that can fill up the space, and then apply a thin layer of the plaster material onto the surface of the placed “filler” material. Remember, applied coats shrinks a bit when it dries, so you need to watch out for the level of coating that you apply.

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How to repair a washing machine

The invention of the washing machines just made life a lot easier. Imagine never having to scrub you way during each laundry session, just think on the huge amount of time saved by just one simple machine. But machines, just like our cars and toasters, sometimes do break down and stop from working properly. A quick visit to your repair man might solve everything, but wouldn’t it be better for you to repair a washing machine yourself?

Before you tinker with the interior of your washing machine, you need to assess first the damage and the problem. What we need to see and know from this assessment is whether the problem is simple enough for us to repair a washing machine on our own. Tampering with the interior of a washing machine is a very risky thing to do, most especially if you don’t. Besides, you’d end up breaking the washing machine all the more if you try to mess with it without knowing its interior workings.

The first and most common problem would be the simple mechanical failures. For those not using digital keypads on a washing machine, the dial on your washing machine is actually less electrical in nature than what it really is. It is really a simple spring mechanism, much like what you would see in old clocks and wristwatches. Washing machines using this kind of dial sometimes break up and get loose. Try opening the dial using something that can fit through the small opening around the dial, and rearrange the mechanism. For unresponsive buttons in digital keypads, open the keypad (you may have to use screwdrivers or something that can tip off covers). If you see a paper-like circuit board, use a pencil to shade the part where the button is supposed to be pressed.

Another example of a simple mechanical failure is when something gets clogged into the spinning of a washing machine. People sometimes forget to remove certain items from the pockets of their clothes, coins, clips, pieces of paper, etc. These obstructions are usually unable to break through the mechanism of the washing machine, although some smaller ones are usually able to go through. You’d have to open the entire washing machine to see this problem, but simply removing the obstruction can instantly fix this problem.

Improperly grounded electrical connections are probably the most hazardous problems that you can face in washing machine repair. If you’re still alive to notice and assess this problem, check first the simple electrical connection whether there might be some misplaced areas or live wires. If there is none around the machine and the problem still persists, then it’s best that you bring it to the nearest repairman right away to avoid any further problems.

Not all washing machine problems can be solved by yourself, but you can save a lot of money in the long run, if you at least know how to fix the simpler problems on your laundry workhorse.

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How to repair termite damage

Termites are just some of the worst enemies that you can encounter in your home. Many houses nowadays are already made of concrete, but some of the inner or outer designs of other homes are made up of wood. Having termite damage on these precious homes would be the last thing any home owner wants to think of. But if the horror had already come past, you generally have no other choice but to face and repair termite damage.

Assess the level of damage that has been done to the house. Are the critters just at the initial stage? Are they planning a major offensive on the largest wooden areas of my home? Are they already preparing for the invasion of your home’s very foundation? We would need a proper intelligence report about their actions in order for us to mount the best counteroffensive and ultimately repair termite damage.

If their forces have just finished settling their base camps into your home as small trails of termites, then it would be the best move to bolster our defenses as early as possible. Apply a special liquid substance to the wood that will enable it to harden and make it impervious to their deadly jaws. There are many commercially available products out there is specifically made to do this, and luckily it just takes a short trip to your local hardware store to secure your wood’s tactical positions.

If the wood has already suffered damage, try to chip away the damaged parts using a chisel or anything that can be used to poke out the areas where the termites have advanced their forces. Use this strategy only if the entire wood is still fully functional after removing the damaged parts.

After removing the damaged part, use a wood filler to reestablish woods defenses back into position. After applying the wood filler, use a sandpaper to scrape of the irregular areas and mold it to return the wood to its original shape before the termite assault. It is recommended that you use a paint that matches the paint used around the area to completely remove evidence of damage.

If the termites have dealt a significant amount of damage to the wood, then it’s best that you retire it out of its position. Cut the damaged wood out of its place using a saw, cut a small part around the undamaged wood, to ensure that no damaged wood remains. Now replace that wood with another block of wood of the same size, and hammer or screw it into place. You can use several small pieces of wood instead if needed.

Remember, if your home is made of wood., or has a significant area of it made of wood, then its best that you remain vigilant for these little critters at all times. It is generally easier to pound them away before they can even position their forces, rather than replacing the losses after they had already mounted an offensive

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