
Pet bed: 5 Important things you should know about

As more pet owners begin creating their own pet beds from scratch, they’re quickly learning that it’s a lot more work than they anticipated. Creating a safe and cozy place to sleep is one of the most important things to consider when creating this. 

You may already be making your own pet bed, but if you want to be a true pet parent, then you need to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to create the perfect environment for your pet. Whether you’ve been doing this for a while or just started a few months ago, these 5 things every pet parent should know about making their own bed for their pet will help you create the perfect setting for your pet.

Here are the 5 key things every pet parent should know about making their own pet bed.

The importance of caring for our pets

Before I start talking about these 5 elements that every parent of a pet must take into account, I would like to talk to you about the importance of caring for our pets.

Our pets need love and care, so we should take care of them. This is the reason that the best way to make sure your pet is happy and healthy is to know what is best for it.

Caring for your pet is one way to express your love for them. There are many different things you can do to make your pet’s life happier and healthier. Pet ownership is becoming more common and a large number of people will tell you that having a pet in the home makes their lives a lot better.

According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 40 million Americans are pet owners. Many people choose pets for companionship. It's important to provide a safe and healthy environment for their furry friends. Pets that live outside in areas with extreme temperatures can suffer from heat exhaustion. They may also contract diseases and parasites that can spread to humans. If you're thinking about adding a dog or cat to your household, make sure that you provide a clean, healthy home. And keep them well-fed and well-cared for.

If you feed your pet the best food you can, they'll be healthier. This includes their skin and coat, their energy level, and their overall health. To find out what your pet needs, talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to tell you which foods are best for your particular pet. Also, if your pet has allergies, they may need special diets. 

1. Create Your Own Custom-Made Bed

When you have a new pet, you may think that you are doing everything right when you get home, but don't forget to add a bed. The first thing your pet will see when you return home from the shelter is your bed, which you can make yourself. This situation can be totally rewarding for your pet, especially for an animal that has never slept in a bed before.

Custom-made beds are ideal for pets that have trouble sleeping because they are the most comfortable and therapeutic option. The bed should be placed in a quiet and dark place, and the blankets should have soft and soft materials to make it as safe as possible.

Pet bed

Pet bed

For instance, you can use a blanket with no more than 10 percent wool. It's also important to keep the bed away from the stove, oven or other heat sources, as the temperature of these areas could affect your pet's health. Make sure that you keep the bed away from direct sunlight so that your pet won't get sunburned. 

2. Buy the Right Materials

Pet beds are available in all shapes, sizes, and materials. However, there are a few things to consider before you make one.

The best way to make a bed is to buy the right material. You may already know that a fluffier filling makes for a more comfortable bed. You can buy all sorts of materials for making your pets bed at any pet store. But you can also use up some old clothes you don't want anymore, a couple of sheets of newspaper, and a pillow

The size of the bed is also important. A larger bed will be better for a larger dog. If you have a small dog, you may be able to get away with a smaller bed. But the most important thing to consider when creating a bed is the shape of it. A square bed will not make your dog feel as comfortable as a round bed. This is because dogs prefer to sleep in a circular shape.  It is best to avoid a square bed altogether. A round bed will give your dog more comfort and will keep them from rolling off.

It is important that you take this into account, since if the bed is very large, you will need more materials than if the bed you are going to make is smaller.

3. How to Make the Pet Bed

You don’t need to be a professional pet maker to give your cat or dog the luxury bed that they deserve. There are a few things you’ll need, and they’re not expensive or complicated. Once you’ve gathered the supplies, making your own cat or dog bed will be much more enjoyable.

The first step in making a bed for your pet is to gather your supplies. You need a pillow, cloth, sissors, glue and thread. Take a picture of the design that you’ve drawn and save it somewhere safe. 

The third step is to sew the fabric you have in a square or round shape (which as I remind you, it can be clothing fabric that you no longer use), once this is done, fill it with the pillow filling and then finish sewing the last edge that you lacked. Then, you can make some drawings to the design of your dog's bed, for example, you can draw some little fingerprints with paint, or the decoration that you like the most.

4. Make It Comfortable

Whether your pet is a feline, canine, or rodent, you should always make sure the bed you provide is comfortable. After all, the bed is where they spend the most time. The best way to determine the quality of a bed is to touch it. If you feel any rough spots, those are bad. You should also try to get a good look at the stitching. It’s usually in the seam of the cushion and the bed frame.

To make it as comfortable as possible, you can add plenty of pillow filling. Keep in mind that the comfort of your pet is essential.

5. How to Wash a Pet's Bedding

You should wash your bed regularly to ensure that it is clean and smell free. Washing a pet’s bedding isn’t a chore. It’s a way of saying thanks to your furry friend for making you happy and keeping you company.

You know that feeling of excitement when you see a dog or cat that looks just perfect? Well, the same can be said about having the perfect bedding. The key here is to make sure your pet is clean, comfortable, and relaxed before putting down the blanket.

Wash your dog’s bed. After your dog goes to bed, give it a good long bath and then place it on its bed with a thick layer of towel. Then cover that up with a comforter or blanket. Let it air dry completely, and it should be clean as new for the next time.

10 useful tips

  1. A fluffy pillow will help your dog sleep longer and better.
  2. A clean and comfortable pet bed is essential to keep your pet’s body odor at bay.
  3. A good pet bed will last at least three years.
  4. Remove dirt and urine with regular cleaning
  5. Make sure that your pet's bedding is safe for them to sleep on.
  6. Keep your pet's bedding as clean as you would yourself.
  7. Never allow your pets to eat or drink near their bedding.
  8. Create a bed that matches your pet's personality.
  9. The quality of your pet’s bedding matters. So, it’s worth investing in high-quality materials.
  10. The bed should be large enough to keep your pet comfortable.


In conclusion, it’s important for pet parents to realize that a pet bed needs to be a safe place to sleep for their pet.

The materials that they are going to use for a pet bed need to be safe for the pet and comfortable for them to sleep in. It’s important that the materials that are used for a pet bed be easy to clean and maintain, as well.

Also, if you are making your own pet bed, the most important thing to do is to make sure to make the right size. This is something that is not mentioned in other articles, but it is very important to know. You need to consider the right size of bedding so that your pet is comfortable and happy in his or her new bed.

Pet parents should know these five things.

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All about the wind chimes

When going to a house with wind chimes, you have probably heard the soothing and pleasing sound coming from the tinkling chimes, calming your mind. The sound of chimes is like the sound of whispering winds that penetrate your soul and give rejuvenating energy to your body. 

These sound elements that come from wind chimes were originally popularized by the Asians. They said that the sounds drive away evil spirits and will help tone down the negative energies in the home. The relaxing sound of wind chimes is often produced by different materials that are designed to catch wind and produce sounds. Here are different examples of wind chimes.

The benefits of having a wind chime in your house

Having a wind chime in your house brings joy and relaxation. It's not just an accessory that you put on the tree or window; it has the ability to soothe and relax you at any time, day or night.

Wind chimes are also known to be a very good investment for your home as they last long and make your house look more attractive. They can also be a great way to entertain your guests if you choose to hang them in your porch or balcony.

Also, wind chimes are considered to be an excellent way to calm you down whenever you feel stressed. The sound of the wind chimes is soothing to your senses. You can even sleep better with wind chimes around because it will help you relax. 

Your home will definitely look more attractive if you have wind chimes hanging on your home. It will look cleaner and tidier, especially if you put wind chimes in your front yard.

Different types of wind chimes:

1. Bamboo Wind Chime

The bamboo wind chimes are popularly used in homes as of today. This natural material produces a hollow deep sound that relaxes the mind and the body. It may not be as durable as the metal wind chimes, but still it is said to bring good fortune.

Bamboo wind chimes are often placed in the garden which makes it brittle and split due to the weather. However, many still prefer bamboo wind chimes because it is carefully handcrafted to refine its tune.

2. Wooden Wind Chime

Wooden wind chimes produce a more organic sound than bamboo chimes. This handcrafted piece of work is more expensive but you can actually make it yourself if you know something about woodworking.

Wooden chimes are more durable and give off an unusually excellent sound. They are usually placed in a patio, in a yard or on a deck.

3. Metal Wind Chime

Metal wind chimes are considered as more popular mainly because they are very durable as well as tuned to specific delightful tones. These metal chimes can have various sounds that are tuned to a specific song or theme. Metal wind chimes are in tube-like shapes and are made of high quality metals.

They produce a relaxing tone that soothes your mind and soul. These chimes come in different designs that you can choose from depending on your choice. It can be placed outside of the house and you never have to worry about the weather harming it. These metal chimes are long-lasting and hard-wearing since they are weather proof. To invite positive energy, these chimes should be placed in north, west or northwest area of your house, according to Asian belief.

4. Solar Wind Chime

Solar wind chimes are now popular among modern homes since they greatly enhance the beauty of interior decorations. It is designed to automatically produce sound once it is struck by sunlight. They come in different designs and play beautiful sounds like a song.

These chimes are more attractive especially at night. Having lots of sunlight in your porch can make this chime begin to produce nice soothing sound which can soothe everyone’s nerves.

Chimes are also used as doorbells, since plenty of people prefer its cooler sound when called by someone at the door.

5. Glass wind chime 

A glass wind chime is a musical instrument consisting of several thin, hollow glass tubes which are blown by a fan or stream of air, each tube being tuned to the same pitch.

The sound is produced as the tubes resonate with one another. The design of the chimes can be varied according to the desired effect and the music that it produces. Glass wind chimes are most often used in combination with other instruments to produce an ensemble sound.

Final words

Overall, wind chimes may come in different sizes, designs, and shapes, but their unique charm and universal appeal is unmistakable. Make your home more peaceful. 

Havind a wind chime in your house brings great fun to the family as well as peace and happiness to your house. It’s a beautiful piece of art with its lovely sound and unique design.

Buy a set of wind chimes for your own place.

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Ways to Create a Bedroom for Three Kids

It’s nice to have a big family, but you must always think of their welfare and how to make them comfortable in every aspect of their life.

When you need to create a room for 3 kids, you should consider each of their preferences so that they can appreciate your effort even more.

When creating a bedroom for your kids you must consider enough space for them to move around the room. Make a roomy arrangement and stumble on a style that works for their personalities. If you only have 1 room for all your kids to share, you need to be very creative.

Get the Kids to Help

How can we make the room more attractive and engaging for children? We need to find a way to appeal to their interests, desires, and needs. If you know your child, then the best approach is to simply ask them what they want their room to look like.

The next tip is to ask your children how they want their bedroom to be, and then design their room in accordance with their answers. Children are naturally creative and don’t always know what they want, so it’s always a good idea to let them lead the design.

Ask questions like: What colors would you like to use? Are there any activities or toys that you really want to have in your room? These questions will help you get a clearer picture of how your child would like the room to look.

A good idea is to have children discover what things they have in common, such as a color. Since, if you discover that they have things in common, you can use it for decoration. For example, if your children all like the color blue, blue may be a good option to paint the wall of the room. The color is also easy to find and buy. If you have different children in the family, you can use this method as a guide for decorating. 

Another tip is to use fun decorations. The best decorations are those that are fun and bright. You can use toys, pictures, or any other objects that your children are interested in.

You can also use these items as a way of teaching your children about colors and designs. Your children will enjoy the fun and bright decorations in their room.

The next tip is to make the room more comfortable and inviting for your child. Make sure that there are enough toys and activities to keep them busy. If your child loves to read, then they will be happier if there are books and other reading materials available in the room. If they are a sports fan, then you can buy a TV set or a gaming console. If they love music, then you can add a guitar or any other instruments to the room.

Finally, it’s important to make the room appealing and interesting for children. You can use themes and designs that relate to their interests. You can also use different colors to enhance the look of the room.

Individuality is important

If your children share a room, when decorating individuality is very important. Decorating a room is a time when you can express yourself and make it reflect who you are.

A pinch of individuality is essential when your children share a room. Therefore, a good idea is to decorate with letters. You can draw on the bed of each of your children, their name. This is essential, as this will make the room have something particular to each of your children.

This is about our children’s individuality and creativity. When you have kids in the same room, it can be difficult to determine what is theirs and what belongs to everyone else.

When this happens, you have to be careful that you don’t unintentionally “take over” the creative space of your child. You have to take the time to respect your kids individuality and let them enjoy their space in the room

In addition, it is very important to take into account the needs of each of your children when decorating their room. You don't want to end up with a room that looks great for one child, but not another

This is why when looking for different colors and themes for each child's room, be sure to choose something that works for all of them.


Creating a safe and fun environment for your child is very important. You need to provide them with the things that they need to be happy and comfortable in the room.

These tips will help you create a welcoming room for your kids. Remember to take into consideration what your kids likes, and try to make the room as appealing and interesting as possible. 

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Spice up Your Décor with Rugs and Tapestries

Decorating can be a tricky job with all aspects of furnishing to be looked into. Having put up all the furniture, matching drapes and other accessories you still find something missing? 

Then in all probability you have not added rugs to the floor. Colourful rugs enhance the beauty of the room and also give a warm and comfortable feeling to your feet when you relax them on these rugs. If you want to give your living space an added pep, then colourful rugs should be your choice.

Tapestries and rugs to decorate

The rugs and tapestries set the mood of the room and add a lively touch to the room. These fill up the room and are best suited for large rooms where you need a lot of decorating to be done to make the room pleasant and appealing.

Rugs are the first choice of many interior decorators as their use is varied. You can have them on the floor or up on the walls or even on the railings. A rug in an entry way enhances the floor and also acts as an insulator. The rug in the entryway should be toned down in color as it is not supposed to attract your attention.

When people pass through the way it should invite them in with its underplayed style and elegance. Since it is the first thing that one sees when entering the house it should reveal your individuality and flair in design.

Adding color to the existing décor is the main purpose of including rugs and tapestries. These portray your taste in décor and actually mirror your innate style in the overall décor. 

So wherever you decide to put them, on the wall or on the floor, select some colourfully made up ones that grace your room without spoiling the entire effect that the room depicts. You can even put up a mirror on the wall opposite the one where you have hung up the tapestry to give a new look and it may appear like you have two tapestries in your room!

These rugs are easy to maintain and can be shifted anywhere if you feel you want to change the appearance of the room. It would be safe to pick rugs and tapestries that suit your existing décor, as inappropriate colors may spoil the whole effect.

So when you go about purchasing the rugs and tapestries try to keep in mind the various purposes these can be used for. They not only add beauty to the décor but also embody your individuality and reveal your inner talent and style in decorating. This is especially true in case of the rugs in the entryway. Go ahead and choose some ravishing, colorful and truly cool rugs and tapestries to spice up your living space.

What’s new and trendy in the market?

Company C offers sizzling and exquisite pieces of colourful rugs and decorative ceilings. This company has been in the rug market for more than a decade. They provide a wide range of attractive, bright coloured rugs which is simply out of the world. While some are modern and trendy, others have a traditional look that is inspired by designs from countries like India, France and Japan.

Moreover, the company introduces magnificent new designs every six months. The Yukata rug is one of the most sought after items and is based on the traditional summer kimonos worn by the Japanese. It features bright and colourful Japanese garden flowers.

Company C concentrates more on woollen rugs which are cosy and remain dazzling and vibrant for many years. If you prefer woollen rugs then these rugs are definitely for you. Vivid and flamboyant, these rugs are also practical and can be maintained with ease.

The benefits of having a home decorated with nice rugs and tapestries

There are many reasons why someone would want to have a home decorated with rugs and tapestries. It can be an easy way to add texture and personality to a room and create a feeling of luxury. Rugs and tapestries can also be a beautiful and practical choice if you live in a climate where there’s a risk of your home becoming cold and damp.

They can also make for a more comfortable living space when temperatures are warmer, because they keep you warm without making the room too hot and stuffy.

If you’re decorating a room yourself, it’s always important to think about what you want the room to look like. You can do this by looking at the room as if you were seeing it for the first time. What would you like to see in the room?

The more you know about your home and its features, the easier it will be to decorate it with rugs and tapestries. It can be a good idea to get help from a professional decorator. But you can also decorate your home yourself. 

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shadow box
How tos

How to Create a Shadow Box? | Decorating Visita Casas

If you want to feature a graduation gift, baby shower gift, Valentine's Day; you can make a shadow box. You can actually place almost anything on a shadow box for you to preserve cherished collections; place your favorite collector's item toy car in a shadow box or some family pictures.

There are many simple and complex ways of making one; although in reality everything depends on you and how much time you want to invest in making it. That's why, here at Decorating Visita Casas; we bring you one of the most elegant options out there. It's the one we use most of the time; but the procedure can be moved to other materials that are more suited to what you would like.

The Magic Behind the Shadows

It is sad to think that objects with greater sentimental value than a person may have; sometimes they end up lost on the road. Many small details are devoured by dust; or they simply fall one day and break into a thousand pieces impossible to put together again. At first; when I first heard about a Shadow Box I asked myself:

"How can you take a person's valuable things, put them in a basket, and then give them back?"

Then they explained exactly the concept and I fell in love with it. I think the first Shadow Box I saw in my life was in my grandmother's house. Or maybe it was used in a Pixar animated film by one of its characters to protect the toys.

The fact is that you create a Shadow Box; Became for a long time one of my favorite hobbies and part-time jobs. Do you want to learn how to make a really special one? Well, take note!


To be able to build this elegant, simple Shadow Box that really protects the elements inside it and; which can easily be integrated into the decoration in a room, you will need the following:

A frame: Although it is about building a Shadow Box, it is not about doing it from scratch. A frame is really good optimized for this type of project.

Hot Glue: This is the tool you will need to put all of these pieces together.

Stickers: Not quite necessary, but it is always nice to have some.

Scissors: Too obvious?

Cardboard: Bring all those amazon boxes (thick foam also serves)

Choosing the Style for the Shadow Box

shadow box

shadow box

This is definitely the most important part when creating a Shadow Box, even more than the assembly itself; the creative process and the decision making of what will go on it, defines a lot about how it is exhibited.

If it is very heavy, then you will not be able to place it on the wall without risking a break in the bottom; everything could end up lying on the floor.

If the interior has organic components, then it definitely will not last for a lifetime; In fact you would have to change the organic components from time to time to keep the original concept.

If it is there to reinforce a decorative theme like Halloween or Christmas; then the way to integrate it into the final decoration is very important.

shadow box

And lastly, if you only want to preserve important things; it is crucial that the arrangement be beautiful, flashy. Otherwise you will be condemned to live in a corner where you will soon forget it. The ideal is that the looks of the visitors and your own will be diverted to it.

Sorting the Parts

We can classify the components of a shadow box into: internal, embellishers and external. Those that are intended to protect the important elements are external ones. The final decoration is the one that will go inside the box and; the trim elements are small details that complement the interior decoration.

It is important to decide at this point whether, the internal elements of the shadow box; Can be felt again easily or if you will completely seal the decoration.

If you are going to seal everything completely, then I recommend you include in the materials to use: a drill, a vacuum cleaner. I know it sounds strange, but; a fully sealed shadow box will retain much better organic elements or that used to be alive, if you extract the oxygen once armed.

How could you extract the oxygen to be completely empty? Well do not worry about doing a 100% perfect job, but if you want to achieve it perfectly; then you can buy one of those bags to pack vacuum clothes in the store.

Using the scissor, trim the area where the button is. Then use the drill to open a hole to the back or bottom of the shadow box; and using hot glue, paste the button well, and then use the vacuum to extract the oxygen.

Assembling the "Box"

Leaving aside the technique of vacuum packaging; Arming the shadow box using the materials described above is not a very difficult thing to do, but you must do it with patience.

First it starts by disarming the whole frame and you do not push anything!

Then, using the internal measurements of the frame; you must cut the pieces of cardboard, hard foam or you can even use wood like MDF or HDF.

The good thing is that the measurements will be dictated by the frame, always using the part where the back of the same.

Remember that we recommend using a frame of family photos for the economic ones they are; and because they offer the advantage of an elegant glass, in addition to an appearance oriented to the scenery.

The depth of a shadow box is determined by the number of internal elements you place in it; But 2 ½ '' is more than enough, so everything will look much more compact inside it.

Once you've cut the pieces that will add depth to your frame and turn it into a shadow box it's time to put it all together!

Assembling Everything

Use staples, glue, hot glue or even nails; It all depends on the final material with which you are doing your shadow box and if you want to keep things empty.

Start by joining the newly cut pieces so that you can integrate them to the back of the frame as if they were one.

Using ethyl alcohol and absorbent paper; Clean the glass very carefully on both sides.

Now comes the most delicate part of the job; remember that when adding the glue you should avoid spills at all costs so you do not stain the glass. Although, you can always clean it if it's necessary.

Uses hot glue for both glass and cut pieces; you can use any other super-efficient glue that is transparent if you wish.

Once you have assembled these two pieces in the frame; you can begin to create the scenery that you will exhibit inside your shadow box.

There are so many alternatives that we simply will not give you advice about it, listen to your creativity. The important thing now is to place enough hot glue on the edges of the "box" you made; remember to add the back of the frame.

When everything is already assembled, you will notice that the final result is much greater than the sum of its parts!

Final Details

Remember that there are a lot of things that you can use to make your own shadow box. You can even use scraps and turn it into something spectacular. All you need to have is the artistry to put things together to make each design go with the theme to make it look just perfect.

But when everything is armed you feel that something is missing; then you can buy stickers with the reason of your shadow box and paste them on the outside.

You'd be surprised what a witch or spider sticker can do in a Halloween shadow box. So do not be discouraged and send us pictures of your designs.

A perfect Decor

A shadow box is a perfect décor that you can place in your room and it just the best way you can feature your precious collections. This can also become a perfect gift that you can give your friends or your family. A shadow box can be used to create anything.

As for the materials, you can just use just anything to personalize it. You can make use of seashells, old coins, photographs, or even you baby’s first clothes can be placed on a shadow box. There are a numerous themes that you can use for your shadow box.

There could be a lot of decorations, memorable souvenirs from a friends wedding, a picture of you and your best friend or other special items that are left lying around the house with no specific place where you can cherish them. Thus a shadow box is a perfect place where you can place the precious memoirs.

In creating a shadow box, the first thing that you can do is plan out a theme for your design. If you want to feature a picture of a summer escapade, a Hawaiian theme may suit your shadow box. 

You can collect seashells, or paint it with bright summer colors or anything that you can associate with summer is best used to decorate your shadow box and you can give it to your friend who is with you on the picture or you can place it as a decoration in your room.

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Decorating your Bathroom with your Own Design and Accessories

Next to one’s personal bedroom, there is perhaps no better room to spend a lot of time in than in the bathroom. Yes, you know where this is going. Although the bathroom’s probably the smallest room in the entire house, some people like to peruse a magazine or a book while they are in there.

Also, a lot of people enjoy a nice bath after a stressful day, some simply pamper themselves inside and some sing better while inside the bathroom because of the acoustics. Admit it, it’s a nice place to be in (that is, given that it’s well-maintained and well-decorated).

But how exactly do you decorate to make this room more enjoyable? Well, here are some tips to get you closer to that blissful bathroom escapade.

Important to keep in mind:

Before you get too excited in decorating, make a checklist of your bathroom essentials, that is, the basics inside a this room: the sink, toilet, a tub (if you opt to have one), and the shower area. When you decorate a bathroom, it doesn’t have to burn your pockets and wallets

Plumbing issues? Find a manual and try to learn the plumbing basics, or just ask for help from a neighbor instead of hiring a plumber. Accidents can happen anywhere in the home. Besides the kitchen, the bathroom could also be a dangerous place to be if you don’t choose the right flooring. A wet slip could cause great damage, especially if there are elders living with you. 

Decorating with accessories

Bathrooms are usually the last place in one’s mind when decorating is concern. However, it is important that it is pleasing for you to enjoy your bathing. In designing your bathroom, you can always be creative and resourceful by just having your accessories to decorate your bathroom!

It is essential to check the room itself so you can decide for a theme to your bathroom. The most common and funny expedient that I can suggest decorating your bathroom are frogs, fish, flowers, tropical and beach scenes. Some individuals don’t like to have theme with their bathroom then I suggest that you just have to think of the best color that suits your taste.

If you choose colors of the same tone then you are up to create an illusion of greater space. If you are more of bright, strong and exciting colors (such as red) then your budget are save for accessories and towels.

Yet accessories are ponderous to enhance the beauty of your shower area. The bathroom accessories that certainly matched to your chosen theme that is easy to create on your own are soap with soap dish and shower curtain. Bathing is more enjoyable if you actually spawn your own soap. You have to procure a block of glycerin melt-and-pour clear colored soap.

For the mold, you can use is a purchased shape of miniature that suits to your theme in which the soap can be embedded. Accord directions in how to melt the glycerin then pour the glycerin to your chosen mold. When it started too frigid but not completely hardened, you have to place substance into soap mix and cover with the remaining mixture. The last step is to make it cool completely before you remove it from mold by popping out of a purchased mold.

A friendly soap dish is a good match to your soap. You juts have to recycle a wood from a small tangerine or orange crate to create soap dish. Wood should be use in a soap dish because it acquiesce the glycerin soap to dry quicker between uses and perpetuates the life of the bar of soap.

You need a pair of heavy-duty craft cutters to cut five ½” strips each with approximately three inches long. Cut two more strips each with approximately four inches long after then lay the three-inch strips spaced evenly, across the two four-inch strips before you staple in place.

Paper shower curtains

Before you get confused, these “paper curtains” aren’t literally paper. This is a new type of trendy curtain called rice paper shower curtains. Rice paper shower curtains are vinyl-based and it resembles the texture and opaque appearance of an actual rice paper.

Colors are usually white or a calming shade of green. Rice is a staple food in Asian countries so rice paper shower curtains became associated with Asian or Oriental themed bathrooms. They complement other bathroom décor particularly artificial bamboo plants and real rice paper placed on windows.

A common color of rice paper curtains is white and since it’s neutral, it goes well with different color palettes. Given the semi-transparent appearance of the curtain, it looks great with pastels and soft hues. It will also neutralize loud colors or large prints in the bathroom should you ever have any.

However, if you want to experiment with patterns to add more life to the simple colors the shower curtains you are free to do so. Place the curtains against the towels, bathroom mats or other accessories so you will have a virtual idea of how the pieces will come together. Just keep in mind that this type of curtains will always tone down any color or print you match it with.

Paper shower curtains look unique

For a more polished look, most people choose rice paper curtains. It appears more elegant and it allows more light because of its translucence. It’s perfect for small to medium sized bathrooms or for those bathrooms with no windows. Rice paper shower curtains look unique and not to mention calming. They’re easy to match because of the neutrality of their colors. They look great against any wall color so it will be easier to decorate because you can match the accessories to the curtains and not necessarily the walls.

When choosing the curtains, you might want to stay away from patterns if you have a small bathroom because it will make the room too full. The simplicity and elegance of the rice paper curtain will carry the entire room. Although there are rice paper curtains with prints which are usually floral.

The femininity of the curtains provides the bathroom a laid-back feel. Another plus from using rice paper shower curtains is the price. They are easy to find and are pretty cheap unlike most the typical shower curtain found in department stores. You can even purchase these curtains in online shops.

When it comes to cleaning and washing, a lot of curtains require a curtain liner. Rice paper shower curtains, since it is made from vinyl, do not need to make use of a curtain liner. You can easily wipe it clean using a sponge or wet cloth. If you’re a minimalist of if you’re looking for a unique bathroom decorating idea, rice paper shower curtains are for you.

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How to Become Organized

Overwhelmed by the clutter in your room? Can’t find those keys you just placed somewhere above the desk or the drawers? Can't find your items in the kitchen? Do you find that you don’t have enough time to do this and that?

Organizing your home can seem like a daunting task. But with a few simple tricks, you can create an organized home in no time. In this article you will find some easy tips to get you started. 

Well, it’s about time to learn to be organized!

Where do we start?

How to become organized could be easy, if you are up for it. You have to be patient with the changes in your routine and you should keep it. Now, where do you start? First things that you need are pen and paper. List all of the things you have to accomplish for the day. If you are planning to organize your schedule, check first the things you have to do daily. An organizer is a handy tool on how to become organized. With this, you can keep track of things you have to do on a certain date. Have a checklist of things to be accomplished for the day to keep track of tasks you still have to work on. Set your priorities. Going to your monthly check up would be more important than hanging out in your favorite bowling alley.

A smart phone is a useful aid in how to be organized:

Having a smart phone can also help you organize your schedule. Since most people would bring their mobile phones with them, a smart phone is a useful aid in how to be organized. Make use of the available applications on your smart phone such as reminders or notes. This is favorable to you if you have no paper and pen in hand.

If you are always in front of your computer, if you have a sidebar which lets you type in some notes, do so. Post it notes is also an option. You can post it on the places where you need to do something. Just don’t forget to remove them afterwards so you won’t be confused.

About the mess in the room

Now what can you do about the mess in your room? Maybe you need to buy new drawers, bag holders, folders, boxes or pencil holders. The first step in organizing your room is cleaning it first. Your cluttered stuff should be kept in a box first. Then do your cleaning. Throw away things you won’t need (if you can, recycle them). Put displaced stuff where they belong. If you got lots of paper, sort them by their use. Then, according to the level of their importance, put them in separate folders or envelopes. Small stuff like buttons, batteries, paper clips and others can be tucked away in small boxes (keep same things together). Label them so that you can find what you are looking for fast. You can do the same for other items.

Once you have organized your room, make it a habit. Always put things you used where you got them. Then, be consistent on being organized!

Kitchen should be well-organized

One of the most common problems you may encounter in the kitchen is that you have a little room resulting you to have a little space. Here are some helpful tips which you can use to stop the annoying dilemma of always finding what you need:

  1. Draw the pantry closer to you – this will prevent the items from falling down. It must be installed perfectly to be able to avoid hassles.
  2. Take cabinets to the top – this kind of design will not just provide you with enough space to move around, it will also provide you with a cozy design. Although it is difficult to reach, you will have a more spacious kitchen to roam around.
  3. Shift dry goods into airtight containers – you will be able to preserve them by putting them in sealed containers.
  4. Install wired wall grid to keep kitchen tools handy – you can store kitchen tools easily by simply hanging them.

Kitchen, being the central station of your home, should be well-organized. Always clean up your kitchen so you will be able to have more room to breathe. A well-organized and clean kitchen makes it very delightful in the eyes. You can also put on some wall ornaments to give accent and enhance the decoration of your kitchen

Redecorating your kitchen can be very exciting especially if you will use your creativity in working on it. Beautifying it does not necessarily mean spending a lot.

To sum up

Organized people are productive, efficient and effective. When we get organized, we feel good about ourselves. We feel happier, calmer, more in control of our lives, and more confident.

In conclusion, it takes a little bit of practice to become organized. But once you master it, the benefits are tremendous. Organizing your life means making time for the things that are important. It’s about prioritizing and scheduling your life to work with the things that are most important to you.

You have to make time for the things you love, even if that means giving up other things. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. This article will help you start planning and organizing your life. 

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accesories, ideas

Water from well without treatment consists of dangerous chemical compounds

A recent study has found that drinking water with untreated chemicals poses a real risk to human health.

The problem is that the water coming out of your tap or well doesn't always look as pretty as it does in the bottle. In fact, the quality of the water you're drinking can be very poor. The contaminants in your water are dangerous and can even cause severe health problems. But if you have access to clean, fresh drinking water, you don't need to worry about any of this. All you have to do is get yourself a water purification system. You can find all kinds of ways to do it.

Many people are surprised when they hear that tap water can be dangerous.

Water from wells are free from chlorine but can still elevate some issues on water safety. Water from well without treatment consists of dangerous chemical compounds and bacteria producing the water’s bad odor. In addition, this may also make your family sick. When you get your water from wells, you may begin wondering about the entire house well filter systems.

The risks of consuming contaminated water

Water is essential to our existence, yet we all know we can get sick from drinking contaminated water. According to the World Health Organization, drinking contaminated water is a major risk factor for diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, and hepatitis. 

The symptoms of consuming contaminated water are:

  1. Diarrhea,
  2. Stomach pains
  3. Vomiting
  4. Dizziness
  5. Headaches
  6. Abdominal pain

 The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends against consuming tap water as a means of obtaining essential nutrients, as it’s been shown to be contaminated with bacteria and viruses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises against drinking unfiltered water because it’s the source of more than 90 percent of the harmful microbes found in public water supplies. They also recommend boiling water for at least five minutes to kill off the germs.

The solution: water purifiers

They can be very important for removing impurities and other contaminants in your water. As far as tap water goes, you will need to know what you are looking for when it comes to finding the right water filter. If you want to get a full well filter system, you should be looking for one that is safe, reliable and easy to use.

Once you start using household water purifiers, it will be much easier for you to gain knowledge of things like:

• Filter over 500 hazardous contaminants from water sources such as mercury, arsenic, chlorine, lead, and various bacteria.

• Take care of the safety of your family from getting sick from water contaminants, such as chemicals and bacteria.

• Your loved ones will not acquire or suffer impairment in physical and mental development due to lead toxicity from your home water sources.

• You will be adopting a product to protect yourself and your family from cancer, heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases, in which death could occur, as evidenced by minerals, heavy metals and bacteria present in the sources of water.

• Water purifiers remove chemicals and drugs that are in your home and that are also present in your water sources.

Most of these filters are safe for the environment and you can keep them out of sight. These filters are the best because they are very effective at getting rid of all the contaminants in your water. You can also find filters that are good for households and even for commercial uses.

There are many people who are happy with the type of filter system that they have. You should try to get as much information as you can about the water filters available. When you do this, you will be able to make an informed decision about which one is right for you. It is important to know that there are many different types of well filter systems available on the market today. Well filters come in many different shapes and sizes. You may be able to get a full system or a standalone filter for your well. This depends on what you are looking for and how much space you have available.


Water from wells without treatment consists of dangerous chemical compounds and bacteria producing the water’s bad odor. This can also make your family sick. If you want to get a full well filter system, you should be looking for one that is safe, reliable and easy to use. There are many different types of well filter systems available on the market today. You may be able to get a full system or a standalone filter for your well. ­­ ­ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

The kind of solution you select will rely on the budget and level of protection you desire to install in your houses. Certain home water purifiers will assist you in learning which is appropriate for you and your family.

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How to Decorate Your Bathroom On a Low Budget (3 Easy DIY Projects)

With a little creativity and some smart shopping, you can create a beautiful bathroom without spending a fortune. These ideas are not only inexpensive but also simple to execute.

Bathroom remodels are not always easy on the pocketbook. While some people might prefer the ease of a full-blown bathroom remodel, others are more comfortable doing simple updates themselves, and don’t have the time or the skills necessary to get started.

However, you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg to update this room. There are many ways you can spruce it up at home without breaking the bank! In this post, we’ll share with you easy DIY projects you can do to spruce it up on a budget.

If you’re tired of the same old white and brown, then you’re in the right place. In this article, you’ll learn some easy and inexpensive ways to make your bathroom more attractive.

What You Need: The basics for decorating your bathroom on a budget

If you are planning to remodel your bathroom, you need to keep a few things in mind. You don't want to spend a lot of money on the renovation, but you also don't want to skimp out on the amenities. So what's the best way to go about it? The answer is to follow some basic rules that will help you make the most of this remodel on a budget.

Here’s what you’ll need: a general idea of what you want to do; some simple tools; and a few ideas to help you get started. If you're new to DIY projects, you’ll be able to make use of this post. 

When you have a general idea of what you want to do, you need to start by drawing it out on paper. This will help you get a better picture of your dream bathroom.

Then, you need to think about the budget. It is important to know what you can afford. Start by drawing out your budget, and then add or subtract items from that budget as you go. This will give you the most accurate estimate for your project.

Also, make sure that your renovation will fit your home décor

What You Should Be Doing: Three ways to get a low-cost, high-impact bathroom decoration

If you’re planning this renovation on a tight budget, here are three ideas to consider: Add more storage space. The average bathroom contains just two shelves—or less. And while you don’t need a full-sized refrigerator to store your toothpaste and shampoo, you could add additional shelves to your countertop. A simple solution is to build custom storage shelves that blend in with the rest of your cabinets. If you’re handy with tools, it’s not difficult to make them yourself using MDF or plywood.

One of the most basic ways to spruce it up is through small touches, like adding a flower pot or potted plant to the side of the tub. While these may seem like simple additions, they make an impact. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they’re also inexpensive. A few plants in pots can add character and life to your bathroom. Whether you want to plant something that’s easy to care for, or you’re looking for something more exotic, there are a wide range of plants that will add beauty to your bathroom.

Also, you can improve the look of this room by simply putting away those old towels and replacing them with new, inexpensive ones. The change could make a big difference. Installing a new shower curtain might also be a good idea: not only will it make your bathroom look more modern, but it will also improve your experience in the shower.

Then add your personal style and flair. Add some interesting decorative items and accessories to create a unique bathroom that is sure to turn heads.



What To Avoid: How to avoid common DIY mistakes

One of the biggest things to avoid when doing your own repairs and maintenance around the home are mistakes. If you are attempting a repair or improvement without following instructions, you may not have the skill level to complete the job and could create more problems than originally intended.

It is always better to hire a professional to do repairs or improve a property. The costs and risks associated with mistakes can be high, so it is better to seek help from professionals who can provide the knowledge and skill set you need.

While it’s true that you can save a lot of money by doing things yourself, it’s also important to consider the risks that could arise if you don’t properly plan and prepare for the project. This is one of the most important tips for new DIYers and seasoned pros alike. You don't want to become the next victim of a DIY mistake.

There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to fix your own problems, but we're not always aware of all the potential pitfalls or the damage that can be done if we aren't careful.

Some extra tips to improve it

1. Decorate the mirrors using a paint splatter effect.

2. Paint your ceiling white for a soft, minimalist look. Paint using your old craft projects.

3. Add a simple frame to a mirror for a personalized touch.

4. Use a stencil to add a fun pattern to the wall.

5. Take advantage of what you already have.

6. Make your bathroom a fun and inviting space using colorful and unique items.

7. Add some personality with custom-printed towels and shower curtains.

8. Change up your lighting with a fresh and bright wall sconce.

Enjoy the results

Your bathroom is one of the most personal rooms in your home, so it makes sense to make it look and feel good. A bathroom renovation can be expensive, especially if you do it all on your own. But it doesn't have to be.

Renovating a bathroom is a great opportunity to create a warm and welcoming environment without breaking the bank. With a little creativity and inspiration from home, you can create a beautiful bathroom at a reasonable cost.

The bathroom is a small, private space in your home that you can use to rest, relax, and relieve stress. In most homes, the bathroom is also the room with the most expensive decoration.

A beautiful bathroom makes a home feel larger and more inviting, and it can increase the value of your property.

Many people have different ideas about what they want their bathrooms to look like. Some people enjoy having a bathroom with lots of natural light. Others prefer a bathroom that is darker and has a spa feel. Despite the personal style of each one, we all agree that having a well decorated bathroom can be a great advantage.


In conclusion, A home that’s decorated with care is one that’s well loved, and that’s where the magic happens. I don’t know about you, but the idea of decorating my bathroom is one of the most exciting ones that I can think of.

I’ve always wanted to be able to show off my bathroom, but it’s one of those things that just wasn’t in our budget. This is why I was super excited when I found out that there are some really fun and easy DIY projects that you can do on a low budget that will leave your bathroom looking stunning

We know you can’t afford that fancy bathroom remodel. That’s why we’ve got tons of budget-friendly DIY bathroom makeovers to inspire your next big renovation project.

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How to decorate your bedroom with Christmas lights?

If you want to look at a room as a home improvement project, then you need to consider lighting as one of the most important features of a space.

Let’s face it – if you’re like most people, you’ve probably seen dozens of videos of Christmas decorating done to perfection by talented individuals. Unfortunately, for most of us, the results don’t always look as good as what we see in those videos. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

There are many different methods to decorate your room with Christmas lights and each method has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. We are going to show you how we like to decorate our room with Christmas lights.

Determine How Many Lights You Want

There are many reasons why people put lights in their rooms. Some like to create a warm atmosphere, while others like to help them feel secure. Regardless of the reason, there are two important aspects to consider when determining how many lights you want to put up in your room: the effect they will have on your mood and how they will look. The first thing to think about is whether your lights will give off a soothing or stimulating energy. Then, think about how your light bulbs will look in the space.

Also, if you’re redecorating a smaller room, you’ll want fewer lights. Conversely, if you're decorating a larger room, you’ll need more. For example, a master bedroom should have at least five lights to create an atmosphere of comfort and calm. If your room is large enough, however, you may need to install additional lights for more brightness.

Deciding on the amount of lighting in a room is important. You don't want to have too much light in a room, or else you will feel uncomfortable and be distracted by the bright lights. At the same time, you don't want to have too little lighting because you won't see any of the things that you need to see. The best way to decide how many lights you need is to look at your furniture and then try to guess what kind of lighting will work with your furnishings. After you are done with all that, you'll need to check out the size of the room. You will also want to consider the color temperature of the lights. A higher color temperature light will make it easier for you to read, but it may not make your room feel cozy and relaxing.

Start by Decorating the Ceiling

I started decorating my ceiling with Christmas lights when I was about 10 years old. It was an exciting and magical time in my life. I’ve been doing it ever since. There’s no greater joy than walking into a room and having the entire space light up. It’s a moment I look forward to every year.

In the words of the song, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” But if you’re looking to bring a little bit more cheer into your home in the days leading up to the holidays, consider taking this holiday light decorating tip. Instead of hanging a string of Christmas lights on your tree, go one step further and hang them across the ceiling of your room. This is a way to transform your entire room into a magical winter wonderland, as the lights create a beautiful, festive glow.

If you decide to take this idea, make sure you have a ladder or stepstool to reach the highest points. When you hang lights across your ceiling, they are a great way to create a festive atmosphere. It's also a good idea to put up some white lights around your room so that you can enjoy the holiday lighting without turning on any bright lights. You can make it even more magical by using some of your own decorations. You could use your favorite Christmas pictures and have them hung on the wall. Then you can get creative and place some beautiful, holiday lights in different parts of the room. This is a fun way to create an inviting home, especially for your loved ones.

Decorate the bed

Using christmas lights to decorate the bed, you can light up the room, set the mood and make it feel warmer and more inviting. The christmas lights also look beautiful in a room and add a bit of festive spirit. Christmas lights are easy to find and are a popular option for the holiday season.

Whether you are making a bed for yourself, your partner, or your kids, they’ll feel more inclined to sleep in the room if the bed is adorned with festive and happy decorations.

Christmas lights are a great way to decorate your bed and give it a happy atmosphere. As a matter of fact, you should use them every year. You should have the same lights that you had last year. If you do, your kids will be delighted to wake up in their own bedroom and will feel excited to go to school. They will also want to spend time playing in their room after they come home from school. They will want to sleep there instead of sleeping in a un-decorated bed. It will be fun for them to wake up in a decorated room.

What kind of lights should i use?

There are a few things you need to know before you begin decorating. First, you want to use LED lights instead of traditional incandescent lights. They are more energy-efficient, and they last much longer. Second, you want to make sure that you're using bulbs that are rated at 50-watt equivalent. Bulbs over 60 watts are just too bright for your eyes. 

Also, make sure that you choose one that has motion sensors that will turn off the lights if no one is around for a long period of time.

Make sure to follow the instructions on the package of the bulbs and sockets. If you don't do this, you may burn the sockets. You may also damage your bulbs, and sockets. This can be dangerous.

Benefits of decorating the room with Christmas lights

Most people think of Christmas lights and decorations for holiday cheer, but you can also use them to make your room look festive and bright in the winter. A simple string of white lights around the edge of your windows, or a few strings of red lights on the ceiling, will add a little light to your room without being too obvious. The same principle applies to indoor plants—they can brighten up a dull room.

There are some benefits to using Christmas lights in the bedroom. Not only do they look great, but also you will be able to enjoy the light in the room without needing to be concerned about getting up in the middle of the night to turn the light off and on again. If you don’t want to spend the time to do this, then you can simply leave the lights on all the time. As long as the light is on, you’re going to enjoy the benefits of a nice warm and bright room.

The benefits of decorating the room with Christmas lights include making your room look festive, creating a sense of calm, providing an atmosphere of holiday cheer. You can also use these lights to set the mood for the season by illuminating the exterior of the house. You can also use the lights to create a fun, festive mood in the house by placing them in unusual spots and places, such as hanging them from the ceilings, using them on stairways, and using them on walls and trees.

Some extra tips

1. Hang Christmas lights as a garland along your door.

2. Add a holiday touch with a small, wreath-shaped Christmas tree.

3. Add color with colored lights.

4. Lighten up with LED lights.

5. You can decorate your room with the help of a creative friend.

6. Get DIY inspiration and decorating ideas on Decorating Visita Casas. 


In conclusion, there are a lot of ways to decorate your room with Christmas lights. Some are better than others. The key is to find a method that you can repeat for every year. It is a fun and inexpensive way to decorate your room. 

To decorate your bedroom, you need to have a clear vision. The way you organize your space can help your guests feel welcome, relaxed, and ready to unwind before they even lay down in their beds. Before you buy any of your lights, consider how you’ll be using them. Is there a certain color or pattern that you’ll use? Do you want them to be a focal point? What kind of mood are you trying to create? You don’t want your guests to feel like they’re trying to find their way around the dark while you’re trying to find your way around the room. Your lighting will make or break your home this holiday season. The more thought you put into it, the better you’ll be able to set a mood that will be enjoyed by all.

Once you master the art of decorating your bedroom with Christmas lights, you’ll find yourself looking for more creative ways to add a little holiday cheer into your life.

In case you haven’t heard, it’s time to start decorating! 

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Game Room Décor: Fun filled Ideas

In the past, game rooms were considered to be a luxurious addition to your home and those that were present had usually a billiards corner and of course a couch to relax in. And mostly they were put up at the basement area. But with recent advancements in technology the game room is geared up with the latest in electronic science. You can see a big LCD TV, play stations and audio systems that sport all Hi-Fi features. Though space constraint has pushed the old billiard table out, you can still see them in a few households.

What is a game room?

A game room is where you meet up with friends and also this is where the family comes together probably on weekends to play a game or two. You can set up a table to play chess or cards. There are soccer and air hockey tables too. These do not take up much space like the billiards. A jukebox can also be put in if you can afford it. These liven up the room and help you spend the day having fun.

So how do you decorate the game room?

What colors are good for the game room? Here are some useful tips that you may want to employ in decorating your game room. 

The importance of color:

Color is the first consideration. Stick to bright colors like green, orange or yellow. Never do up the room in dark shades. Dark colors give a dull appearance and who wants a game room to be dull? But don’t go overboard with the light colors, especially orange. Try to get a light and fun filled atmosphere to the room. You can highlight the color with cool borders which have pictures of tables, balls, bats and even cards. This will make the room animated and bubbly.

If you have enough space for it, you can try dividing the room into two distinct areas, one for the board tables and one where you can watch the TV or where the kids can play video games. An interesting option is connecting all this to a home theater, to enhance the fun experience. This way you can have the whole family engaged and having fun, without one encroaching upon the space of the other. A jukebox is a welcome addition if you can afford it. A stereo and a karaoke unit will add fun and bring joy to you and your kids. 

An Art piece: 

It will settle a good atmosphere if you can get a good art piece or painting and hang it in every corner of your game room. However, if you find it expensive getting one, you can settle for a picture frame instead. You can scan your collections of magazine or posters old your favorite athlete or even movie poster. Just cut those and frame it. It will settle a modern atmosphere if you can get those latest posters from your collection. It is also cool if you can hang in one of the corners a bow and an arrow or even your old toy gun. You can also place a big wall clock or get a digital one so your room will look modern. And again, your dart board should not be absent.

A Bar area:

Small kitchen is good but a bar area is even great. If your budget still allows you to, this will set your game room into a perfect one-stop entertainment area. Place that mini fridge and stocks some root beer, soft drinks or juice for your girl friends and minors. Just place around a bar stools around. You can also place a flat screen television so you can watch you favorite show with friends or add a radio component if you love music.

A different option: classic and bustling themed game room

You have been infatuated by a game room with a classical and boisterous theme like those seen in the 1920’s. But you don’t want your game room to appear antique so you want to incorporate some modern twists so your room will still appear modern-looking while bringing you your desired 20’s feel.

If that is the case, you could try some of our home game room design ideas that will never run out of the thrill of the modern feel of the 20’s classical designs. Why you have to waste time on the neighborhood bar when you can have it right at your home? What you have to do is only to get that home game room space of yours ready for an instant makeover.

The over-all theme. First to put into consideration when thinking of your home game room design is the overall theme. 20’s classic is about brittle and bold colors. But be sure that the strong colors you are using should appear clean and “in” so you can still have your modern feel. Bold red or vivid green are some of the best options. You can also add some more basic lines or geometrical figures so your room will not appear bold boring. For the flooring, 20’s design is best achieved when you used floor tiles. There are wide selections of tiles in the neighboring hardware stores but make sure that you get the color that are equally bold to give you a consistent match with your theme. Vinyl tiles with geometric audacious designs would be a good choice. Black and white vinyl tiles that will make a check board pattern will give you the best home game room flooring. For your ceiling, just play with the color of your choice. For your lighting, hang a chandelier.


Having your home game room design is not a rigid illusion. What you have to get is only a pair of resourcefulness and creativity to do it.

You can invite your friends over and get their help in decorating the room. With the family members and friends joining in the whole idea of decorating the game room will indeed be a fun filled and exhilarating one!

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10 Benefits about Hoposo Muscular Massage Pistol

In this article you will find information on various topics about the massage pistol and other articles related to it. In this article we offer many resources for anyone interested in learning more about the Hoposo massage pistol.

What is a massage pistol?

The muscular massage pistol is a tool used to apply massage on the muscle. This is an easy-to-use and lightweight device that has a very simple design. It can also be used as a part of massage therapy. You can get muscular massage by using a massager pistol. It is useful for people who have pain in the muscles or joints. Using it will give you good massage on your muscle, joints and tendons.

What is a massage pistol for?

Muscular massage is the most effective treatment for chronic pain. The massage pistols has been designed to relax muscles, reduce tension, and increase circulation. It can be used in a variety of settings, including spas, clinics, medical offices, and private homes. It can be used on either an individual or couple.

Also, the muscle massager has a variety of uses, including relief from chronic pain, stress management, relaxation, and prevention of injury. It is also useful for maintaining muscle tone and preventing injury during exercise and sport activities.

Why do we recommend this brand?

  • It is very easy to use and can be carried with you wherever you go. This rechargeable massager battery has a capacity of 2200mAh. The working time varies from 6 to 8 hours depending on the use mode. It lasts for 30 days with a daily use of 10 to 15 minutes. It comes with a high quality bag that can contain all accessories to keep everything organized. The batteries weigh only 1kg, so it is easy to carry with one hand.
  • HOPOSO massage pistol is a great relief for muscular pain and promotes blood circulation. This innovative tool releases tension by going deep into tissues where pain is located. It is strong enough to go deep into tissues where pain is located, and it will also release the stiffness you might feel. It is used during rest periods, and it helps in recovery from injury or muscle stiffness.
  • This device has a maximum speed of 4800 rpm and has six massage heads; The massage speeds have been increased so that you can adjust the speeds for a more comfortable and appropriate massage. This pistol also maxes out at 4800rpm and has six different heads that relax different parts of the body and provide specific treatment for each muscle group.
  • This is the quietest and easiest to use massage machine: it makes a little noise during the use, so you can set a silent mode when needed. It comes with a powerful motor without the whiskers integrated and noise reduction technology. The heat dissipation function can prolong the lifetime of the massage gun by cooling the system and avoiding overheating.
  • This massage pistol is great for athletes, therapists, and anyone who wants to give themselves a massage. Also this massage gun is loved by athletes, therapists, and all those who have tried it. It is a great success.

I am a huge fan of this product. I think it's a great tool for both home and professional use. It has enough power to give a good massage, but it is not so powerful that you are going to hurt yourself or someone else. The best part is that it is very easy to use and it's very comfortable to hold. I bought this a while ago and I am still using it. I think it is the best massage tool I have ever used.

Overall, I think it's a great massager that can help you relax after a long day at work. It has several settings and is very easy to use. I recommend it to anyone who wants a good massager. I highly recommend this product! 5.0 out of 5 stars, a must-have.

Helpful tips

1. The massagers that come in the box are the ones that are easy to use.

2. You should keep your hands relaxed while using it.

3. It's recommended that you use a high-quality, professional-grade pistol.

4. You'll have to find a comfortable position and hold the pistol properly.

5. You should use it for at least 5 minutes each day.

6. If you're looking for a massage that feels better than a traditional massage, try it.

7. Use the right amount of pressure. Too much pressure can cause injury to the body.

8. You can also use it as a warm-up prior to a workout.

There are myths about the use of muscular massage pistols?

Next we will mention some myths about the use of these massagers, and we will comment on why they are not true.

1. "The benefits of using a mechanical muscle massager is not proven". It is actually proven that massage improves circulation and also improves your immune system.

2. "Muscle pain caused by muscle massage is a common complaint among men and women". Actually, muscular massage is beneficial for preventing or alleviating muscle pain. Massage causes muscles to stretch, which creates a feeling of being relaxed.

3. "Massage with a massager is bad for the muscles". Massage helps to reduce stress and muscle aches. It has a great relaxing effect on the mind and body. The massaging therapy is very helpful for those who work in a stressful environment.

4. "Massage will not help muscle injuries". A lot of people suffer from pain in their neck, shoulder and back which is caused by sitting at a computer all day. A massage is a great way to relax your body, relieve tension, ease stiffness and alleviate back pain.


What are some benefits of using a muscle massager?

Muscle massagers are great for relieving pain and soreness. The machine helps to strengthen the muscles and improve circulation. It also helps to relax, reduce stress and it's a little like a workout for your muscles.

What's the biggest misconception about muscle massager?

People think that you have to spend a lot of money on them, but they are actually very affordable. Another misconception is that they are just for muscle relief. They can really help with pain, but they are more for relaxation.

How does it work?

The massage machine uses a vibrating mechanism to stimulate muscles and increase blood flow.

How many muscle massages do I need?

You should start out by doing a few sessions a week and gradually work up to twice a week. Your body will adjust quickly to the new regimen.

Is a massage good for all ages?

Yes, a massage can help anyone. It's not just for athletes or people who exercise a lot. A massage is a great way to relax and reduce stress.

Does it hurt?

No, most people find that a massage feels great. It helps to improve blood circulation and increase lymphatic drainage.

Are there any health risks? 

There are no known risks.

How long does it last? 

A massage session lasts 30 minutes to an hour. After that time you can use your muscles again.

Is it better than other treatments?

Yes, it is better than most other treatments. You don't have to go to a spa or spend money on over-the-counter products.

Do I need to take anything before or after a massage?

You can use a muscle massager without any preparation. There are no harmful side effects. Some people use a muscle massager while they sleep.

What is the best way to use a muscle massager? 

Most people find that it's best to use them before going to bed or during the day when they have a bit of time to relax.

How often should I use a muscle massager? 

Use it as often as you can. The more you use it the more you will benefit.

How many muscles does a muscle massager work on?

It works on all muscles, but it's best for relieving pain in your back, neck and shoulders.


HOPOSO massage pistol is a great relief for muscular pain and promotes blood circulation. It has a maximum speed of 4800 rpm and has six massage heads. The quietest and easiest to use massage machine. It is great for athletes, therapists, and anyone who wants to give themselves a massage. It is a great success, and it is a great investment.

This muscle massager is ideal for relieving pain and pain. It also helps to relax, reduce stress and is a bit like muscle training. This machine uses a vibratory mechanism to stimulate muscles and increase blood flow. A massage session lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. After that time, you can use your muscles again. The more you use it, the more you will benefit.

You'll be satisfied with this product because it's been an amazing success for users, they're very happy with the product.

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The Perfect Christmas Decoration

Christmas is approaching fast and you never notice that it is Christmas season again! People are really fussing about what they will do and what they will use as Christmas decorations for the season. Most of the people settle on the traditional house set up like Christmas trees with different lights, their own version of nativity scenes and the likes. But of course, who does not want to be different and unique? If you want to make sure that you are not like them, your house do not look like theirs, then do not just settle with the ordinary house arrangement. You can try more exciting decorations and unique concept! You can make use of small table décor for Christmas and other things that can be found in your house!

Table decorations for Christmas:

You need not to spend big amount of money to have an original house arrangement. Squeeze all the creative juices in you and make use of your personal preference. Put your personal touch in designing your own house for you to appreciate the aura and ambience it produces. You can recycle things and decorations that you used last Christmas to save more money. Also, you can try different combinations of colors, figurines, and ornaments to have a more blasting effect. Revolve your house to one single theme to make sure that all of your decoration connects to each other. Also, make space for your Christmas gifts. This is where small table décor for Christmas comes in. You can also make the Christmas decorations with your kids, it is an interesting activity where you can spend time with them while they use their imagination to help you with the seasons decoration.

Small table decorations are perfect especially if you will use this is the place where you will put the gifts that you’ll give and all the gifts that you’ll receive. You can design any small, plain looking table to look classy and elegant. You don’t have to buy a new table especially if you already have one in your home. Also, it needs to be small t not eat too much space and for it not to catch too much attention.

Tips for Indoor Christmas Décor

The idea of Christmas decorations plays one of the most important parts for a Christmas celebration. People create their own ideas and share the joy of Christmas with their families and friends. Decorating the indoor does not have to be expensive or nerve-racking task. It is better to involve your family members and follow some fantastic suggestions.

In order to create a warm Christmas decorations, you can follow these tips for an indoor Christmas décor:

  • Gather all your favorite and much loved Christmas collections and exhibit it. The fond memories with the items will definitely boost your Christmas spirit.
    You can decorate all your indoor house plants with Christmas bells and ribbons and fasten it in your curtains. This will appeal the eyes of your visitors.
  • You can place a collection of Christmas and caroling books in the shelves and tables.
  • If your house has a staircase, you can always decorate it with beautiful and elegant ornaments, lights, bows etcThe fireplace can be decorated with lots of Christmas stockings. You can also add dolls of Santa, teddy bears and hang mistletoe.
  • You can dress up the chairs for the occasions with Christmas bows.
  • The pine cones can be filled up in the glass bowls along with the glittering Christmas balls and placed it on the tables.The entire space of the house can be filled with small Christmas decorations. You can also tie colorful ribbons on the doorknobs and hang garlands to windows and door frames.
  • To add some more Christmas spirit, you can light some scented candles or cinnamon sticks to create the magical aroma of Christmas.

These simple tips along with good food and music will create a very splendid atmosphere to live up with the Christmas celebrations.

Speaking of the budget, there are many merchants across the state that can help you especially if you have a very tight budget. They have different and wide choices to choose from. The designs vary from colors, textures to sizes. You can find what you want at the right price/ If you will buy ahead of time, most of the stores offer big Christmas discounts for you to save more and to buy more. Home designing has never been really a big problem provided you know what to do and where to find your needs.

Available discount Christmas decors in almost every store

If your problem is the cost of the materials that you will use, there are available discount Christmas decors in almost every store across the state especially if you will do your shopping ahead of time. Since Christmas is a long season that we look forward to that usually starts when September starts, planning your Christmas decoration for the year will really help you save more money. Also, you can make use of your previous decorations and extract your creative juices to fit everything together. You can also ask help from your friends to help you decide where to put something and what to do.

Decorating your house for Christmas is a really tough and tricky job. If you want your house to stand out and be original, stay away from the conventional home arrangement and use your own ideas and explore your imagination for you to arrive to the best house interior design. Always remember that budget is never a constraint! There are so many ways that you can choose from and it is really up to you how you will handle the situation.

So, now that you know what to do and what not to forget, start planning your Christmas decoration for the year and plan as early as now! If you really want your house to have a blast, make your home different from others! Start collecting your decorations, and buy discount Christmas decors for cheaper yet more elegant look of your house!

To sum up

So, do you want to celebrate Christmas in the perfect place? Better start now preparing for it. Set up your small table décor for Christmas to begin your house designing.

Feel the essence of Christmas at your home and prepare for the most awaited season of the year!

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Victorian furniture for your kids’ rooms

This blog has tips for parents on creating comfortable bedrooms for their kids that are stylish and inviting. You’ll also find guides on how to furnish a room with vintage style. On this blog, we write about various Victorian style furniture designs and share beautiful images of them. We’ll show you some amazing examples of Victorian furniture for kids’ rooms and give you a glimpse into what makes them so special.

A great way to create a beautiful and unique room for your kid is with the right furniture and accessories. The Victorian room is one of the most popular interior designs in modern times. The Victorian furniture and decorations will make a wonderful, creative room. Here you can find tips and ideas for your kids’ rooms, including everything from the furniture and decor.

About Victorian Style

Victorian architecture, as it is mentioned in the name itself, is an architectural style that flourished during Queen Victoria’s reign, during the 1800’s, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Victorian style is very much like another form of art, with rooms booming with elaborate and very stylish designs. Furniture are crafted with intricate designs, walls are very rich in detail, and even the art deco dazzles the entire room with freshness and elegance that brings the true atmosphere of a room in the Victorian era.

Victorian furniture is uniquely characterized by its smooth curved designs and intricate patterns. To get them around a children’s room you would have to consider the simpler, less ornate designs, designs that are durable enough such as large curves and reclining patterns.

The most common material used in this design is mahogany, which can be seen in many pieces of furniture. Another feature that makes Victorian furniture so special is its comfort. The style is very suitable for the smaller spaces, making it perfect for the children’s room. The soft lines and rounded edges of the chairs and tables make it easy to move around the room without a lot of effort. Another thing that makes this style of furniture so special is the fact that it is timeless. It is not just limited to the Victorian era but can be used in the modern era as well. You can use them in any kind of room, from your bedroom to the living room and even your kitchen. There are a lot of pieces of furniture that are available in the market that can be used in a children’s room. 

Follow these useful tips to decorate your children's room:

Today, Victorian room themes are still one of the interior design specialist’s choices in designing and decorating rooms. If you have kids, and you want to splash a tint of the Victorian era into your kids’ rooms, then try following these helpful tips:

There are many factors to consider when decorating your child's room. Your items and designs must be sturdy enough to handle all the hyperactive moments of children. The bedroom walls should be the first on your decorating list. Color is an important aspect when it comes to decorating a child's room, as certain colors or color combinations affect the overall mood of children. It is recommended that you choose Victorian-themed wallpapers that suit the necessary mood in a child's room. Today, you can buy affordable wallpapers at your local hardware store.

About Victorian furniture for your kid's room:

Chairs with large cushions on the back are usually much simpler in design than chairs with all-wood backs, not only are they more stress proof, but the kids would be able to sit better too. As for Victorian themed beds, you should concentrate on the pillow and blanket’s design. It is highly recommended that the bed’s skeletal structure should not be of Victorian style, a modern design would suffice, for as long as the bed itself is of Victorian style,

Other Victorian furniture, such cabinets and tables, can simply be kept as they are, as long as the furniture keeps its functionality over its complexity. Cabinets with glass pieces are not recommended as they risk being damaged easily, and are hard to clean once they get shattered accidentally. Carpets and other floor articles such as rugs and mats of Victorian design can also be kept as they are, in fact, they can be as elaborate and as detailed as they can be, provided that they still match the general color theme of the room.

In conclusion

There are many different ideas for how to decorate a kid's room, from the classics like Queen Victoria to more modern themes like Star Wars or Harry Potter. The first thing that you need to do when you start designing your child's room is to decide what you want it to look like. 

A Victorian themed room is not something that is out of reach for anyone with enough effort: A Victorian themed room for kids is not that impossible, if you just add some practicality to it. Remember that this decoration will create a special place in your home for your children and it'll also add a touch of style and elegance to your child's room. 

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How to paint stripes on a wall

Are you looking for a new and effective idea on how you can redecorate your home and make it look like a new house? Are you artistic? There’s this new trend in painting your walls and ceilings that will make really you happy with the outcome. Striping is not new to painters and to those inclined in arts. It’s a method being used to replicate wallpaper designs. Striping is often being use to reinvent designs and to add cool and vibrant effects in walls and ceilings. Modern houses are the ones using this technique, it’s very time consuming and requires details but it brings a good and lasting result.

Painting is one of the best decorating items you can put upon any room or the entire house. It inflects an intonation with the change of color and the whole new look. Painted stripes are the new trend that is used in a variety of interior settings. People living in older homes often tend to mixed it up with the paint stripes. The best part of this trend is that you can do it easily without spending a lot of money. It is one of the neatest paintings to come along.

There are some quick suggestions to paint stripes on a wall. Some of these are:

  • Knowing the right size of the stripes: It is important to know the size of the stripes otherwise it will hamper with the shape of the room. Go accordingly with the outlook of the room. One simple method is to measure it with the standard masking tape widths. It will give the accurate size which is best suited to the room.
  • The number and quantity of the colors: You might picture a whole lot of colors but do make sure that they compliment each other. You can select 2, 3 colors or more but the paint stripes looks the best with 2 colors.
  • Technique to lay out the stripes: You have to stripe down the entire room the same way you did when you wanted to hang wallpapers. Starting with a corner and working your way around the room from that particular point will give you a superior result. This way the starting point will be the finishing point of your painting.
  • Getting hold of a good masking tape: It is necessary to use a masking tape so that the end result will be easy and smooth. With masking tape, you can possibly get neat lines and a minimum amount of leaks will appear from the tape.

Play on Stripes!

If you want to give the impression that your wall is like a tattered silk, you can do it so by the use of whisking. What is whisking? It is basically a method of faux painting with the use of two colors-the base coat and the top coat. It is easy to do whisking as long as you follow the easy steps.

The first thing to do is to choose the colors that you are going to use. Always take in mind that the shade of the top coat will be more visible than the base coat so better choose the right shades of color. Remember to check if the top coat will complement the base coat to achieve that tattered silk effect. Upon choosing the colors to use, you must first try painting them in a piece of wood or any surface you can test on. You can check on how thick or thin your coating will be for each paint color. It is just a way of testing the coatings so you would know how to get the look that you want to achieve.

Once you are already done with the testing, you can now check on and prepare the surface that you are going to paint on. If it is your walls, you must be sure that it is clear and clean. You can also put some tape on the surfaces that you would not put paint on just to serve as your guide. Then, once you are ready to start painting, apply the base coat first. Be sure to apply the same amount on the entire surface to achieve that uniform shade. Allow it to dry first before applying the top coat. You must start on one side first then continue to paint the entire surface. Remember to get a brush and use it for cutting near baseboards.

You can now get your whisk broom to apply paint stripes. The area can depend on you but the usual plays around two feet. With the use of the roller, you can roll over the strip from top to bottom. Check on the texture of your whisk because it will take too much of your time going back to the entire surface just to paint over it again. Also, be careful so as not to overlap the stripes on the other parts to achieve that perfect tattered silk you wanted. To avoid leaving a mess with your walls, wipe off the broom before you go over the next swipe. Avoid using paper towels because they will only ruin your whisk paint. As with regards to the design of the stripes, you can play around vertical, horizontal or curve patterns as long as you know that the shade of colors complement with one another.

In conclusion

Redecorating your home is a very exciting and relaxing thing to do, you will be able to unwind and free your mind from stress by simply painting your walls and rearranging simple items around the house. You don’t need assistance, you don’t need professional back up, and you just need to work on your creativity to be able to come up with a nice and unique design.

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Inflatable Furniture

Inflatable furniture can be your perfect choice for your children

Inflatable furniture can be your perfect choice for your children because it can be used to play in the yard or play inside. They can also be used in camping or beach. Inflatable furniture can be used as a pool float, toys for swimming and as a beach chair. you can also choose to have an inflatable pool, water slides, basketball goals, trampolines, and other fun things. Also, you can put them in your kid's room. 

This furniture can be your best choice to give your child some fun, they provide your kids with fun and relaxation. Also, this product is a good choice for kids parties and family gathering. 

Inflatable furniture are very comfortable and safe to play. With the price and space, inflatable furniture are becoming more and more popular. You can choose to do this by yourself or to hire a professional service provider. 

There are several types of inflatable furniture : they are available in different shapes, sizes and colors.

10 advantages of inflatable furniture:

If you are going to buy inflatable furniture, there are certain factors you must consider. Here is a list of things you should keep in mind.

  1. They are easy to move around: These furniture pieces are so light-weight, that they can easily be moved around. It is a very convenient furniture, because I do not have to spend time packing and unpacking it every time i want to move it. 
  2. They are very easy to use: Inflatable furniture is easy to set up. Most of them come with pre-installed air bladders, and they are very easy to inflate. You just open the valve, fill the bladders with air, and wait for the air to leak out. You can also buy an extra air pump to make things easier. Once inflated, it's pretty hard to deflate the furniture.
  3. They are light: Inflatable furniture have a great advantage in that they are lighter than regular furniture. Inflatable furniture are light, you don't need to use any tools to inflate them and they are easy to store.
  4. They are durable and last long: Most people have never seen an inflatable chair or couch. But they're extremely versatile, durable, easy to use, and can be stored in the corner of your room for next to nothing. And because they're all made of high quality material they last a lifetime.
  5. They are very safe: There's a new product in town, and it’s inflatable furniture. It’s a little bit like regular furniture, but with a few notable differences. The first is that it’s very safe. It’s made from special foam, so it’s very strong.
  6. They are affordable: Inflatable furniture is a great way to have fun while saving money.
  7. They are eco-friendly: Inflatable furniture are environmentally friendly because they are made out of recyclable materials. They are made from plastic bottles and cans, which makes them sustainable.
  8. They are easy to clean: People spend hours cleaning up their homes after parties. They have to take out the trash, wash the dishes, clean the floors, wipe down tables and chairs, and sweep up the broken glass. But you can't always do this when your house is filled with guests and furniture. If you have inflatable furniture, just blow it up and let it air out. You don't have to worry about stains or dirt. When it's done, you can blow it up again and have a party in your house.
  9. They can be used as a pool float: If you're looking for an inexpensive way to entertain the kids this summer, inflatable furniture is a great option. It is a piece of furniture that inflates in just a few minutes. The best part is that it is extremely durable. You can use it in the pool or on the beach.
  10. They are a fun toy: Inflatable furniture is a new concept in furniture design. It's simple, it's practical, and it can be used just about anywhere. Most kids love inflatable furniture. The first thing they do when they arrive home from school is jump on the trampoline, or inflatable furniture. Also, it's fun for the whole family, and there is nothing more relaxing than sitting on a giant inflatable ball.

How to assemble the furniture?

Whatever you find in stores online for your child’s inflatable furniture, the next thing that you can do is set up the room where you will be placing these furniture. It could be in your child’s room or in the playroom that you prefer for your children to play. Setting it up can be real fun.

The next step is the furniture set up. Make sure that you have all the necessary things ready to set up your inflatable furniture. The next thing that you need to buy and should not miss is an air pump. If your furniture does not come with an air pump, you have to get one. You can find a lot of different pumps that you can use for your inflatable furniture. There are availble hand pumps that you can use. These are the cheapest pumps that you can buy, but it would really take time and lots of effort to blow that furniture.

Another choice for you is the electric pump which may be battery operated. This is a pump that you can use that would need less time and effort to have that inflatable furniture functional. The next step is arranging it around the room. Place the furniture whereever you wanted it inside the room. You can even let your children place it in the location they prefer and since this is lightweight, they can position it anywhere they want all by themselves.

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Leg Lamp

Buying My Own Leg Lamp With Decorating Visita Casas

Anyone who has had a chance to watch "A Christmas Story" will know what a leg lamp is. In the film, one of the characters receives a package containing his supposedly "grand prize". And when he opens the package, he finds his wonderful leg lamp.

The character flaunts his new leg lamp and between joy mixed with a little confusion; decides to place his new lamp in the ideal place to be able to always admire it. For those who have not seen the film, a leg lamp is not just any ordinary leg; it is a provocative woman's leg with high pantyhose and a high heel. So you can imagine how bizarre it is.

Decorating with a leg lamp, really?

Well, ever since I saw that scene, I've been yearning for a leg lamp to decorate the house; it all started, in fact, when I read the book "A Christmas Story" on which the film is based. But when I finally saw the real thing on the screen, I could no longer resist. Thus, the search for my own leg lamp for the house began; and I must say that what I found was wonderful.

Decorating with Creativity, the Heart and ... A Leg

When I think of what the decor has become for me, I am surprised for two reasons.

1) It is a business that pays very well

2) It's what I always wanted to do

Many times I talk to my inner girl and she sometimes asks me:

"Do we still play to decorate the house?"

To which I answer

"yes, we even get paid for it"

My first experience with the decor was with a doll house; a real big doll house. Being able to build stories through the little furniture was so wonderful to me; that I decided to make that my profession.

I know that I am fortunate because very few people can look at their inner child and say the same thing. However, I can; and it's all because I've never stopped dreaming and imagining.

For this reason, decorating with a leg lamp never seemed impossible; crazy?, yes, but never impossible.

I understood from a very young age that when we decorate; we must let our imagination fly and do it with all our passion and love.

Then why could not I include a leg lamp?

The truth about interior decoration

Decorating is a way of transmiting our character, a way of externalizing them through objects. The things we like, that define us; even our dreams.

All this we put it on one form or another in the objects that we choose, it is there in our clothes, our furniture and; of course, the lamps.

It was much later that the interior decorations began to be labeled according to their style, era and set of elements. I, in my eagerness to justify myself a decoration as "crazy" as my leg lamp; I wanted to find a reasonable concept for the decoration I had in mind.

It was then that I discovered the decorations inspired by cult films or simply iconic films, I realized then that; if they sell the costume of Princess Leila (you know what suit I'm talking about)

Why should I not have my leg lamp?

The decorations based on Tarantino films exist, are real and are beautiful. But if it does not seem enough, then I must also tell you that many offices (many); are decorated with the vision of the scenery of "The Wolf of the Wall Street".

So after convincing myself; I looked around and looked around several stores for a leg lamp. I was surprised to find that some leg lamps even offer a custom shoe option; do you like converse? I have a lamp with one on.

I looked at my options and finally decided to buy a classic leg lamp; that is, an exact replica of the one that appears in the movie (they sell it inside the same box).

And to buy it, made me feel very good for another reason totally foreign to the decoration too; the store donated part of its income to charity.

It was a wonderful and beautiful Win-Win.

Assembling the leg lamp

I finally prearranged my personal leg lamp. When the merchandise was delivered, I was delightfully surprised to see it packaged just like the one in the movie. The courier service did not seem to follow the handling instructions but thankfully when we opened the package, the lamp seemed to be in perfect condition. Now the only thing left you have to face up to was to assemble.

Assembling the leg lamp seemed awkward at first. Grabbing an object shaped like a woman’s leg in black fishnet stockings seemed very inappropriate. Thankfully, there was an instruction manual in the package which made the awkward assembly process much faster. I was now ready to light up my “leg lamp” in my very own home. Voila! The leg lamp lighted and I was very pleased. It had several specially-installed light bulbs which made the glow much sexier. It was impressive! Well, I was worried at first about finding replacements for these bulbs but phew, good thing there were instructions for this also in the manual.

If you are interested in buying your own personal leg lamp, go ahead and do it. It is an item you will never regret paying for. It is not just your ordinary house appliance, it is art. Anyone who will enter your home will first find it strange before being delighted at the sight of a leg lamp. Trust me; surely it will bring smiles upon faces.

Integrating the lamp into the decoration

Maybe you do not believe me, but once I had my lamp; I found myself in a very cumbersome situation "where do I put it?" I thought. After doing a bit of disaster in the garage when I was opening the box (I insist, it is the same box of the film); I had to decide where to put it.

In the decoration it is necessary  a balance between the elements, the orientation of the lighting is important; as well as caring for the volumes of the decorative pieces.

My lamp was a leg ... where could I put it?

Doubt invaded me for two days, but then I talked to my inner girl and I remembered that I had to decorate with creativity and with my heart

Do you know how I knew? For my inner girl asked me:

"Where did the man who gave it to the film put it?"

And from that moment, my lamp is right in that place where the energetic man decided to place his lamp; it is the perfect element, fits perfectly with the rest of the decoration!

For if I evaluate it with an insensitive eye, impartial and foreign to the cinematographic reference; the answer is no. But I assure you something: it highlights, you can't ignore it once you see it.

And a few are aware of why it is in front of that window precisely; but I know why I put it there. It is something that defines a stage of my life, something that I like and one of my achievements.

So when you want to think about a lot of theory about how to decorate, follow this advice:

Listen to your heart

Leg lamps everywhere!

I told you recently that I was marveled with what I found when I went out in search of my leg lamp; but I did not tell you why.

It turns out that my wild idea was not just mine; when I went to get my lamp I could see that more than one person is as crazy as I am, or at least they likes the same crazy things.

The leg lamp is in presentations not only with different shoes, but it exists in many sizes!

Leg lamps for tables next to the bed, even smaller versions and even; the one I like the most: Christmas lights shaped like leg lamps!

In addition to bracelets, woven sweaters, earrings, and many other things; I could see and realize something: the magic of decoration goes beyond the interior or exterior of the houses. The decoration is soul, music, no one imagines talking to himself on a white background.

We all have a decorator inside, only we do not train or specialize in that aspect; but I can assure you that we are all designers.

We design dreams, beautiful and not so beautiful, but in the end everyone is born with imagination; so if you want to decorate with something, strange as it may seem, do it!

I assure you that when you go out on the street to check if there is any place where you can buy something like this; you will be surprised!

And, if you really do not find it, then make it yourself, and whoever takes the surprise is the world!


17 Best ideas about Movie Party Decorations on Pinterest

Movie Theme Decor

Movie Theme Party Supplies | Movie Theme Decorations Amscan Hollywood Movie Themed Party Decorating Kit

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