
How to Eliminate Pet Urine Odor

Face it your family pet would already be perfect if only he was housetrained. But even so, there are some instances when your pet will urinate inside your house. When this happens, odor starts to build up and it can be hard to get rid of it. If you don’t know how to properly get rid of it, the scent will remain and your pet will keep urinating in the area. This is why you need to know how you can eliminate pet urine odor. Aside from being able to have a clean home, this will also stop your pets from urinating in your home.

While some people can just go to the supermarket and buy a regular cleaner, this cannot fully get rid of the odor permanently. In order to fully get rid of this problem, here are some tips that you can follow:

• Get rid of the soaps and cleaners you have already used. This can be done by using clean warm water. If your problem is your carpet, you can make use of a steam cleaner. Use water only and not any soap or rug cleaners.
• You can also make use of a quality enzyme based odor and stain remover. The product which you select for this should contain friendly bacteria so that the removal of the stain and the odor can be properly enhanced. The reason why enzymes are preferred from the other cleaners is because these can actually destroy the unwanted uric acid crystals which stick to probably anything. On the other hand, a cleaner can also mask or even cover up the odor problem.
• When using an enzyme cleaner, you should not scrub them. This is important since you are no longer required to drench the affected area so you can reach all of the uric acid crystals which can get left behind from your pet’s urine.
• You should not skimp out on buying a product as this will only cost you more money and time. If the stains and the odor from the urine become older, you may have a harder time getting rid of them. As such, you might even need to make use of a second treatment.
• If your pet has urinated on a piece of cloth, you can actually just leave it under direct sun for a few days as sunlight can kill the scent. However, you have to be careful with this as sunlight can also damage the color of the garment.
• You can also make use of a combination of vinegar and water since it has long been known to neutralize any scent.

Aside from using specific products to eliminate pet urine odor from your home, you can also consider housebreaking your pet. There are a lot of tips from the internet on how you can do this. By doing so, you can allow your pet to stay indoors with you without having to worry about the odor and stains that can get left behind when he urinates.

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How to Choose Under Cabinet Lighting

If you are a homeowner, it is important that you choose under cabinet lighting correctly. The reason for this is so that your kitchen can have proper lighting and will not cause a problem when you are using the room at night. In addition, there are also some places in your kitchen that don’t get proper light. Because of this, you will not be able to cut your vegetables properly or you can even get into some accidents in the kitchen.

The secret you need to know on how to choose under cabinet lighting can be overwhelming at times. This is largely due to the fact that there are so many different types of lights that you can now find in the hardware store, not to mention the several different colors. For this, here are some things you need to know about them:

• Types– The first thing you need to know about under cabinet lighting is that there are three basic types. The most common type is the stand alone since they are xenon, halogen, or fluorescent. A linear low voltage is composed of small strips with a small xenon or halogen light bulb. Lastly, the third is called button lights or puck lights. This third type is a small hockey puck sized light which makes use of either halogen or xenon bulbs.

• Size– This is the next important thing you need to consider. While sizes for this are usually the same, they can differ with every brand. Some examples of the available lights are the 13”, 18”, 21”, 30”, and 39”. When choosing the right size for your under cabinet lighting, you should not only choose the one which is the same as the dimensions of your cabinet. The reason for this is because you will normally have a lesser space than its full size. A good example for this is when you have a 30” cabinet. You might think about putting a 28” width light underneath so that the fixture can be mounted. When this happens, you might make do with a fixture which measures 21”. Just to be sure, you should make sure what the right size is before you buy the under cabinet light.

• Wiring– This is one of the last things you need to consider when you choose under cabinet lighting. You should choose whether you want a plug in light or the models which are hard-wired. However, when it comes to this decision, some electrical skills and knowledge are needed. If you don’t have either, you can hire an electrician to install hard-wiring lights for you.

Remember, it is important that you make sure you get an informed decision about the type of under cabinet lighting you will need. In addition, you also need to assess your Do-It-Yourself skills for this purpose so you can avoid unwanted circumstances. A poorly wired connection can cause fire to your home. If you want to be safe, you can always get the expertise of a professional so you can sit back and wait until the lighting has been installed.

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How to Fix a Damaged String Lights

Holidays and special occasions are mostly celebrated with the presence of light. Sometimes you would like to save money and use the same lights which you had used the previous year. However if the decorating string of lights are damaged, it can be quite difficult and unproductive. For this reason, this article is based on how to fix a damaged string lights. This article is for a person who finds it very frustrating when the glowing string lights get spoiled. So follow these simple steps and you can fix the problem of a damaged string lights and enjoy a good celebration.

One of the common ways to fix a damaged string lights is by making sure that the fuses are working well and to check the 120 volts circuit wires. To test the two circuit wires, you simply have to plug in a very small amount of 120 volt device into the end of the string while it is plugged in. After which you need to turn it off. If the light are turns on, it will mean that the wires are perfect. If not there might be a problem with the bulbs. This will mean that one of the fuses is blown. So before checking the fuses look at the strings first. If there is no damage, slither or slide the male plug panel open and take out the 3 amp buss fuses from their contacts. If they are spoiled, buy a new one from a hardware store and test the device again. It will work and the light will start to glow again.

Sometimes it can be the fault of the light bulbs so you have to check the bulbs and observe if they have a poor contact with the electrical sockets. If a bulb makes a low contact with the sockets, it will start to flicker and cause the whole set of 50 bulbs to go dark. Also, find out if the bulbs are burnt out or non working bulbs. If it is so then you can always replace new lights to the fused ones.
At the end of the day, a damaged string lights can be only through a bad wire, some blown fuses or few of the bad bulbs that tends to darken the whole string of lights.

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How to Choose Kitchen Colors

Your kitchen is the area in your home where you prepare and cook your food. Often, it serves as a venue for bonding moments with your family. You and your kids learn how to make special dishes and mouth-watering deserts in the kitchen while discussing school activities. Also, this area of your home functions as a space for good talks and good laughs with your friends while baking cakes and pastries. In short, countless moments are spent in the kitchen, most especially for moms. Regardless of the different activities you have in the other areas of your house, people always have the tendency to go to the kitchen. Hence, this is an area that should not only be maintained clean and sanitized, but should also stand out.

When planning designs for your precious kitchen, you surely want to have it done with utmost consideration and attention to details. You want your very important room to look the way you want it to be. You would, indeed, want to be careful in picking out the colors, too. Here are tips on how to choose kitchen colors with the purpose of helping you achieve your desired kitchen atmosphere that is as fresh and inspiring as a garden:
• Shades of red like the color of tomatoes and apples could be a good idea with some hints of black. Imagine a red watermelon with small black seeds on it. It could work well in your kitchen.

• If you want bright colors, you can do well with yellow, orange and green resembling that of lemons, tangerines and limes. These colors teamed up with wood flooring and white appliances can create a lively and fun place to be.

• Brown hues of countertops and wood floors combined with the color ideas of orange tomatoes, summer squash and green bell pepper provides warmth in the overall atmosphere of your kitchen.

• The deep color of purple like that of an eggplant could as well create a majestic feel in your kitchen, adorned with stainless appliances, dark countertops with crumbs or hints of purple or gray. The dark green color like that of the tip of an eggplant can mirror an elegant look when accentuated with deep purple highlights.

• Colors of an herb garden shouldn’t also be ignored. The ideas of using the color of herb plants’ various green shades like that of a basil, and light lavender hues of subtle blossoms can come up with a very lovely color scheme.

• Hues of the less bright colored garden harvests like the cantaloupe, cauliflower and corn can also be an inspiration in creating a distinctive color scheme, same with the colors of onion and garlic.

• The dark brownish color of the fertile soil on which various fruits and veggies grow, could serve as your prime color or you could use it as a subtle shade on which your other chosen colors can combine to.

Using the inspiration of a garden abundant in fruits or vegetables is truly a nice starting point on how to choose kitchen colors.

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How to Choose Exterior Paint Colors

The exterior design of a house means a lot to homeowners because it mirrors the overall design of the house. Likewise, the color scheme plays an important role in enhancing the beauty of an abode. And since first impressions last, so you better decide carefully on how to choose exterior paint colors for your house to make it look like a nice and comfortable place to live in. Sometimes, exterior colors could be a determining factor when buying or owning a home.

Choosing appropriate colors for the outer part of your house is quite exciting and kind of tricky as well. You must consider a handful of things to be sure that your colors would not be for naught, or would not earn negative comments from your friends, neighbors and passers-by.

As a color scheme proves to be a cost effective technique in transforming an old looking house to a more sophisticated and modern appearing abode, painting the external sections of your residence should be accompanied by some significant concerns like the following:
• The immediate area – Observe your neighbors’ interior color schemes prior to your choosing of paint colors. You surely don’t want your house to look like hell in the middle of a heavenly universe. Carefully ponder if your chosen colors would clash with those of your neighborhood. You need not copy your neighbors’ color schemes, the important rule is that yours should blend accordingly with their’s.

Light and gloominess – Inspect if your residence is surrounded by big trees and other plants that may produce shades from time to time depending on the movement of the sun. You may deem it necessary to adjust your preferred colors to a step darker or lighter to achieve the desired color scheme. This is because colors look like a little bit darker in shady areas while becoming washed out in spots directly affected by sunlight during daytime. It’s best to take a small piece of board and paint it with your chosen color/s, then put it outside to observe how it looks like during the different hours of the day.

• The landscape – Imagine what it’s going to look like if you have a garden of red roses and a swimming pool on the side, and you paint your walls with dark fuchsia pink or scarlet. It doesn’t matter if that’s what you really want, but there are varieties of color combinations to choose from, so why settle for the not-so compatible shades that will create a drastic contrast with your landscape?

• Color choices – Picking the right hue combination would be the final stage to consider on how to choose exterior paint colors for your house. Its safe to select two tones from a similar color group, preferably a lighter shade and a darker one. Apply the lighter shade for the most part of the exteriors and the darker shade for the accents, or you can do it the other way around. For a lot more drama, you can pick contrasting shades to highlight windows and doors. You could also associate your paint colors to some elements in your yard like stones, bricks, and roof color. But make sure they all blend well together and don’t hurt the eyes.

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How to Clean a Refrigerator

A refrigerator is a cooling appliance where food is stored and is used to reduce the rate of spoilage of food. It is the core of the kitchen. All families depend on it to store all perishable foods safely until they are ready to be used and cooked. Unfortunately, not all families know how to take care of their refrigerator like stuffing it full with food and forgetting about the leftovers. There are even spills from mayonnaise, ketchup or other liquid components of food that crystallize or cause stains inside the refrigerator. Even worse, forgotten rotten food inside can give off an unpleasant odor.

It takes time when cleaning the refrigerator. There is a specific set of instructions on how to properly clean a refrigerator since it is one of the many appliances in the household that needs to be handled with utmost care. Before starting to clean the refrigerator, turn off the temperature-control knob inside. If the refrigerator has a drip pan underneath, also remove it for cleaning. The next step is to take all the food and other contents out of the refrigerator. Properly segregate them by throwing away any food that is moldy or spoiled. Take all the removable parts out of the refrigerator, including the shelves, wire racks and drawers, etc. Place them all in the sink filled with warm, soapy water, hand-wash them, and then rinse them in warm water again. Let these removable parts drain in a dish rack, on paper towels or on newspapers.

Also, remove any food matter from the bottom of the refrigerator. Wash and rinse the inside of the refrigerator with a sponge or dishcloth and with warm water. Once this step is done, place all shelves, wire racks and drawers back inside the refrigerator. In addition to how to clean refrigerator, wash the outside of the refrigerator and the gasket with warm, soapy water, rinse and wipe dry. Once the entire cleaning is done, turn the temperature control knob inside the refrigerator back to the recommended setting and return the food to the refrigerator.

There are several easy steps on how to properly maintain the cleanliness of the refrigerator, like wiping up spills immediately and throwing out rotten food every week. It is necessary to clean the refrigerator to ensure the freshness and the safety of the food. Additional tips include cleaning condenser coils, which are usually located in the front of the refrigerator behind a metal plate near the floor, by vacuuming them constantly (like on a monthly basis) to prevent dust buildup. Also, one thing to take note of is by avoiding the use of harsh cleaners or rubbing pads in cleaning the refrigerator. Odor removers are also helpful in the overall cleaning of the refrigerator which includes toothpaste, baking soda, charcoal, and coffee.

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How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Having the right kitchen cabinets inside your kitchen area is a must for all smart homeowners. Selecting the perfect kitchen cabinets for one’s home is one thing while keeping them spotless and looking new is another. There are many handy tips on how to keep kitchen cabinets looking brand new and beautifully maintained. It takes a lot of time and effort but it’s very fulfilling to keep these kitchen cabinets looking good as new.

How to clean kitchen cabinets depends on how you schedule your cleaning. It can be a quick and easy task or it can even take the entire day long depending on how long it has been since the last time you cleaned them. The difficulty is that grease, food particles, smoke and anything else circulating through the air inside the kitchen area sticks to the kitchen cabinets, thus causing them to get dirty. A mild dishwashing liquid is suggested to be the most excellent kitchen cabinet cleaning product. Although there are many kinds of all-purpose household cleaner or even the natural remedies used for cleaning, a mild dishwashing liquid is more advisable because it cuts grease but does not create any additional buildup to make the kitchen cabinets feel sticky.

When cleaning kitchen cabinets, pay particular attention to the area around cabinet door handles and drawer pulls since these places are inclined to be the stickiest. Removing cabinet hardware before the general cleaning is necessary to help make cleaning around these areas easier. How to clean kitchen cabinets does not only involve keeping them clean but also making them pleasing to the eye. Thus, making them shiny by buffing them with furniture wax adds to the cleaning procedure.

The following are some easy steps to prevent a regular cleaning which is difficult to squeeze in especially in one’s busy schedule. Also, these steps will not only save time intended for cleaning but will help extend the life of the kitchen cabinets making them look as brand new as the first day they were bought. One tip is to immediately clean liquid or food spills in kitchen cabinets, especially if they are made of wood. Another tip is to pick up items rather than sliding them across surfaces to avoid scratches. These tips may seem ordinary but with a little patience and a simple cleaning routine, kitchen cabinets can be maintained in perfect condition for years to come.

Once the kitchen cabinets are cleaned, end the cleaning procedure by a periodic wipe down in order to not go through the entire process of cleaning again. A typical homeowner would opt for wood-made kitchen cabinets with a catalyzed conversion varnish since this type only needs to be cleaned occasionally by wiping the cabinet with a damp cloth and drying it with a soft cloth. In point of fact, it does not matter what your kitchen cabinets are made of as long as you keep them clean and tidy.

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Applying the Magic to Your Shelves

We all know that shelf liners can be very useful in our household. It can be your decoration and it can also be used as your glassware and dishes’ protection from dirt and many more. Shelf liners can be made of different materials. Examples of these materials are plastic, cork and coated paper.

If you’re still confused on how to place the shelf liners properly, here are the basic steps you can follow in order to have an appropriate aligning of your shelf liners unto different shelves or cabinets:
1. Determine first the different materials to use. The following are the materials we need for this project: tools, shelf liner, pencil, ruler or tape measure, straight edge.
2. Eradicate the materials placed inside the shelf or cabinet that you will apply your shelf liner on. Also, thoroughly clean the surfaces. You can use ammonia or alcohol. Cleaning the surfaces is important especially if you’re going to use adhesive shelf liners.
3. Measure the shelves and determine the sizes of shelf liner that you are going to use. Do not just rely on one measurement because some cabinets or shelves have a different measurement even if they looked like just the same.
4. Choose a shelf liner that is wider or more of the same size with the shelf or cabinet. Roll out the liner and let at least half of an inch of liner be longer than the length of the shelf itself. The extra length can be used if there will be problems regarding the shelf liner.
5. Cut the shelf liner to size. Draw a straight line and cut it. The width of the liner can also be cut depending on the size of the shelf that you are currently using.
6. Applying the shelf liner is not that hard. When you are using adhesive shelf liners, remove the backing so that the liner will be attached to the shelf at ease and with no difficulties. If you’re not worrying if the liner will slip off, you don’t need to remove the backing.
7. Place and fit the shelf liner. If there are excess, feel free to cut it. Now to apply, peel off a little bit of the backing of the back corner. Put the liner unto the shelf with of course, on the right position then press down the corners of the liner. You can peel off the backing while pressing down the liner to be sure that the liner will stick to the shelf.

Now, those are the easy and simple steps to apply your shelf liners to your cabinets, shelves and many more. Just follow the different steps if you still want to apply other shelf liners to your things. Don’t forget to place all things back once finished! Enjoy!

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Doorknob Decorations at its Best

When re-decorating our rooms, we usually overlooked at the simplest and smallest part of it. We’re more on the walls, the shelves, the door, but we never tried to decorate our doorknobs. Most likely, doorknobs are decorated by maybe only 2 out of 10 people. Likewise, doorknobs aren’t that hard to decorate. Designing your doorknobs can even make your room more elegant than before. With this article, we will be able to impart to you the different tips that you can use in decorating your doorknobs.

The first thing that you can do is paint your doorknob. Don’t use traditional or wall house paints because it can be easily peeled off. Try using metallic paints for the royalty look or even a textured look. Metallic paint is easy to dry so use your brush and paint quickly. Don’t brush with different strokes. It is better to use only one direction of the strokes especially that the metallic paint can dry easily. One coat can be enough but you can use two coatings in order to have a better effect.

After painting, you can put on other designs like stones. Put on masking tape and tape it on the knob. Let it be there until the paint dries. If you’re not using metallic paint, wait for the paint to dry and glue your accessories into the knob. You can also use different appliqués. Example of this is the different patterns like tulips, butterflies, ladybugs and many more. You can paint first the knob according to the kind of appliqué that you are going to use in order to have a harmonious effect on your doorknob.

You can use different accessories like metallic initials or monograms unto your doorknob. You can buy these accessories in your local markets. Make sure that whatever you’re going to use, it will be suited to the theme of the room. If the theme of the room is underwater, you can use a fish or seashell kind of design. Another thing that you can buy and use is a hanger. There are a variety of designs for the hangers. Some have designs like of a girl, a boy and many more. Other hangers are multi-functional because they can be used in holding your keys, holding a pad for your messages and things and many more.

You can do experimentation when applying your designs. Just make sure that it is according to your taste and theme for it may lead a disastrous effect to the overall appearance of your room. If you’re not into painting, you can apply different accessories that are available in the local markets.

There can be different designs that you can use for your doorknobs. It is based on you on which one will you do in order to have a new and improved doorknob of your own that reflects your very own personality. Good luck in designing!

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Basic rules on choosing your Toilet seat Cover

Choosing toilet seat cover for your bathroom may not seem important for many people. Some people may think that toilet seat cover is unnoticeable. This statement may not be true because toilet is the number one reason people go into a rest room or comfort room. Here are some of the most basic rules in designing your toilet seat cover.

• Upon designing your toilet seat cover, it is not necessary to match everything around inside your comfort room. Your bathroom mats don’t have to match your toilet seat cover. Contrasting shades may complement each other. This principle can also be applied on toilet seat cover. Examine the existing color on your bathroom before choosing a toilet seat cover.
• Experiment on the color of your toilet seat cover. Do not only stick on white, black, blue and green. There are a lot of unique colors available for toilet seat cover. One of the great places to hunt unique toilet seat cover is in the internet. Do not be afraid to use bold color on your toilet seat cover. Your bathroom will surely have a great impact on most of your visitors. Whether you like it or not your bathroom will leave the most permanent impression of your entire house. Your bathroom is the most public and personal part of your house. The best color for your toilet seat cover can be seen if you put some effort into it.
• Do not copy your neighbor’s style. Remember, that if you once saw it in your neighbor’s house, it most likely seen by everyone. Try to be unique and practice individuality when choosing the right toilet seat cover. Express your personality and identity when decorating your bathroom.
• Avoid using appliqué or beaded design on your seat cover. This kind of design is not a very nice idea. Sometimes beads can make irritating noise while lifting the seat cover. Do not use any kind of ribbon on your toilet seat. This can be very inconvenient for your visitor to maneuver around the bathroom.
• Do not use silk seat cover for your toilet. This can be a very expensive way of decorating your toilet seat cover; stains may stick on the satin cover and may require constant replacement.
• Bright colored and fuzzy covers are also very impractical. This can be suitable for your child or teenager’s bathroom.

You can be the most admired lavatory of your neighbor, if you will be very intelligent and bold in choosing the right toilet seat cover for your bathroom. Experiment on having different color rather than staying on the conventional color of many seat cover. Always be a wise buyer and go for the most affordable seat cover available in the market.

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How to Creatively Design your Door Knob

People tend to overlook the importance of a door knob in the overall appearance of their home. Just before thinking the right decoration for your wall and ceilings, don’t neglect the little things around your home, like your door knob. You can create an elegant door knob without spending your money on replacing them.

• The easiest way to change the overall look of your doorknob is to apply paint. Traditional wall paint is not the proper paint to use for your doorknob. Try to use some metallic paint of silver and gold look, or some of the dimensional paint available to add some texture to your old doorknob. Metallic paints usually dry quickly than ordinary paint. Use synchronized way of painting to have the best look when dry. Sometimes, a metallic paint requires only one coat.
• When using textured paint use a brush or a piece of foam to rub on your doorknob. After the texture paint has dried, just apply one more coat for much better result. Two coats of paint are sometimes better than one coat. You can embed something on the paint after the last coat before it totally dries up. You can embed rhinestone or buttons if you like. A one large stone at the center of the doorknob look nice. To be able to hold the stone while the paint is still wet, you can use a masking tape to hold the stone in place.
• Apply rub-on appliqués to brighten doorknobs at your bathrooms and bedrooms. You can use a butterfly pattern, starfish or even flower garden. Don’t forget to sand you doorknob before putting your rub-on. Check your doorknob before putting your appliqués package. You can also apply some paint on the doorknob that will complement the design of your appliqué. This is a good idea if you want to have a unique and creative doorknob.
• If you have a skill or hidden artistry, you can paint scenery on your doorknob. It can be a lake, a country road or anything you wish. The outcome of this style can be very unique and beautiful. If you are not a very talented artist you can always use some stencil to get a comparable effect.
• One of the most popular decorations for doorknobs is hangers. Hangers may com from different shapes of wood and foam. They just hang around on your doorknob and come with a variety of designs and styles. Some popular hanger designs are shells and stars. Others may have beautiful pad for leaving special messages.
• You can also purchased a metallic monograms that can stick at your doorknob. These metallic materials are available with different colors and designs.
• Try to incorporate different methods and techniques to make your doorknob more fabulous. You can make use of metallic paint and stick rub-on to decorate your door knob.

Some of the methods may not be suitable for your doorknob. Find the most suitable method for your doorknob by inspecting the kind of doorknobs you have at home.

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How to Perfectly Estimate the Paint of your Room

Have you ever tried painting your own room? The first thing that might cross your mind before painting your room is how much paint you will need. You may not want to end up with too little paint and failed to finish your room. Inaccurate calculation of paint may affect the overall appearance of your room. On the other hand, you may not want to buy too many paint and wasting all your money. Here is a very simple way to know how much paint you need for your room.

1. First, use a tape measure or any measuring device to accurately measure the overall footage around the perimeter of your wall and multiply by its wall height. Don’t forget to measure in feet. You will most likely need a help of a close friend or neighbor. Measuring a large area requires a lot of work.
2. You have to subtract the area of both windows and doors. Use a tape measure to get the exact length and width of the windows and doors. Multiply all these numbers to get the square footage of the window. To actually determine how much of the wall surfaces you need to paint you have to subtract the square area of each window. Then, add the definite square area that you have to paint to each wall. This will determined the entire surfaces of the room.
3. Know the exact wall coverage of the paint. You can easily see this information on the outside covering of the paint. A regular gallon of an interior paint usually has 350 to 400 square foot. This can greatly help you to pin point the exact amount of paint that you need to purchased.
4. Determine if your room needs extra coats of paint. If your wall has big visible stains that are hard to cover or if your previous wall has darker paint, you have to double the amount of paint. This will ensure a great coverage of your wall. One of the best options for you is to buy a tinted primer as your first coat.
5. Have an exact calculation of how many gallon of paint you should buy to cover the entire wall of your room. Just divide the entire square area of the wall by the number of each gallon of paint can cover. This can give you the precise amount of gallon you need to paint your room.

You can also hire a professional painter to do the work for you. Professional painters, most often one coat of primer paint for first coat and two coats of wall paint after. But this may depend on the quality of the paint. Some paints may only require one coat. Always remember to paint a primer if you are painting much lighter color over a dark one.

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Showerheads: To Be Newly Installed

Simple bathrooms only have a tub or a shower room, toilet and maybe a cabinet or so for brushing the teeth, looking at the mirror and such. However, there can be a new tool that you can add to your beloved bathroom and this is the hand held shower head. If you’re thinking that installing this device will take you a lot of time, then think again. Installing will be very easy especially if you follow this simple step by step procedure. Now, here we go!

First, like any other experiment, we should first gather all the different tools and materials that we will use in installing the device. If you’re thinking of what tools to gather, well, you need a Teflon tape, rag, adjustable wrench and a pipe-mounted handheld showerhead. Now we know the different tools to be used. For the next step, look at the nut of the showerhead. This is found above the showerhead. The flat sides help in unscrewing the showerhead easier and faster. Using the rag and placing it in the nut will prevent having the nut from having scratches. Next, loosen the nut by counter clockwise turning it with the use of the adjustable wrench. Remove the old showerhead and the plumbing tape and clean off the excess water found on the pipe.

After the removal, don’t forget to clean the pipe. For the next step, we’ll be doing the installation of the new showerhead. In order to do this, prepare the showerhead and wrap its end with the Teflon tape. Wrapping it with the tape helps prevent leaks but make sure that is tightly covered with the tape.

After taping, we can attach the new shower. There is an available instruction to follow for connecting the hose and the wand to the showerhead. After following those instructions, tighten (clockwise direction) the showerhead on the pipe with the use of the hand. Just make sure that you don’t over tighten it. With the use of the adjustable wrench, you can now tighten the nut.

After the installation, make sure you clean all the parts and dry it. You will need to install the trigger hanger which is located at the desired location you want. Just stuck it on the wall then press it firmly.
Voila! You now have a new showerhead! But, this is still not the end. Check if there are any leaks by turning it on. If there are leaks, make some revisions on the connections. The cause might be because it wasn’t that tight enough. Retest the showerhead. If there are no problems, you can now enjoy your newly-installed showerhead!

Now you know that installing the showerhead isn’t that difficult. Additional tip is that it is better to use the hand rather than tools. It is safer and faster. Well, enjoy your new showerhead. Have fun!

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Shelf Liners: your Magic in Disguise

Shelf liners are used for in different reasons. It can either be used as a design in your room makeover. It can also be a decoration in the different parts of your home like bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, etc. but of course, with a shelf or a drawer in that area. One advantage of having a shelf liner is that it can make an old cabinet or drawer looks like new even if you didn’t replace them. Another thing about shelf liners is it is used in order to line shelves. Shelf liners are usually made up of plastic, coated paper or cork mats. The usual purpose of having a shelf liner is that it is used to cover your shelves from dirt, and to prevent breaking the glasses and dishes on hard surfaces.

The usual width of shelf liners is 12”, 18” and 24”. They are 10 or 25 feet long. Past shelf liners are only made up of materials which were coated paper with a peel of a kind of cement. Example is the contact paper. Nowadays, shelf liners are made up of different materials which are made up of plastic and with a combination of rubber. This combination is able to provide a dry surface and it lets the liner be put onto the top of the shelf.

You can also be creative with shelf liners because they are available in different colors and patterns of course that are suited to be used in your kitchen or bathroom. Plastic shelf liners may be thick or thin. It can also be soft or pliable, stiff or even smooth. If you want more cushioning for your kitchen materials like glasses and dishes, a thicker shelf liner will be the solution. On the other hand, ribbed shelf liners are able to let moisture break out from glasses or dishes though dirt can also be gathered into one place. Moreover, do not worry because most of the shelf liners today are water-resistant and sturdy. If you want to test its durability, you can throw it out in your washing machine! Another good thing about shelf liners is that you won’t have a hard time cleaning it because they are very easy to cleanse.

Another thing that you determine in shelf liners is its adhesiveness. Adhesive liners are a bit hard to install and don’t forget that it should only be used on unpainted surfaces, vinyl, laminates, glass or metal. For the non-adhesive liners, it can be safe and easy to use because you can use it in many surfaces unlike the adhesive ones.

In using shelf liners, you need to use your creativity and practicality. If you live in an old house or just an apartment, you can use shelf liners in order to cover the different markings of dirt and soil found in your shelves which were used for a long peiod of time. They can also be used in dressing up your cupboards and clear glass cabinet doors. Truly, shelf liners are magic in disguise because it can make something old look new in your eyes and it can help your pocket too because shelf liners aren’t that expensive. Good luck!

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How to take care of black hair

The overwhelming majority of all the people in the entire world have black hair (with only Europe as the continent with the most number of people without black hair). It is widely viewed that black hair is the original hair color of the homo sapiens. Black hair is different from other kinds of hair in so many ways. They have their own luster and brilliance when it comes to its aesthetic properties, and black hair can sometimes dictate your nationality when paired with all of your other physical features. Along with these differences though, comes the difference in maintenance. There is a significant difference if you want to take care of black hair, like all the other hair types as well, and we are here to tell you some of its secrets.

Hairs a made up of fine single strands bundled together, and I know everyone knows that already. The thing that we forget to point out however is that hair is also much like fibers in a cloth. So, if you want to take care of black hair, you must first treat them like fibers in a piece of clothing. Treat it like a silk robe, shiny, elegant, beautiful, and most of all, fragile. Building determination and dedication are some of the things that you have to do first before you finally start maintaining your beautiful black hair.

Reduce the tangles of your hair in the morning in any way that you can. This includes tying it, plaiting it, wrapping it up with a cloth and so on. The technical reason for this is that you would have a less hard time in arranging your hair the next morning. This also greatly reduces the chance of your hair breaking, easily reducing the effort needed to do other hair maintenance procedures. Choosing a fabric that can reduce hair friction against the pillow like satin can also help a lot.

This can be quite unusual for some people to hear, but you actually don’t have to wash your black hair ever so often. A few soaps and even commercial shampoos have what we call glycerin, a thick colorless compound. Glycerin is a highly hygroscopic compound, which means that it absorbs water quite well. If you use cleaning products that have glycerin, you might want not to use them ever so often. While glycerin with water promotes moisture to the body, too much glycerin over water will actually dehydrate you skin and hair. Keeping your hair clean is very good, but keeping it moist enough should be the better priority.

A well-balanced diet can also help your hair keep its brilliance. Choose a diet that is rich in protein and vitamins, as these can reinforce your hair’s overall durability. You can also go for supplements if you want a more specific and pin-point way to infuse these much needed protein and nutrients into your hair.

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Protecting your furniture from cat scratching

We all have a lot of furniture that we want to take care of but unfortunately, our pets do things that can damage them, particularly our cat. Cats do this, not because they want it but it’s because of what their instincts tell them to do. They do this to remove their old claw sheathes and to mark objects with scent glands in their paws. But then, there are still a lot of ways on how we can avoid further damage to our furniture, without taking the drastic way of having our pet cat declawed.

You may buy a double-sided tape, any brand will do. Pet shops also sell a variety of this, especially made for cats to avoid scratching. Since cats don’t like sticky stuff, you may place a tape on the area on your furniture where your cat scratches the most. Eventually, your cat will learn to avoid scratching on it and if it does, you may remove the tape. If your cat continues scratching on another piece of furniture they you may place a tape on that certain part once again just to give your cat a reminder.

Use claw caps. They can be ordered on the internet or bought in pet shops. These caps can be glued to your cat’s claws and are made up of vinyl, used to protect any surface that the cat might try to scratch. These caps may fall off naturally as your cat’s nails grow, and then you can place another set just to assure that your furniture stays safe from cat scratching. You may keep a scratching post beside the furniture that your cat likes to scratch. Experiment and observe on the textures that your cat loves to scratch. Some prefer carpet, while other may prefer word or cardboard. When you see her getting ready to scratch the sofa, redirect her immediately to the post. When you have placed a tape on the furniture, she will automatically redirect to the post.

Trim your cat’s nails regularly. Just be consistent and patient on doing it until your cat tolerates it. Buy a pair of cat clippers and include it in your daily routine to trim your cat’s nails. If you have accidentally cut your cat’s quick while cutting her nails, you can use a commercial powder, or a cornstarch to stop bleeding. Though it may seem tempting to have your cat declawed, don’t do so for it will cause behavioral problems on your cat. It will be painful for her and she won’t stop the urge to carry out a scratching behavior. It’s much more effective if you will just give her other alternatives for scratching because even though a cat is declawed, she can still cause damage by scratching even with her paws alone.

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Home Theater

Quality Entertainment Center: A Big Investment

Many homes have their own entertainment centers. Entertainment rooms are good especially if you want to have fun and bond with your family. The only problem is, it can’t be much afforded by many people. Entertainment rooms are quite expensive especially that we are into recession. If you’re still into purchasing one, here are the following tips you can follow in order to have a great buy!

It is very important to consider the budget for the entertainment center. Of course, it should be big enough especially if you want to place many things inside it. In choosing something to place inside your entertainment center, you need to consider the size of the room. It is quite useless if you’re going to buy a humongous television set but it takes up three-fourths of your room. Advantage, you have a great television set. Disadvantage, you can’t even move inside! Remember to purchase something that is applicable to the size of your room.

Determine if the entertainment center will be for purely entertainment or just a room wherein your family can do bonding. Also, make sure to have spaces for seating (places for tables, chairs, sofa, etc). Now, for the design of the room, if you want a traditional entertainment room, you can have a wooden-theme. You can use different wooden shelves or displays. This can be uses as a holder of your CDs, VCDs and many more. You can also use cabinets and place your television set on it and it will also be part of the decoration. Determine what kind of wood you will use. Woods like mahogany, pine, oak are the top choices. If you want the best quality, prefer the expensive ones.

Modern kinds of entertainment centers are quite expensive. You can search inside the malls or you can do your research on the internet if you want to look for it. They can give you the best buys and you can determine what kind of design you will like for your own.

Another thing that you can do is you can buy a pre-used entertainment center and make it into your very own. You can paint and design it yourself and it will save up a lot of money for investment. Just make sure that it is strong enough to last for the years because some entertainment centers will just last only a year or so. Be keen on the details. If you’re looking inside the mall, ask the sales person about the quality. Do some research on the manufacturer and ask for different feedbacks of the ones who had already bought it. There’s nothing wrong in being keen on details right?

Make sure that you’re investing your money on the right equipment. If not, you’ll just be wasting on something that you haven’t had the time to use. Also, consider the functionality. Is it that important? Budget and choose wisely!

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